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The Perfect Blossom - Char Aznable - 03-16-2018

Hakone Village, Planet Tomioka, Outer Kusari Space
16/03/825 AS, Early evening

[Image: 7bEDxWn.jpg?3]

Like every day, she had woken up to the scent of saltwater and cherry blossoms.
Like every day, she had cleaned the floor and prepared breakfast.
Like every day, she had woken up her daughter and her lover to enjoy their meal together, before both of them left the house.
Like every day, she had prepared the house for their homecoming.
Only today, she had done all of this for the last time.
When her daughter came home from school, she'd brought her to the house of a friend. She laughed and joked with the other mother, even spent a good hour drinking tea with them before she returned home.
When her lover came home, she was finishing the last stitches on her white gown, the one she'd be wearing for the ceremony tonight.
It was going to be small, traditional. Like almost every kid in the entire house imagined it, in probably one of the most picturesque places the sector had to offer. She smiled up to the rising silhouette of planet Kodo, bathing the path before them in an almost dreamland-like light. By the time they would reach the shrine, it would be the sole source of light.
She looked to her left, to the stoic figure of her lover. He faced the ground in front of his feet, appearing to be in deep thoughts. Nervousness, she assumed - after all, he had initially been sternly opposed to the idea, even though he had later agreed. Her smile widened into one that was visible, a rare expression in these latest days. Relief filled her heart with every step that was carrying them to the shrine - she was walking towards the culmination of everything she'd lived for.
Her thoughts wandered just as they did, passing over details of her life like pearls on a long necklace. Her first fight, her first misfortune. The face of her mother, and the first kiss she'd shared with the man next to her right now. Their daughter, and how she had recently learned to fully address her. O-kaa-san. What a mouthful for a child.
And then, quickly, her mind went to the words she'd be saying tonight. Admittedly, she still hadn't quite figured out what to say in this most important of moments. She'd spent the better part of the last months thinking about it, even before she'd approached her lover with the idea, but everything that was on her mind was strings of words, almost as uncoordinated as the chain of thoughts currently going through her head. No, this was hardly easy. It also shouldn't be, given the importance of those few words that were intended to echo through the minds of everyone who heard them. And asking her lover for help about this was out of the question.
She squeezed his hand softly, still looking at the man deep in his thoughts. Maybe... A little talk wouldn't hurt.

"Yoshi? Love? What's on your mind?"

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Zephyranthes - 03-16-2018

She always liked to call him that. At this point, any reference to his 'official' name felt more like a playful jab than anything, reminding him rather poignantly of their lost status. He felt a little chuckle rise from his chest, but he didn't let it show. To the outside world, 'Yoshi' was as stone-faced as a komainu.

He turned towards the familiar, soothing voice of his other half. Even on an ominous day like this one, her face still gleamed with the radiance that creation blessed her with. Their daughter, posessed that same brightness.

"I've agreed to help you here. I owe it to you, if it's what you truly desire. And while I may not understand why, I can respect your resolve. I just... I'm worried about Sakura."

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Char Aznable - 03-16-2018

Sakura. Her lover knew how to immediately invoke emotions in her, ones that she couldn't quite put her finger on a name for. Just mentioning the name of their daughter, two years old by now, was enough for that. She had to admit that the smirk on her face was not only due to her generally looking forward to later, but also due to the way that Yoshi had responded. A lesser man would have tried to tell her that she was being selfish, even cowardly. She'd met people like this, many times. People that looked at men and women like her and just didn't understand. Especially people that tried to claim how 'progressive' they were.
Yoshi did no such thing. He instead simply replied to her question, without bothering to sugarcoat it.
And again, the thought of her daughter passed into her mind. A child of two colliding worlds, one that she hoped would grow up without ever having to be forced into one of them. Another decision that would likely weigh heavily on Yoshi's shoulders, would he ever feel the urge to return home again.
Her smile weakened a little. The inner peace that she had achieved just a few moments ago seemed disturbed, even though her resolve didn't change. Her steps slowed and finally came to a halt, overlooking the river they were just passing over. She snuck her left hand around Yoshi's waist, reassuringly pulling him closer.

