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Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Lythrilux - 02-08-2018

Welcome back to the next episode of Lythrilux Talk.

What does the community think of official faction approved events that have outcomes determined by the players?

I don't mean that OFLs pre-arrange for a to lose x and b to gain y. Instead, an event - of some kind - is created where if a certain criterion is met by a faction or players, it results in an official development of some kind, with one or more parties either gaining/losing/doing something post-event.

I'd like to see a discussion on this, please. What are your thoughts on such events? Have you taken part in them before? Do you have any suggestions or ideas?

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Jadon King - 02-08-2018

I'd say it's... good in moderation.

Honestly I can't think of a better way of saying it or a reason to go off on a long winded post.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - PKPower - 02-08-2018

This sounds like quite a bit of dev work that could result in even more dev work. I mean there is a high probability that the outcome of such an event would result in changes that needed to be implemented in-game.
I sure do like the idea that a faction can influence its story directly, instead of the faction leader having to wait for a story dev to approach them with an idea for a story development they may or may not like.
Then again if you take into account how many official faction we have, everyone would have to wait an eternity until it's their turn to have such an event created by them. Still, I think if it was implemented like described (or in a similar fashion) it might be a cool addition.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Arant - 02-08-2018

This requires cooperation and understanding on all levels of those involved in such a thing, from the highest ranking leader to the lowest recruit. Everyone needs to be in on this and everyone needs to be happy with what may come if an "either/or" scenario happens.

Seldom, not everyone knows (99 to the 1 that's out of the loop) or not everyone's happy/willing to consent to something as simple as advancing the role-play without bias and ego getting in the way. The idea is always great on paper but when put into action, if not fully enforced and monitored by a mod in-person during such an event, it would/could/may avalanche into a situation where because A did this, B should do this; which was not the intention of the initiated event in the first place.

If official powers get involved, one or the other accuses the other of one thing or another because they have video proof, screenshots, and links to threads that seems someone or another didn't know about so it isn't counted.

TLDR; Great idea. Needs 100% commitment on those official factions involved. Everyone needs to back it.
Addendum : God damn it I went on a long-winded post.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Sand_Spider - 02-08-2018

I'd personally love to see this, especially in Bretonia. I truly want to see some progress on the Bretonia/Liberty side of the war for a change. I don't think Gallia has lost ground to either House once, and I think it's about time they did. But, that counts on the success of player-driven actions on the defending side.

That's what I love about Discovery so much - I've seen evidence of players leaving their mark on the mod, either temporarily or permanently. Take a look at Omicron Minor - That system will never be the same, and it was all thanks to player-driven actions, for worse or for better. Having it featured more frequently would make player actions have more meaning to them.

I think there's a balance to be had here, as I know some players/devs (In the past, at least) don't like players having full reign to control the direction of the mod/lore. A compromise would be neat - Have the mods come up with two possible storyline directions, possibly consulting two or more OFLs for advice, then create a single, or even a series of events around the story. The outcome of the event(s) would decide which direction the storyline would flow. By doing this, you promote synergy between the Devs and the Players.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - oZoneRanger - 02-08-2018

I have suggested in another thread along these lines, that war zone advancements, take Gallias Blitzkrieg all the way to California, be made according to how well supply lines are defended. The simple example would be this...

A Derelict station is placed out side of planet Leeds. If it gets an X amount of Y commodities delivered during a set amount of time, the Station is advanced 15k towards a jump hole. If it does not get those commodities delivered in the set amount of time, it goes back 15k. The better supplied side moves the military ZOI. If it gets pushed back beyond in this case Leeds, then the supplying of that station now goes to the opposing side in this case Britannia.

I have thought of different variations of this idea, and it is a concept that can be elaborated on. Each house could get one advance-able "War Base" for example with a set of rules governing the placement/advancement/retreat/destruction/rebuild of the "War Base". This idea would need input and thought from a larger group of people, with the objective of making the "Front Line" battle aspect of the story lines, more dynamic and fluid and reflective of in game play.

