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Announcing my return... - Printable Version

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Announcing my return... - wrathkin - 01-27-2009

First of all, if you are one of the players I left hanging when I quit without a word or notice - I'm sorry. I burned out. Real life responsibilities and the increasing responsibilities in Disco reached the point of fatal incompatibility.*

There were many reasons to this - the recruiting for the KSP was hard, and while the reception of the faction was great, I felt that the bitching on ship classes from the peanut gallery was leathal and nobody that wasn't already overcommited wanted to fly a LF.
I got almost no in-game time (well known faction leader syndrome), and the bitching took more energy than the credit gave.

My beloved Zoners got increasingly organized and militarized with increasing Harvester presence. I felt I could not mesh my view of Sebastian Wrath with how I wanted to play the game - Seb would seek and destroy the Harvesters, but hunting Talarca's is only fun for so long.

None of this was anybody elses fault, but it all conspired to suck the fun out of the game for me, and one day it was just too much. I closed the ever-open board tabs, chats and uninstalled Freelancer, and I was happier for it. Like, real-life happier. That's how much I had started to invest into the game, and that is perhaps just a little bit crazy (surpised? no, didn't think so).

Mal, I'm sorry for quitting in the middle of a RP thread where I think only you and I were still active.
Lotek, and everyone of the KSP and the factionized folks of Kusari - I said something just before the KSP proposal was posted that I'm not really fit to be a faction leader (but then I still wanted KSP to be my perfect gem so I went ahead anyway). I think I've kind of made my point, although not in a way I would have wanted. I'm truly sorry for not quitting with greater grace.

During the last two months or so, the urge to check in on Disco grew strong. I started checking the board, and a while ago I re-joined the server and the forum under a new name (John Johnson) to see if it still was as fun as I thought - and it was (my PS3 thinks I hate it now...). Extra kudos to the guys at Synth - of course John will stay in Synth, because trading is more fun with angry farmers breathing down your neck.

I will apply to (re-)join the KSP and TAZ, and try my bloody best to stay away from responsibilities I don't have the free time to handle properly.

Lastly, a warning for all of you - don't over commit, don't forget what is fun about the game, and most importantly of all: give credit to the people who make factions and politics work. They sacrifice their fun for the Greater Fun™ of the community. Oh, and if you feel the need to step back on your commitments, do while you have the energy to to it with grace instead of crash and burn.

takin' it slow from here,

*Yeah, 'point of fatal incompaibility' is a well-known concept. It's a concept. Well, now it is.

Announcing my return... - swift - 01-27-2009

Welcome back, person that was here before me. :)

Disco Freelancer is a vortex you can not escape from hehe.
And you have a point there, being in a position where you just take orders and have fun is better.
There's hard work in being a higher ranked member of a faction, even if you're just a person like me, not leading it, but just caring too much sometimes.

Have fun playing, and playing only. Welcome back.

Announcing my return... - Stoat - 01-27-2009

Welcome back to the asylum Wrathkin. I hope you remain stress free.

Announcing my return... - Joshiee - 01-27-2009

Welcome back Wrathkin! We all wondered were you had gone.

I certainly do relate to your statement about putting lots of effort in and It kind of taking over your life and sucking the fun out of the game.

Announcing my return... - Etaphreven - 01-27-2009

Welcome back, Wrathkin.

Announcing my return... - Malaclypse 666 - 01-27-2009

Quote:I will apply to (re-)join the KSP and TAZ, and try my bloody best to stay away from responsibilities I don't have the free time to handle properly.

What responsibilities???

The Harveys quit shootin' at the TAZ some time ago, Seb. Now we're back to stirring cabbages and keeping riffraff from shooting up Freeports.

Lots of Pineals out there still need shining, bud. Get yer butt back in those Pope Robes.


Announcing my return... - Vape - 01-27-2009

Welcome back Wrathkin

disco is stilll the same chaos is used to be

Announcing my return... - Captain - 01-27-2009

welcome back, I missed you, not much fun when your alone in a wyrm

Announcing my return... - Angelfire - 01-27-2009

Welcome back. Eat Cheese sauce with your cabbage, it takes the edge off!

Announcing my return... - Zelot - 01-27-2009

Welcome back there. Good to have people returning to Kusari.