"You forget that she's our daughter. She will understand, eventually. Even if it eludes her right now. But..."
She took a fallen blossom in her hand and let it sink into the water below them, where the stream swallowed it, swirled it around before it finally went under the bridge, out of sight.
For a moment she felt the urge to try to explain her decision to him, one more time. Weak as she was, she gave in - if only because she felt that there was more to his silence than just the simple worrying of a father.

"Everyone has to face their destiny, Yoshitsune. Trying to escape it is pointless. Fighting it too. I made my peace with that."

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Zephyranthes - 03-17-2018

Her words were absolutely dripping with the sentiments of their old Earth ancestors, those select few samurai descendants that escaped to Sirius. These same sentiments were instilled in the two from birth via the teachings of Bushido, though where Yoshitsune looked forward with these ideals, his love always held the past heritage of Japan as the highest matter of importance. It was expected. To lead a group of far-right, exiled warriors in reinstating an empire demanded such heavenly resolve and devotion to duty that it would make any man alongside her tremble with shame and rage at being surpassed by a woman. But to be brought so low as to be stripped of command and exiled to one of the strongholds of her ideological opposites... He fully knew why she had chosen to salvage the remainder of what she could from the wreckage.

Yoshi looked towards the falling petals, sighing. It made him think of how fleeting everything was.

"You could have continued to serve Kusari well. The Emperor might yet have restored your honor."

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Char Aznable - 03-17-2018

Her eyes trailed off to the horizon, the thin line only broken by the perfectly round silhouette of Kodo. She'd expected that he would at least try one last time. His understanding of honour demanded it, and she hadn't chosen to live with him if she hadn't at least accepted that part about him. Yet still, the fact that he didn't approve was one of the few gripes she had with her plan.
Back on Kyushu, she knew how she had helped him out of a few dark places, too. After all, back then it was him seeking refuge with her, not the other way around. It was understandable that he now tried to do the same for her, even though she had chosen her path already. Well, not exactly - this path had been chosen for her, but that was neither related, nor did it affect her. She offered a defeated smile.

"He's made His decision over a year ago. He..."
Her voice choked up for a few moments. Memories to that fateful day when the Accords were signed returned, of how the one person she had sworn her life to had just... abandoned his dream. And her, with doing so. She still remembered how Yoshi had convinced her of leaving with him, of going into exile. When the Emperor had signed the accords, he'd given her and the rest of the Guard a choice, and most had chosen what she had.
"He didn't want to hear me. As is His right."
She shook her head and continued on their way further, quietly contemplating what he'd say next.
To be fair, he wasn't entirely wrong.

"I could have. I could have risen up, assembled the guard. Become another Takamori, only to end up like him. In the end, we'd stand before the same decision we stand before now. So... No. Saving face is the only way that fate has left me, and I've made my peace with that. I won't falter in my duty to Him."

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Zephyranthes - 03-17-2018

"Then your mind is made up. My love, I will perform this one last duty to you, but afterwards, I'm not sure what I should do. Your absence from this world will be..."

His words trailed off as the words strangled and throttled his throat, and what came out was but a tiny sound. A little pop of air deep in the throat of a word imploding before leaving the mouth. It spoke more volumes than any other attempt to communicate could.

He looked down and began to walk towards the fateful courtyard slowly. A fist clenched. A descending tear from the eye. Dragging feet. What failed to hit him before was now making itself known within his heart. He was about to part with his dearly beloved, the one he had met as an enemy on this same planet long ago. How could he have been so stupid as to let her go through with this? The very act the two were about to perform was outlawed long ago by nearly every single major group in Kusari, including the Dragons.

But she was a fierce spirit. Even if he tried his best to forbid her from regaining her honor like this, it wouldn't work.

He grabbed the sheathed katana resting against a wall. It would soon be time. He gave one last look at Hitomi.

"Before you leave... I need your guidance one more time. What am I to do with myself and Sakura now? I thought we were meant to live quietly here, but I see now that violence and conflict will always rage within us, consuming us... It is difficult to act when one's destiny is so clouded.

