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Players Banned: Ron.Hugs shippernum Kenex.Vadin - Printable Version

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Players Banned: Ron.Hugs shippernum Kenex.Vadin - Skorak - 03-22-2018

Ron.Hugs shippernum Kenex.Vadin have been banned for:

Quote:Cheating and Exploits - Modifying your Discovery Freelancer installation or using third-party tools in order to gain advantage over other players is strictly forbidden and will result in deletion of ingame assets or/and a ban.


Banned permanently.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Players Banned: Ron.Hugs shippernum Kenex.Vadin - Malakee - 03-23-2018

Dear Freelancer Discovery development team.

According to the following post by the administration team Admin post I come to you as "Direct witnesses to the violation" in cause. I write to you on behalf of the player named "Ron.Hugs" that out side of the Role-Play environment goes by the name of "Leuxx95".

I want to start by introducing my self of one of the players that began the Discovery experience and left it on the "Reunion" update until a recent call of nostalgia called me back again to Freelancer. With that happening I was more than happy to introduce the game to a few of my friends one of them being Leuxx95.

In the matter of the violation. I was not in-game at the exact moment the spread of illicit credits toke place but I was with my friend over Team Speak when it happen, hearing how the situation unfold. As it was described to me the player "shippernum" approached my friend asking him if he was new to the game. After a small exchange of words said player transferred to my friend almost 2 billion credits and, I'm ashamed to say, but my friend went crazy with power.

My thoughts at the time: I was silently angry. Angry that on the contrary to me my friend with no work or effort just unlocked the entire game and summed up the Discovery experience to just getting money and buying whatever he wanted.

After the money transferred toke place my friend created a second character with the intent to transfer the money from the first when again the player shippernum transferred another sum of money to that second character (Ron.Hugs). At this time I joined the game and proceeded to accompany my friend on his madness of getting a Galic battleship. A total 50.000.000 credits were transferred to me from the same illicit money, to a fresh (already deleted along with all the money) character Jaques.Lavoie. Played with him for a wile before we logged off.

Getting to the bottom point of this message. I do not care for the other players. I am here because of my friend. I am the sole responsible for him even knowing about the existence of this game. Delete all of his assets if you have to, but please, please allow my friend to play again. And this time he will have to work the right way if wants that battleship so badly. That means trading, mercenary work, mining, getting pirated, pirate and dyeing over and over again. Even if the pirate is me and doesn't know it.

I humbly await for your response
Thank you for your time.
Pedro Miguel Rocha - Malakee