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Wildes of Rheinwehr cause trouble again - Printable Version

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Wildes of Rheinwehr cause trouble again - Lancealot - 02-25-2018

Newest onset of their trouble causing hostility toward independent corporations found their latest vicitm in one of Oribtal Spa and Cruise's Luxury Liner Fhloston.Paradise.
Pilot Wilde.Paul.Richter in his Heavy Fighter intercepted the "Enterprise" Luxury Liner of Orbital Spa fully loaded with vacationers on their holiday trip to Luxury Liner Hawaii at Stuttgart border.

The newly assigned Pilot of the Luxury Liner Fhloston.Paradise was unaware of recent hostilities of the Rheinland Military towards the Orbital Spa and Cruise's Corporation.
He decided that taking a shortcut via Frankfurt and Omega 13 might save the holidayers some time to enjoy their vacation.

Following the demand of jettisoning all its holidayers into space, the pilot refused to jeopardizie the lives of Orbital Spa's customers and offered to leave the Rheinland space at once instead. The Luxury liner just recently underwent a combat upgrade to prevail against raids by pirates and hostiles to improve the security and safeguard of their passengers.

Unfortunately Pilot Wilde.Paul.Richter took his chance in battle at the border and defeated the Luxury Liner Fhloston.Paradise, while it tried to retreat.
A terrible loss to the Passenger Leisure Corporation and families that were involved in the accident,
but management is looking to take measures and further improve security measures to avoid such tragedies from happening again.

Meanwhile insurance companies covered the costs of losses of all involved and it remains to be seen how future developments between Orbital Spa and Rheinland will unveil.

RE: Wildes of Rheinwehr cause trouble again - Herbst - 02-25-2018

::Incoming transmission::
[Image: WSQJls1.jpg?1]

Wildes? ICH HATE WILDES! When Ich return to Vaterland, Ich vill make all Wildes pay for zhis!

Run vhile du still kan, freaking Wildes! I vill' destrroy ALLE of you!

::transmission end::