To: Liberty Security Forces, Agency 404 <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - Mr.Mike. - 03-18-2018
Sender ID: Michael Blackburn, Admiral of 6th fleet
Recipient ID: Liberty Security Forces ( LSF ), Agency 404
Location: Liberty Siege Cruiser "Hampshire", Texas system.
Encryption was detected
Encryption: Military Technology "Lockdown"
Encryption level: High.
Topic: Unknown ship. Greetings!
Today, when examining the Bering system, near Freeport 2 station, we found a fairly large ship of Hellfire Legion. Battleship class ( in navy database ). We made a full scan of the ship and learned about the weapons this ship was carrying.
I would not have resorted to such trifles, but during the talks we became more and more aware that the captain of this ship does not belong to the Hellfire Legion. Despite the design of the ship, the captain of the pirate transport accidentally blabbed about who owns this ship - Unioners. It is foolish, of course, to believe such words without proof. But in the behavior of the captain of the ship, it was seen: he insisted that our government, military and intelligence structures are "infected", and most often such nonsense is said by the separatists or their allies. The most important allies are Unioners. Draw conclusions.
Our opponent is gaining strength, what I have seen is already too much. Either we act, or in the next months nothing will prevent Harmony and their allies from making a breakthrough into the Texas system.
Quote:[18.03.2018 04:53:29] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Radar-contact!]
[18.03.2018 04:53:50] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: VI actual : <static>
[18.03.2018 04:54:16] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Wow. Hellfire Legion Battleship?
[18.03.2018 04:55:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Yes, sir. This is their battleship.
[18.03.2018 04:55:05] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: You sure?
[18.03.2018 04:55:09] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Conn: Conn to Admiral Kazuli - we have a Sixth fleet warship converging on us.
[18.03.2018 04:55:12] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Our database talk so.
[18.03.2018 04:55:29] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Coon: Affirmed - is Abendroth aboard?
[18.03.2018 04:56:20] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: We have no solid designate. Please advise.
[18.03.2018 04:56:50] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Barney, check him guns etc.
[18.03.2018 04:57:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Alright.
[18.03.2018 04:57:15] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: <static>
[18.03.2018 04:57:22] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Start scanning: "KKS-Sirene".]
[18.03.2018 04:57:33] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *Massive EM emmissives radiate from the vessel.*
[18.03.2018 04:58:12] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [20%]
[18.03.2018 04:58:20] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [30%]
[18.03.2018 04:58:34] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [40%]
[18.03.2018 04:58:47] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [50%]
[18.03.2018 04:58:59] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [60%]
[18.03.2018 04:59:01] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *The sensor data reveals that the vessel is a Spyglass Mark One electronic warfare battleship prototype. Approximately twenty
[18.03.2018 04:59:04] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: years old.*
[18.03.2018 04:59:45] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [70%]
[18.03.2018 05:00:10] Tarnished.Deliverance: *raises eyebrows* Thats not something I've seen here before....
[18.03.2018 05:00:13] 2018-03-18 05:00:13 SMT Traffic control alert: Tarnished.Deliverance has requested to dock
[18.03.2018 05:00:23] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [80%]
[18.03.2018 05:00:44] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [90%]
[18.03.2018 05:01:08] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [100%. Scanning complete!]
[18.03.2018 05:01:59] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: And?
[18.03.2018 05:02:09] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Sir, he have... Well... Only light weapons
[18.03.2018 05:02:24] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: But this is Hellfire Legion Battleship?
[18.03.2018 05:02:44] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Yes, I think... This is old ship.
[18.03.2018 05:02:51] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: But their construction.
[18.03.2018 05:02:56] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: [Scans indicate that the spacecraft is a Spyglass Mrk1 battleship. Althought similar in architecture, it lacks Legionary
[18.03.2018 05:02:59] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: designators.]
[18.03.2018 05:03:33] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: [Possible origins include: The Junkers, The Lane Hackers. [?] Unvarified third parties. ]
[18.03.2018 05:03:51] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Hm... We can talk with them?
[18.03.2018 05:03:58] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Yes. Marcus.
[18.03.2018 05:04:03] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Marcus: Yes, know.
[18.03.2018 05:04:12] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Opening transmission channel...]
[18.03.2018 05:04:24] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [50%...]
[18.03.2018 05:04:31] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [100%. Complete!]
[18.03.2018 05:04:38] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Marcus: We can talk, admiral.
[18.03.2018 05:04:40] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Cool.
[18.03.2018 05:04:50] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: This is Admiral Michael Blackburn, 6th Liberty Navy Fleet.
