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Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Loyola - 02-21-2018

[Image: 2tfW8RB.png]


In the name of Launa Loyola, leader of Loyola familia, Jared Nomak and his people are ordered to cease all hostiliеs against Freeport 11 and Zoner community as the whole. Loyola family will only fight against the enemies of Malta and those who stand up against us. Once again I would like to confirm that we are looking for the peace and prosperity in Omicrons.

Conflict was caused by a number of impulsive individuals and did not have any systematic order. I call leaders of the Confederation to reconsider their politics towards the Commune in light of current standing orders. My best hopes that new Guildmaster of the Core will do his best to keep stability in Delta.

- Enma de Loyola
Heir of Familia

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Keller - 02-21-2018

[Transmission Begins]
From: "Krsnik"
To: Public Channel
Priority: None

Enabling video-feed
[Image: dSFnNvw.png]

[Message Begins]
Damage control? Really? At least now we know that the dog that threatened the Freeport acts under your orders. My personal recommendation would be to find a new associate, your current choice is more of a blunt instrument, incapable of being perceptive about the subtleties of politics, this naturally reflects negatively on you, in fact it makes you look like a fool if this third rate brand of thugs are your choice of enforcers.

Once again your coat has seemingly changed, and the only thing you act for is your own agendas, not the stability of the region. Such grave threats against the Freeport should not be brushed aside so lightly, I urge the Confederation and the administrator to do the opposite of what this excuse of a woman has just advised.

When barbarians threaten to burn away your home, one does not turn and offer the other cheek.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Megaera - 02-21-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Megaera
Encryption: High
Subject: Really
Establishing Video Feed

But... I was just starting to have fun with this...
How about you mind your own business, before you become mine.

Transmission Terminated

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Lythrilux - 02-21-2018


»ID: Nathan Archos
»Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
»Subject: Delta

Once again The Core shows it's superiority at bringing stability to the Omicrons and protecting those within the Imperium. A victory for Omicronis.

-N. Archos
Supreme Guildkeeper, The Core


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Loyola - 02-21-2018

[Image: 2tfW8RB.png]


as you should know, I was not able to control all business due to a small incident in Taus. I did act under coat of my family whole time and we will not ashame Malta. I did way more than you to bring peace to Delta and Zoner do remember that. Right now you act as a provocateur, which is to be expected. You and the Order are inspiring Zoner community for a war for years and Zoners will not fall for the same trick twice.

- Enma de Loyola
Heir of Familia

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Aazalot - 02-21-2018

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]

Alright i will make this very Clear.

We of the Confederation are not changing our stance on the Commune, especially Nomak. We want nothing to do with the Commune and they are not welcome near any of our installations.
The "Light of current standing orders" means nothing, it does not make up for the threats made on Freeport 11 by Nomak. Throwing around an NEMP launcher is not something that is taken lightly nor is pirating supply ship with relief supplies.

Lets not forget to mention the "conversation" i had with him whilst he some how had control over a group of Nomads having then flank me, ready to take my life if i refused to listen.

So no, we will not be taking any other stance about the Commune other then being hostile.

This is my final word on the matter.

Jerard Voncloud. Joint Head of the Confederation of Freeports.

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Loyola - 02-21-2018

[Image: 2tfW8RB.png]


alright, before I proceed, you will answer one question. Does not make up for the threats made on Freeport 11 by Nomak? NEMPs? Pretty sure I have seen Golanski around Freeport recently. Let's take a look at this:

[Image: 0bf528398aed56229ad3347840688202.png]

It is the document leaked by former Administrator Akibara, who was forced out of his position by terrorist demans. It did have a certain signature below it.

[Image: 2936d5b66fe5c80b47d375bcc1580620.png]

Now, before we proceed, I expect you to exlain to the public. Why did the Golanski is being welcomed by you, while he did made way more insane threats and actually did attack the Zoners with the heavy armour?

- Enma de Loyola
Heir of Familia

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Aazalot - 02-21-2018

[Image: Von_Co_F.png]

The Reason the Order and also the Core who have even fired an NEMP on the Freeport are welcome at present are due to the fact they both fight a common enemy.

The Nomads.

The Commune have shown to support them, and Nomak has show to apparently have some sort of connection to them, not something that can be ignored.

J Voncloud

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Loyola - 02-21-2018

[Image: 2tfW8RB.png]


so you say that my orders to not attack the Zoners are not needed? It's a matter of minutes to revoke them. Peace cannot work in one way, senor Voncloud. That's a simple truth that you definitely should know.

- Enma de Loyola
Heir of Familia

RE: Omicron Delta :: Open Channels Transmission - Spectre - 02-21-2018

- -- -{ Transmission Initiated }- -- -

[Image: J7cHtFH.png]

[Comm-ID]: Vex Upsilon
FP-11 Defensive Fleet
[Receiver-ID]: --

[Location]: C.V. Ahkmim, Omicron Delta system

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong


The fact of the matter is that Golanski, as much as hate the bastard, didn't stroll up to the Freeport making demands with a Nomad fleet at his flanks. Your pet in Nomak has done nearly as much as that puppet Admiral in terms of threats, but with the added bonus of letting us actually know first shot that he's a bloody Nomad supporter/infectee. I'll let you know first hand that the Order is still hit or miss within the no-fire-zone, with obvious exceptions, and that it's still nothing compared to the real threat now looming on our doorstep.

If you want to publicly denounce him, go for it, but I'll let you know here and now that regardless of your advice, the Freeport 11 Defensive Fleet will not stand down in the face of danger, and Jared Nomak will be seen one day hanging from a pole on the front of the station.

You mess with the bull, you get the horns. End of story.

- Vex Upsilon
C.V. Ahkmim

- -- -{ Transmission Terminated }- -- -