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Char Aznable - 03-19-2018

Hitomi was taken aback slightly by the quiet request. Sure, Yoshi had often sought her guidance, especially in the time where he had been the one hiding with her, and not the other way around, but usually, he asked in a less... direct way. Pride, she assumed. Still, there was no way she would be able to deny him, even had she wanted to. Yet again, she turned around, mustering from head to toe. The sword in his hand completed the image, to her mind at least. He'd always been a warrior at heart, always fighting some kind of fight in the name of some ideal. Come to think of it, that was likely why she had taken him in all that time ago.
She bowed slightly, respectfully.

"Nobody can tell you your destiny, Hideyoshi Yoshitsune. I swore mine to His Majesty, but you are free. Free to choose."
She paused, taking in the sight of the courtyard between the temple buildings in front of her. She wondered if there were any of her friends that would hear of this day, or if she was the last one, the last person to uphold the old ways.
"But whatever you choose to do, always bear in mind that whatever the choice may be, it will also affect Sakura. She will either be Sakuran-san, the daughter and heir to a respected land owner on this very planet... Or Sakura-hime, the Tiger and the Dragon. I can't make that choice for you, love. And neither can anyone. Just... Never forget that she will never be just one thing."

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Zephyranthes - 03-20-2018

Hakone Village, Planet Tomioka, Outer Kusari Space
16/03/825 AS, Late night

[Image: j5Hyi4D.jpg]

Minutes passed like days, and hours passed like months. The two prepared in solemn silence for the final moments that awaited Hitomi. Yoshi polished his blade and prepared it for the task ahead and donned the traditional garb of a samurai- a dark red and black silk kimono bearing the mon of his clan- the mighty dragon of the Hideyoshi Clan. For what felt like an eternity, he stared into the mirror. His body felt weak and his face looked pale. He had no compunctions about killing. It was very much in the nature of his occupation as a warrior. But killing someone dear to him pierced his heart like a thousand searing arrows of light, slashing his love and happiness to minuscule particles. In the privacy of his room, he wept for some time, away from the prying eyes of Hitomi.

When the deep blue abyss of Planet Kodo hung over the skies and land of Tomioka, Hideyoshi Yoshitsune emerged from his chambers, prepared to face that contemptible destiny which lay in the grand courtyard of the Shimazu estate. Dark clouds circled around the massive gas giant, with deep booms of thunder and surges of lightning dancing between the senses like a celestial ballet. Within the courtyard were a dozen or so somber figures, composed of scattered past friends of Hitomi and members of the Shimazu clan, Yoshi's original adoptive family. Paper lanterns danced alongside cherry blossom petals in a calm breeze.

It was time. Yoshi walked next to a small white mat with a solitary dish and tanto on it. Rice paper was placed appropriately for the ceremony, and a small sheet of paper and an inkwell were laid down. An attendant arrived and handed Yoshi his katana. The battle-scarred blade, replete with high-frequency technology and an energized blade, hummed as Yoshi removed it from the scabbard.

His mind clear. His heart heavy. His destiny shrouded, save for this moment.

It was time to say goodbye.

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Char Aznable - 03-20-2018

Time had passed quickly in the sole shrine to the local kami. It was late, so Hitomi dared not to pass into the central building, afraid to disturb the rest of whatever spirits lay there.
Her thoughts were less scattered now, almost crystal clear. It was like a wind had blown all worry from her, all of the troubles of the past. Spending most of the time waiting for the people outside to assemble, Hitomi sat in silence, pondering on the words she'd say - but despite her clear mind, nothing seemed to come of it. Still, every image, every word she could think of didn't fit, or didn't convey what she wanted to say.
What did she want to say, even?

Outside, a thunderous growl rolled over the shrine. The short flash preceding it had woken her from her deep thoughts, instantly making her feel anticipation. How morbid, to actually anticipate the moment of your own end, to look forward to closing your eyes one final time.
Her steps towards the exit of the shrine were slow, but determined. These would be the last steps she'd ever take. The realization set in once more, letting her pause and watch the clouds in the distance. The lightning drawing fine lines, almost worthy of calligraphy. The dark, voluminous cloud itself, crowned by the almost purple crescent of Kodo. The entire picture reminded her of a Kabuto, the face of a god staring down on her, to watch her do this last service to her master.