[18.03.2018 05:05:15] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Hellfire Legion Battleship, what are you doing here?
[18.03.2018 05:05:26] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: <Static> *There's massive interference, although it doesn't appear that the vessel is jamming you.*
[18.03.2018 05:06:06] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Answer?
[18.03.2018 05:06:06] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: *curt, brusque, yet attentive. The Audio quality is like a solo microphone in a typhoon front.*
[18.03.2018 05:06:12] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Marcus: Nothing...
[18.03.2018 05:06:47] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: <garbled> This is Syndicliga Admiral Abendroth to Admiral Blackburn of the Hampshire.
[18.03.2018 05:06:58] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Marcus: Yes, have answer.
[18.03.2018 05:07:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Aha.
[18.03.2018 05:07:06] Tarnished.Deliverance: ?: Sounds like the tranmission arrays might be out of alignement?
[18.03.2018 05:07:18] Tarnished.Deliverance: ?: That could be whats doing the garblation
[18.03.2018 05:07:43] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *Further scans reveal that the ship is pulsing with Emissive signatures.*
[18.03.2018 05:07:47] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *It's screaming electronic noise.*
[18.03.2018 05:08:04] CONSOLE: Base Bristol Depot is under attack by UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene!
[18.03.2018 05:08:07] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Admiral Abendorth? Did not hear about this.
[18.03.2018 05:08:22] Tarnished.Deliverance: ?: Huh... lotta noise coming from that ship. Sounds like there could be a lot of un-sheidling 'lectronics messing with each oth
[18.03.2018 05:08:24] Tarnished.Deliverance: other
[18.03.2018 05:08:34] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: Nor were you meant to, flag-officer. <garbled>
[18.03.2018 05:08:54] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: We take pride in the security of our operations. We had hoped to.... <garbled> keep the integrity of this vessel beyond prying
[18.03.2018 05:09:03] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: eyes. Now this is no longer evident.
[18.03.2018 05:09:42] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: *she rises from the command chair, blank-eyed, staring evenly into the view display.* "The Hampshire does not...
[18.03.2018 05:10:17] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: mount the firepower to enter the Bristol defence zone. Why are you here, Admiral Blackburn?"
[18.03.2018 05:10:25] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Operations? What do you mean?
[18.03.2018 05:10:45] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "If this is a reconnisance mission, you have only the questions. Not the answers."
[18.03.2018 05:11:16] CONSOLE: Base Bristol Depot is under attack by UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene!
[18.03.2018 05:11:48] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Helm, take us forward. The Point defense batteries are grazing Bristol.
[18.03.2018 05:11:48] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I patrouling here.
[18.03.2018 05:12:22] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Far from your standard navy patrol bracket, Admiral."
[18.03.2018 05:12:40] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Not for me.
[18.03.2018 05:13:31] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "No. *She walks towards the lip of the screen, chin calcifying into a grimace.* "Nor for your Nomad masters."
[18.03.2018 05:14:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Nomad masters? So talk only Unioners and Harmony idiots.
[18.03.2018 05:14:16] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Admiral. The Primary fleet are thrawls of the Aliens. The Seperatists have all the evidence in the world."
[18.03.2018 05:14:35] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I saw them. This is not evidences.
[18.03.2018 05:14:47] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: This is just panic before dead.
[18.03.2018 05:15:08] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Perhaps."
[18.03.2018 05:15:19] Tarnished.Deliverance: *quietly* ?: And back to the politics....
[18.03.2018 05:15:24] 2018-03-18 05:15:24 SMT Traffic control alert: Tarnished.Deliverance has requested to dock
[18.03.2018 05:15:25] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "But you don't want to take the risk you're wrong, do you?
[18.03.2018 05:15:29] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Sir, I am tormented by vague doubts.
[18.03.2018 05:16:04] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Learn this."
[18.03.2018 05:16:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: What do you mean, Barney.
[18.03.2018 05:16:26] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: I think, captain of this ship not from Hellfire Legion...
[18.03.2018 05:16:45] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *Abendroth snaps a command to the Conn.* "Sig Intel, transfer the datasets from GEIST operations Sigma, Hash, Seven, to...
[18.03.2018 05:16:52] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Hampshire Actual."
[18.03.2018 05:17:10] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Marza: "Affirmed, sending ping.*
[18.03.2018 05:17:19] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: [Transmission handshake - [?]
[18.03.2018 05:17:44] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *the Spyglass appears to be attempting to transmit a data package to the Hampshire. Do you accept?*
[18.03.2018 05:18:19] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Sir, they want give to us data package. Accept?
[18.03.2018 05:18:23] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: No.
