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[KNF-E] Exploration wing - Printable Version

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[KNF-E] Exploration wing - Joshiee - 01-28-2009

[Image: explorerlogo3-3.png]

General information

[Image: 200901271421-1.jpg]
The Kusari Naval Forces Exploration wing was created on the 8.3, 817 A.S by Chusa Yoshi Sabayai. The primary objective or role of the wing is to conduct expeditions and missions to improve and expand "Kusari's Horizons". The work of the KNF-E not only benifits the immediate KNF but also the Kusari people.

Missions may include:
- Kusari Relations
A mission based on improving relations with a certain faction or group. Also reffered to as diplomacy.
- Investigation
A mission based on investigating a specific rumour or confirm reported intelligance
- Rescue
A mission related to the rescue of a vessel/vessels
- Acquisition or trade
A mission based on the acquisition of certain goods or exchanging of goods

Finally the other being pure exploration via planned expeditions.

Rules and regulations
[Image: bannerbeta5.png]
The KNF-E will:
- Conduct themselves with honor and dignity.
- Always try and find a peaceful alternative. The KNF-E will usually not engage, they will either flee or use dimplomatic action.
- Respect the laws and rules of other factions and systems.

The KNF-E will not:
- Forcibly or without permission, obtain information or dock at specific stations, planets or ships deemed to have classified or important criteria. I.e. Equipment or people.
- Enter Brentonian space.
- Participate in the current war between Kusari and Brentonia.
- Tip the power of balance in a battle by helping a specific ship or goup so that they have a particular advantage.
Two vessels are attacking one vessel. If requested; I.e. distress call, the KNF-E ship may offer cover fire or a shield so that that one vessel may get away saftely. However if in the case of GC and Blood dragons, the KNF-E will generally not help, because of the fact that they would usually be attacking Kusari targets. The KNF-E will always try to help those in need; regardless of if they are perhaps not on the friendly side of the Kusari. (This is however void if they are attacking Kusari targets),

The Kusari Explorer (The vessel used by the KNF-E)
[Image: Kusari-Explorer-x003.png]

Detailed information regarding the ship and equipment can be found here.

Kusari Explorer history and information:
The first ships of this type were built in 490 A.S., a Period of time where space exploration was considered very important to the House of Kusari. However during the past few years, the period of active space exploration came to an close and most of them were decomissioned. The reason behind this may be related to a greater need for the protection of Kusari space due to the war. However several of these vessels still remain in service of the Kusari Naval Forces under the new exploration wing.

The Kusari explorer is more than capable in battle with a power array and weapon system(s) similar to a Kusari Gunboat, however slightly more armor. They are reliable enough to spend months and even years conducting missions alone with a small crew onboard.

Additional information

- Wing structure and size
The size of the wing is limited to a certain extent, perhaps around 5-9 .
The wing comprises of a Leader (Explorer-Class vessel), Co-Leader (Explorer-Class vessel) and Exploration Officers (Explorer-Class vessel [Limiited to one] and Wyrm-class vessels).

- Naval Forces Oversight Committee
The KNF-E is under continuous scrutiny by a Kusari forces oversight committee known as the KEC (or Kusari Exploration Committee). The KEC has a say in the the Exploration wings members, procedures, and expeditions.

- Reports
Reports from the KNF-E can be found here aswell as Delta communications.

- Current members:
Shown on the KNF Roster

- To lodge an application:
Please visit the Exploration wing den (Kusari Naval Forces Delta communications login required) (Obviously to obtain access to delta communications one must be a member of the KNF and achieved the rank of Daii)

[KNF-E] Exploration wing - Kusari Uchugun - 01-18-2012
