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Ship Suicides - obnoxious1 - 01-28-2009

Lately, after a pvp encounter, or at times after getting ganked by hordes of NPC's I have noticed many people will plow their ship into a planet or star or what ever is available to avoid having to pay a high repair bill. OR have a allied ship shoot them down for the same reason. Is this not basically a OORP scenario?
Sure, I'll admit I have done it many times in the past myself, some of my ships had code names which can be expensive to replace or other high credit items that may have been blasted off in a fight. But role play wise, is this not just a way to cheat the structure of the way the game is played? Realistically, if you took damage regardless of the reason, you would have to make repairs & of course pay for them. To claim you have an identical ship pre stationed at the place you decide to play Hara-kiri with your ship seems far fetched at best.
Then I got wondering about how would that play out concerning the rules?
Rule 5.10 states
Quote:"Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death."
& rule 5.7 states
Quote: "A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours."

As is, this could technically cause a loop hole to those rules. Example: (no ill intent to any faction.. just examples..)

4 Liberty Rogues get jumped by 6 LN, LPI & LSF, PvP encounter ensues after some good role play.
The Lawfuls get the best of the Rogues this time, BUT each survivor has taken heavy damage to their ships. Ok, lets say an LPI & a LN survived the fight, both had weapons blown off their fighters.
LPI asks LN to shoot him down. Thus on the screen appears "LN so & so has killed LPI whoever"
Technically, that ship was destroyed. Now, LN , also having some weapons shot off, decides to do a Planet dive & now you see on the screen " LN so & so committed suicide" Again, technically now a dead ship.
Both players in a sense have been destroyed. THUS allowing a loop hole in the rules that would allow the Liberty Rogues to return to that system because all involved in the previous fight have been killed.

Hopefully you see my point..
Would like to see others views & opinions on this as well AS LONG AS it stays flame fest free..

Ship Suicides - ProwlerPC - 01-28-2009

Yeah I do see your point, but I have encountered many players who come with explosives and blow off my Codes before making a hasty retreat. Even just losing a SNAC and having to trek across Sirius each time can get monotonous. It's a tough call each way can lead to abuse. I am not fan of suicide being used to avoid even minor repairs as feel it's going too far, but I do like to preserve my Codes from players who's goal is to remove them and leave me hanging.

Ship Suicides - Cyro - 01-28-2009

Well, let's say I sundive, but in RP I have docked the ship and repaired it. That's how I see the thing. The death messages... In RP I just ignore the death messages. Problem solved. Or not?

As you said, those codenames would be a pain to replace, so that's the reason I would rather say this is not OoRP... (I use them on only one of my char anyways)

Ship Suicides - Zeltak - 01-28-2009

I understand your point but I'm sorry. When I have to face a bunch of missile-using players, I tend to loose guns/equipments. And I will not re-buy every single time I loose anything. So I go emo and suicide.

Ship Suicides - obnoxious1 - 01-28-2009

' Wrote:I understand your point but I'm sorry. When I have to face a bunch of missile-using players, I tend to loose guns/equipments. And I will not re-buy every single time I loose anything. So I go emo and suicide.

But that's the point I am trying to make.. I am not criticizing any one for doing it, I have done it my self. But is it not still a way to cheat the game per say?

Ship Suicides - Grumblesaur - 01-28-2009

' Wrote:But that's the point I am trying to make.. I am not criticizing any one for doing it, I have done it my self. But is it not still a way to cheat the game per say?

It's as old as this game itself [Multiplayer-wise, anyway].

Do you want to shell out 60mil to buy a new set of codies every time you get stripped?
Do you want to empty 8mil from your bank every time your Supernova is ripped off?

This is the same as rebuying everything when you die. It's a pain, and a fun-killer.

Ship Suicides - Tenacity - 01-28-2009

all the more reason people shouldnt use codenames, and should use faction weapons instead (which on average cost 300k or less each).

The supernova is a bit of a pisser, but how often is it actually stripped from your ship by explosives? in my experience, it's probably the most resilient peice of equipment you'll use.

Also, I choose not to suicide. If my ship is damaged to the point of costing a ridiculous amount to repair and I dont want to pay it, I'll go look for a new fight and go out with guns (what guns i have left, anyways) blazing - it keeps the same effect of not having to pay for repairs, but you arent diving into a star like a coward =P

Even NPCs will do, in most areas.

Ship Suicides - dr lameos - 01-28-2009

It is ooRP, but its also pretty necessary for fairness... otherwise losing a close fight has more advantages than winning it, for example both victor and loser lose guns, the loser dies, therefore loses nothing, the victor has to replace his, costing him time and credits... which is unfair.

So whilst being ooRP it does increase the fairness

Ship Suicides - Kambei - 01-28-2009

No it isnt.

but there are 2 kinds of suicides

1. after fight... acceptable because sensiticity of guns in 4.84 (changed in 4.85) on explosives is just extreme.
2. during fight... personaly I hate that kind of behavior, it is realy stupid and OORP kill yourself only because you want avoid beeing displayed for all as someone killed by someone.

Everybody doing suicide must note that:

Even if you win previous fight, if you do suicide in moment when is in your sensor range new enemy or he announce on sys chat that he know you are there.... you are dead and you must log off or leave sys. till he is in that system.

Ship Suicides - Malcolm_Reynalds - 01-28-2009

I think it is a bit OoRP to self/teammate kill.

I also think if there was a way to have the game when you respawn after death to bring your ship back and all of it's equipment at 50% damage, this would discourage intentionally destroying of one's ship to avoid paying for repairs. It wouldn't completely eliminate it due to loss of Codenames or SNAC's, but there would be more of a "penalty" for dieing.

I wouldn't have as much OoRP issue with it if a 50% damage after death were in place.
but I don't know if it's even possible.