It needs more thought put into it than I am willing to bore you all with in one post, but I think it could work easy enough.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Karlotta - 02-09-2018

Based on past experience, I think it's likely to result in even more drama about fairness and unfairness in fights, even more dev work that doesn't really benefit the community/gameplay as a whole, even more faction leaders who think the devs owe them something just because they put a lot of work into it themselves, and even more bad developments instead of good ones.

Developments should be made because they are beneficial to the mod, not because some factions or some players want to expand or "make a mark" on the mod. I don't think there's really been a development that was really decided by the outcome of player actions, although some attempts were made to paint some developments that were wanted by factions as the outcome of pretty much pre-determined outcome of an event. There are three events I can remember, which had some positive temporary fun elements, but bad results overall:

1: Fall of Toledo. The most fun event I partook in. But it wasnt fun because the participants thought they were making a difference, it was fun because of loosened engagement rules and a duration of several days, and also a little because it had the feeling of being "historic". The development that "resulted" (it didnt really result from the event because the outcome was pre-determined), however, was a disaster for the omicrons and the factions that were striving for the development. It pretty much killed the omicron activity for all the factions involved, and is a prime example of damaging faction-driven developments that had negative results that we still feel today. Playing in the event itself, however, was great fun.

2: Gallic invasion of the Taus as GRN and CR and allies. I personally thought it was a hilarious event, but not everyone did. I think the Gallic organizers wanted to make it look kinda like the Gallic annexation was the just outcome of a fight (while it screwed over the CR), but it backfired dramatically for them. Even though Gallic side had their ships buffed by the admins for this event, the community overwhelmingly sided against GRN and Gallic progression, and the GRN screamed bloody murder and how dare people and so and on so forth. In the end there was drama, rage-quitting, one faction trying to screw the other faction over, and the faction who wanted to screw the other over getting screwed over by the community but still getting their way anyway. Some parts of the drama were truly delicious from my personal perspective, but overall it was pretty bad. I think that similar drama will result again when one side thinks its being super clever and tries to screw the other over and the losing side gets mad.

3: Some shenanigans where Freeport 1 Zoners fought against Rheinland and Rheinland got "punished" by losing a Battleship in Hamburg to Liberty. I didnt really understand what all that was about, but the "development" really seemed to have negative impacts for people who had nothing at all to do with the event, which may well happen again.

What I could see as potentially fun is when a development that happens for really positive gameplay and storyline progressions is accompanied by an event that lasts several day, and parts of the player actions are commemorated in infocards (such as mentioning player ship's or sub-factions names and actions, as long as they're really worthy of being mentioned). But we shouldnt be putting more work on the devs' plates when there is so much other really important stuff to do, and we shouldnt be forcing them to make developments that are good for one faction but bad for the mod.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - sigmoidkilo - 02-09-2018

(02-09-2018, 12:21 AM)Karlotta Wrote: What I could see as potentially fun is when a development that happens for really positive gameplay and storyline progressions is accompanied by an event that lasts several day, and parts of the player actions are commemorated in infocards (such as mentioning player ship's or sub-factions names and actions, as long as they're really worthy of being mentioned). But we shouldnt be putting more work on the devs' plates when there is so much other really important stuff to do, and we shouldnt be forcing them to make developments that are good for one faction but bad for the mod.

I had a long drawn out response typed, but decided I didn’t want to post it. The short of it - devs would have to decide the events. Now that I’ve read this, I think your idea is better.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - HuggieSunrise - 02-10-2018

karlotta sums up everything i would possibly say only with my added experience in over.. 8 or more years with my own playerbase in another community alltogether the drama will be hard and will be huge. unless and i mean.. this only worked half the time. that the people running / judging events rotate and change and are usually considered impartial.

Dynamic and static goals included its not going to matter. But i dont believe that is a reason in of itself to not do it.

RE: Community Thoughts On Official Events With Player-Determined Outcomes - Thunderer - 02-10-2018

inb4 the XTF claims Sirius.

This also encourages the worst kinds of dishonest behaviour. Imagine a Core vs Order event done like this. Everyone would log for the Order, ubergank the Core, and take over Yaren.