The doors to the courtyard opened with a slight creak, revealing her slender figure, clad fully in white, the only thing breaking up the color scheme being her own black hair and her personal mon, the one the Emperor himself had bestowed upon her. The tiger, ready to pounce.
When she walked down the steps into the stone courtyard, she mustered the people assembled. Shimazu nobles, all known to her if only by name, stood across a line of people Yoshi and her considered friends. It seemed none of her old friends had made it, but she hadn't expected them to, either. Then her eyes ended on Yoshitsune, flanked by a man she knew to be the priest responsible, and a scribe who couldn't be older than fourteen years.
She didn't smile.
It would have been cruel to smile. And unfitting. Her face seemed to be made from marble, not a single muscle even so much as flinching when the wind blew right in her face.
Deep eye contact was the only thing she could offer the man who did her this last favor. Moments turned to seconds, and those felt like centuries. Memories of their conversations flashed through her mind, of how he had sought refuge in her palace on Kyushu in tattered robes and wounded. Of how they had agreed to keep the child that was on the way, and how shortly afterwards, he convinced her to flee to the outer regions instead of standing to the last. Of how he had raised his voice for the first time when he couldn't convince her of this one plan, and of how they had both calmed down afterwards.
It took her a significant amount of willpower to shift her gaze away, nodding slightly in the process, before she turned around and faced the scribe and the priest. Sinking down to her knees, she let her eyes trail over the perfect curve of the short sword in front of her, wrapped partly in a white towel. A perfectly maintained blade, no cracks or wrinkle. She almost smiled at the thought how she'd always mocked Yoshi for the 'neglect' he offered his own blade, only to usually receive a snarky remark.

She closed her eyes and grabbed the hilt. She knew what to do. When she opened her eyes, likely for the last time, there was nothing on her mind. Perfect peace. Until she thought of something, the words flying from her lips. She saw the scribe take notes, saw how brush moved, painting her words for everyone to read.

"I was
but one petal
but she will be
the blossom

When she closed her mouth, her mind was peaceful, her gaze clear.
Suddenly, her peace was disturbed by a searing pain in her stomach, crippling, mindnumbing, but she looked forward, staring the god in the clouds right in his judging eyes.
The air smelled like saltwater and blood.
Then, darkness.

RE: The Perfect Blossom - Zephyranthes - 03-21-2018

Time stopped. Yoshi looked down at Hitomi, poised to strike. Her face was completely still apart from the occasional involuntary twitch. Even as she stabbed the blade into her abdomen and began to move across her belly, the disembowelment did little to phase her pale, marble face. A solitary tear fell from his right eye, following the track of an old battle scar on his cheek. At last, he raised his blade, prepared for the end.

"Sayonara, Hitomi-chan."

He yelled out one loud kiai, unleashing his blade in a downward slicing motion towards her neck to end the suffering. A solitary raindrop was bisected by the kissaki as the destined blade descended.

It was over in a near-instant. A cut midway down the neck. A lightning fast sheathing. Dropping to a knee.

Thunder boomed. Rain fell. He could not cry. He could not dishonor her now.

As Hitomi's blood washed away with the torrential downpour, Yoshitsune rose. He gave her body the deepest bow possible as attendants arrived to remove it from the courtyard and prepare it for preservation. One by one, those attending paid respect, then departed. Yoshi remained.

They say that rain is cleansing. But all he felt was its cold. Sakura would be home tomorrow, and she would call for her mother, waiting for the most important person in her life to come and hold her. Then, after some time, tears would come, and Yoshi would have to live with the burden of raising her alone. Hitomi's words echoed in his mind. Born between worlds, and forced to choose one day which was her destiny. Sakura's destiny was not enviable.

But he had to remain resolute. Kusari needed him, and they would one day need Sakura to help pave the road leading to the future. If the Tiger and the Dragon could come together in peace and harmony, then shouldn't the warring states of the Empire be able to unite once more? To continue fighting and working to make a better Kusari for all people was the best way to honor Sakuma Hitomi. To honor all.

The Dragon and the Tiger will be as one.

For Hitomi. For Sakura.

For Kusari.