[18.03.2018 05:18:31] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: [Transmission declined]
[18.03.2018 05:18:44] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: We don`t know what might be there.
[18.03.2018 05:19:08] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "Keeping the signal security of your vessel intact, I see."
[18.03.2018 05:20:10] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "I respect your action."
[18.03.2018 05:20:28] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Barney, do we have separate server for special data?
[18.03.2018 05:21:00] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Yes, but to interact with this data, we most work manually.
[18.03.2018 05:21:13] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: What do you mean?
[18.03.2018 05:21:28] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Marza: Secondary batteries, target incoming fighters.
[18.03.2018 05:22:08] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Well, this data we recive will not apply to the cruiser.
[18.03.2018 05:22:43] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Marcus: In short, we are protected from any computer viruses.
[18.03.2018 05:22:46] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Alright...
[18.03.2018 05:23:06] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: But I think this is bad idea...
[18.03.2018 05:23:26] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: And I said what captain of this battleship not from Hellfire Legion.
[18.03.2018 05:23:36] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: What do you mean?
[18.03.2018 05:23:50] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "Admiral, you learning the truth is more critical to us than accessing control of your command."
[18.03.2018 05:23:58] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Him words: "Liberty Navy infected etc." So talk only Harmony idiots or Unioners.
[18.03.2018 05:24:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Alright.
[18.03.2018 05:24:16] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "I could describe the photographs we are about to transmit, but words would not suffice for them."
[18.03.2018 05:25:03] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: We can do even easier.
[18.03.2018 05:25:05] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: M?
[18.03.2018 05:26:07] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Take out a black box from his hull.
[18.03.2018 05:26:33] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: But when we do it, I need to know.
[18.03.2018 05:30:35] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Radar-contact!]
[18.03.2018 05:30:44] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I see... Pirate transport.
[18.03.2018 05:31:16] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: Interesting positioning your being here, Navy
[18.03.2018 05:31:49] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "Admiral. We have the package ready for systemic handshake."
[18.03.2018 05:32:01] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: and a fine day to you Unioner uh... Vessel
[18.03.2018 05:32:06] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "Preparing to jack into your neural intranet."
[18.03.2018 05:32:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Unioner vessel?
[18.03.2018 05:32:32] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Hah, I was right!
[18.03.2018 05:33:01] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Voarbeiter Keller: "Roger, Montecristo, be advised this is an operational secure zone and existence of this vessel is Need-to
[18.03.2018 05:33:02] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: know."
[18.03.2018 05:33:32] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: Yet you're parading it around a fairly public location...
[18.03.2018 05:33:54] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Please preserve judiceprudence in disclosure. Affirmed, our cloak cycle was disrupted by the Hampshire."
[18.03.2018 05:34:14] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: Oh come now, who would we tell?
[18.03.2018 05:34:34] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Sir, orders?
[18.03.2018 05:34:38] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "The vessel is not a secret as such as its internal data carries tactical weight, Maltese operative."
[18.03.2018 05:34:55] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I said all about Black Box in his hull.
[18.03.2018 05:35:01] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Alright...
[18.03.2018 05:35:16] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "Removing it by force will not succeed."
[18.03.2018 05:35:30] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: I take it the navy vessel over there being obtuse and useless as always isn't a regular around here..?
[18.03.2018 05:36:00] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Weapons, prepare to fight! I want to take his Black Box.
[18.03.2018 05:36:04] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Damn it, alright.
[18.03.2018 05:36:06] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Marza: Outcast, this is a diplomatically sensitive exchange. Do not intervene.
[18.03.2018 05:36:19] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: By all means, proceed as you will.
[18.03.2018 05:36:22] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: Abendroth: "All hands, brace. They've denied the handshake."
[18.03.2018 05:36:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Weapons preparing to fight... Light artillery ready, primary weapons ready... Siege gun ready.
[18.03.2018 05:36:44] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: "Hunker all systems, engage tactical cloak."
[18.03.2018 05:36:49] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Target - Hellfire Legion Battleship "KKS-Sirene". Fire at will!
[18.03.2018 05:36:53] UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene: *sirens reverberate throughout the ship*
[18.03.2018 05:37:07] 2018-03-18 05:37:07 SMT Traffic control alert: UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene has requested to dock
[18.03.2018 05:37:25] AD|-Montecristo: Javier: You're a credit to your people, Libertonian.
[18.03.2018 05:37:32] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: //I love docks in fights xD
[18.03.2018 05:38:11] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Barney, what we know?
[18.03.2018 05:38:26] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Well, firstly, this is big ship... Secondly, this is Unioner capital vessel. Not Hellfire.
