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To SCEC - Username removed - 03-05-2018

[ Incoming transmission ]
[Image: knCvJBz.png]

Nu privet,

I was going to commend you for your excellent work in the Omicrons and even ask HC to allow me to join your outfit as I believed I have found my true meaning in delivering the newest technologies to our people but if this is the incompetence that I am to expect from SCEC, I'll have to reconsider that.

As scientists, you are men of logic.

Sitting for philosophical chit chat with potentially hostile and dangerous AI deep within hostile space, permitting your escorts to make stupid jokes that may very well be perceived as a hostile response by an artificial mind, which by the way, it's exactly how it came over for those things, all of this while the locals were gathering to destroy us, neglecting tactical orders from military personnel goes against any kind of logic.

Once again have we lost people, as if you haven't learned anything from the last time, one of them being SCEC, and if I am not very much mistaken, the same SCEC, to the same alien specimen just like the last time.

And why did such a thing happen? Because once again you failed to obey simple orders.

Not only this, but we overstayed our welcome in space controlled by an artificial mind, yes, me going back to get your escorts out of trouble was seen as a hostile response which prompted the AI to attack.

Between Anatoliy telling them we are Rheinlanders coming to invade their space and us destroying one of their largest units, how do you think their perceive the Coalition now?

The Coalition could have build ties with the AI, but because of your grievous inability to follow simple orders we may have very well blown any chance we had to a peaceful dialogue.

My very own Vostok got damaged trying to rescue that idiot militsya and your own sad excuse for an escort because sitting for a chat in someone else's home, uninvited, while alien specimens are shooting at them is apparently a fine idea.

What are the requirements to join the Coalition's finest research division that I have to learn them how to behave in space while intelligent life forms are looking at us making a mockery of ourselves and making the Coalition's army and research division seem like a bunch of inebriated Libertonians?

This is the second time I have to write an official communique, the first time I ordered your personnel for training, months have passed since and I see no improvement at all.

If I have to write another disciplinary communique, I will forward it to the commissariat.

Vladislav Vaska,
Senior Lieutenant,
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[ Transmission ended ]

RE: To SCEC - SCEC - 03-05-2018


[Image: ilcTAr0.jpg]
TO: Sn. Lieutenant Vladislav Vaska
FROM: SCEC CRO Dr. Mstislav Belov
RE: Wrap-up of events in Omicron Delta and Kappa
Salute, comrade Vaska!

As the head of SCEC and of the expedition in question, I do share your concern and we will take all appropriate measures to avoid unexpected mistakes that put the mission at risk. I am personally grateful to you for your participation in the expedition itself and trying to hold everything together in such dire conditions.

Your criticism is to the point, and therefore, taking into consideration your experience with SCRA and as of now with two SCEC expeditions, we would issue a formal request to HCSTA for your temporary assignment to SCEC for training our personnel of military doctrine and joint fleet combat principles. I believe, this will be beneficial for the future of SCEC.

However, I would also like to draw your attention to a few points in our defence:
  • the objectives of the operation were carried out in full scope;
  • unfortunate "diplomatic" misunderstanding with sentient drones in Omicron Kappa led us to pick up the scraps of a bigger node we had been missing. Therefore, this unexpected violence eventually will benefit Coalition's programme on developing our own fully-fledged GAI.
  • the "philosophic talks" you referred to is a crucial part in establishing the level of sentience. Even comrade Grachov's joke, although not to the point, served the purpose of tracing the reaction of the drone to such a human-only phenomenon as "humour". Also, I would like to stress, that such negotiations are not of political nature and therefore supervised by scientific personnel. Therefore, SCRA experience in propaganda and "enforcing righteous People's will against foreign entities" does not apply. To be simple, defer the first contact protocol to us, scientists.

These, of course, do not justify the loss of People's Republic spacecrafts and injury of pilots as well as their lack of subordination and inappropriate comments throughout the negotiations. Yet, nobody is perfect (although we aspire to be) and we believe that our cooperation will help us further up the professionalism of our staff and overall efficiency of the organisation.

Hail the Unity of our People!

With respect,
SCEC CRO Dr. Mstislav Belov


RE: To SCEC - Username removed - 03-05-2018

[ Incoming transmission ]
[Image: knCvJBz.png]

Very well Doctor Belov,

You explained your situation from a scientific point of view, now I will explain the situation from a tactical point of view:
  • the objectives of the operation were carried out in full scope;
We already completed our objectives by the time hostilities started and we could've returned to New Moscow without a single loss.
  • unfortunate "diplomatic" misunderstanding with sentient drones in Omicron Kappa led us to pick up the scraps of a bigger node we had been missing. Therefore, this unexpected violence eventually will benefit Coalition's programme on developing our own fully-fledged GAI.
The unexpected violence has resulted in the AI marking Coalition as a hostile entity, if the Omicrons were not dangerous enough, we now have an extra enemy to watch out for.
  • the "philosophic talks" you referred to is a crucial part in establishing the level of sentience. Even comrade Grachov's joke, although not to the point, served the purpose of tracing the reaction of the drone to such a human-only phenomenon as "humour".

May I remind you that the AI did not recognize the concept of humor at first, it is only after I intervened and the AI witnessed me discipline Anatoliy and your own description of humor that the AI lowered it's threat parameters, this was a very dangerous thing to do as we are not dealing with a human mind here, the situation could have turned from bad to worse.

I hope this helped you to understand where things went wrong.

Do zvedanya.

Vladislav Vaska,
Senior Lieutenant,
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[ Transmission ended ]