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Central POBs and defence - Printable Version

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Central POBs and defence - DSE|= - 03-17-2018

I notice that central POB's like Canary wharf etc do not have defence modules. Is that a requirement? Just don't want to go and do all the work of building one and find it is illegal.


RE: Central POBs and defence - Mephistoles - 03-17-2018

Defence modules are not illegal by server rules in any circumstances but as always there are roleplay rules, regulations and laws to consider. These are explained here:

I'd recommend finding the laws that apply to you and giving them a read to determine whether you can go ahead without roleplay reprisals or not. If you're not convinced on what laws may or not apply to you and your base, I'm sure a post here would eventually be seen to by the people in question who could then assist you further.

RE: Central POBs and defence - Teresa Brooks - 03-17-2018

They are in the center of Bret lawful turf

The Bret unlawfuls are too inactive outside of Dublin to siege.

They're also dead broke because THP brought in too many Nom BS Remains

No, really, most Bret POBS lasted like... a day, then we blitzed in about 30 Nom BS Remains and made a hefty sum.

But don't tell @St.Denis that it was us.

RE: Central POBs and defence - Ayman - 03-17-2018

(03-17-2018, 01:21 AM)Teresa Brooks Wrote: No, really, most Bret POBS lasted like... a day, then we blitzed in about 30 Nom BS Remains and made a hefty sum.
and i was wondering who is the sweet person who kept supplying isle with them Big Grin

(03-17-2018, 01:16 AM)DSE|-CEO Wrote: I notice that central POB's like Canary wharf etc do not have defense modules.
that was the restriction condition for Canary And Isle since they are next to the planet "NO defense modules"

"5.5 - Base Modification Protocols
Station owners are free to make whichever internal station modifications they see fit, including the construction of shield relays, storage berths and factories. Despite this, permission must be sought from the War Cabinet or the BAF Admiralty Board before the placement of weapon platforms, due to the highly dangerous nature of the structures. Once permission has been granted, the owners of the structure may only place up to four platforms unless given special permission."

RE: Central POBs and defence - DSE|= - 03-17-2018

Thanks. This has been most helpful. It is dependent on the House Laws.


Steve Veltman


RE: Central POBs and defence - Enkidu - 03-17-2018

Building defence platforms on POBs around trade-lane connected planets, unless it's a major house homeworld, is usually poor form and the server won't thank you for it. Other than that, adhere to house rules.

RE: Central POBs and defence - St.Denis - 03-17-2018

(03-17-2018, 01:16 AM)DSE|-CEO Wrote: I notice that central POB's like Canary wharf etc do not have defence modules. Is that a requirement? Just don't want to go and do all the work of building one and find it is illegal.


The reason why Canary Wharf Station and Isle of Skye do not have any Weapon Platforms is because of the Laws, of Bretonia, state this:
Quote:5.4 - Base Operational Regulations
The following regulations are expected to be consistently and permanently observed by all station owners, in regards to their installations. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the structure'€™s siege and destruction. Regulations are as follows:
Bases must be no closer than 10K from any existing base or jumpgate, unless special permission is granted by the War Cabinet.
No Hostile entities (see: 1.5 - Definition of Entities) may be permitted to land on the station. Authorities may request evidence of docking permission logs at any time to confirm this. Unfriendly Entities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
No station may leave their docking rights unrestricted - "defencemode 2"€ - due to potential abuse by unlawful parties.
All stations must have docking permission at all times for Bretonian law enforcement agencies: this includes the BAF|, BIS| and BPA).
All bases must be fitted with sufficient evacuation equipment to prevent the loss of life of residents and crew, should the base become compromised via circumstances artificial or natural.
Bases are to be no nearer than 10k from any Mining Field.

When the 'Special Permissions' were given, the caveat was that there would be no Weapon Platforms allowed. We did not want the area around Planet New London turned in to another Planet Manhattan Defence Grid (For those unaware, the Manhattan area used to have a plethora of Weapon Platforms making it a lethal area).

RE: Central POBs and defence - SnakThree - 03-17-2018

It still has and is still safe haven for people who have no balls and run back to deny any "blue message" before fleeing for repairs and coming back. I want weapon platforms gone from game for good.

RE: Central POBs and defence - Bellepheron - 03-17-2018

Perhaps those subscribe to this opinion also believe that traders and miners are unarmed as well in order that they too cannot defend themselves..
If you spend a vast fortune, time and resources in building a base you have the right for adequate defence facilities. Especially if the owners are not always in game to offer mobile defence.
Just my opinion.