Michael Blackburn
6th Liberty Navy Fleet
Blackburn out. End of transmission!
RE: To: Liberty Security Forces, Agency 404 <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - Reeves - 03-19-2018
Agency 404
Transmission; Start
Identification: Director Avery Reeves
Location: Office Red Oscar
Encryption: Secure
initializing image feed...
image feed available...
![[Image: upK8NWw.jpg]](
I have authorised engagement with extreme prejudice and put in motion a few prospects for the special projects division to consider. I believe in one of the most recent skirmishes a Marshal of ours was there with you and has reported that the fighter he was engaged by.. killed itself?
Given the risk this potential advance poses, especially while the bulk of our forces are occupied repelling Gallic incursions, I have declared a state of high alert within the Agency, assuming direct command of its largest asset which will be relocating to Texas to aid your own forces.
I would personally advise ignoring the local xenos as they may have potential use as irregular assets to combat the Unioners and even Separatist forces, which would minimise our own strain. Welcome to black operations, Admiral. The book of rules we're taught to follow doesn't work here.
The time for retaliating against the Separatist forces is over. They need to be shut down.
RE: To: Liberty Security Forces, Agency 404 <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - Mr.Mike. - 03-21-2018
Sender ID: Michael Blackburn, Admiral of 6th fleet
Recipient ID: Director Avery Reeves
Location: Liberty Siege Cruiser "Hampshire", [DELETED] system.
Encryption was detected
Encryption: Military Technology "Lockdown"
Encryption level: High.
Topic: Answer. Greetings!
Despite all the secrecy of our work, I need to know the following:
- Who, besides us, is still attracted to all this?
- What exactly do you intend to do?
- What is the plan for the moment?
I do not deal with Separatists, I'm more interested in operations against Gallia, but I believe that if we destroy first, then the chances for victory will significantly increase against the latter. That's why I'm interested in all this. There are officers who go against the oath, who naively wait for orders from the High Command. And there are people like us who do not sit, but do things.
Michael Blackburn
6th Liberty Navy Fleet
Blackburn out. End of transmission!
RE: To: Liberty Security Forces, Agency 404 <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - Reeves - 03-21-2018
Agency 404
Transmission; Start
Identification: Director Avery Reeves
Location: Office Red Oscar
Encryption: Secure
initializing image feed...
image feed available...
![[Image: upK8NWw.jpg]](
I have managed to convince the local Xenos to work with us rather than against us, this will mitigate the strain but not alleviate it. The Xenos will act as a unit buffer, fighting our current aggressors with their own tactics, hit and run assaults, aimed at slowly chipping away at the personnel count of our mutual enemies.
What I intend to do is to topple this uprising at its roots, I know the men and women we're fighting, What we need to do was what was being done to these insurgents in Alaska, starvation. I'll inform the Xenos to keep their eyes peeled for transports that might be supplying our "friends" in Bering, that should put a wrench in their efforts to keep us repelled and any plans they might have to advance and claim more space.
It is for this reason that I suggest you tell your own men to ignore the xenos and focus their efforts against the greater problem, which is the more collected rebels. This is no time to be wasting what spare assets we have.
You and I are going to ensure that this "rebellion" starts to struggle to keep its own ships in the air. According to reports from my operatives, some of their own agents do not field Republic technology but rather lower quality civilian ships and arms. This is sign number one. Sign number two will be a lessened amount of resistance that we face when moving into Bering. The final sign we act on, once we're sure Separatist supplies are low, we move in and clear out every little nook they call their home.
Are there any questions?
RE: To: Liberty Security Forces, Agency 404 <|> From: 6th Liberty Navy Fleet - Mr.Mike. - 03-22-2018
Sender ID: Michael Blackburn, Admiral of 6th fleet
Recipient ID: Director Avery Reeves
Location: Liberty Siege Cruiser "Hampshire", Texas system.
Encryption was detected
Encryption: Military Technology "Lockdown"
Encryption level: High.
Topic: Answer. Greetings!
The problem not is that my people can ignore the presence of Xenos in the region. But there is a fifth fleet and the main fleet. I'm afraid, however much they forced us to help them in the struggle. If the Xenos will act in Bering and Hudson, then I and my people will not open fire. But if they are in Texas, then the guarantee is significantly reduced for the reasons above. And if these guys are engaged in piracy before our eyes, then here plays a role of duty, and not the charter.
And I think it will be right to make a communication channel for negotiations so that we know how our mutual war against separatists is progressing. Well, simply, in which case, such a channel will be useful for mutual assistance.
Michael Blackburn
6th Liberty Navy Fleet
Blackburn out. End of transmission!