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To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - Printable Version

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To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - suppy - 03-27-2018

Sender: Capitaine de Corvette Alaric Jean-Paul Favager d'Astier
Recipient: Gaian Front
Subject: Repatriation of Wildlife
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

[Image: dczczU9.jpg]


The unstoppable Marine has claimed two more great victories in the systems of Cortez and California. From the wreckage of a Colonial Republic cruiser, however, I tractored in some rather unusual cargo along with the standard fare of equipment and survivors. Although we are certainly not allies, I have no desire to indulge the trade of smugglers and unlawfuls in rightful Gallic territory. As such, I come to you on more-or-less friendly terms to arrange the return of these live specimens to their home on Gaia. The battleship La Riche is on station in orbit and the system is well under our control. However, I would be happy to conduct a transfer and allow you to deposit them planetside yourself.

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.

Capitaine de Corvette Alaric Jean-Paul Favager d'Astier
Commandant, RNS Chanzy

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - suppy - 03-27-2018

** Transmission Repeats **

RE: To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - Dino - 03-28-2018

[Image: Y9Kg0rY.png]

Your message has been received.

If the circumstances were any different, I'd simply ignore it. But there is simply no need for poor animals to suffer because we're unable to live in peace. You did a right thing. Meet me in Edinburgh, grid square G-2. Be there tomorrow at 19:00. Alone.

[Image: Y69eZq1.png]
Michael Jones, Gaian Guard

RE: To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - suppy - 03-30-2018

Sender: Capitaine de Corvette Alaric Jean-Paul Favager d'Astier
Recipient: Mr. Michael Jones, Gaian Guard
Subject: Completed Exchange
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

[Image: dczczU9.jpg]


I met with your representatives at the arranged location. The specimens were safely transferred to the cargo hold of the Gaian transport by my Marines-Fusiliers without incident or injury. Perhaps our organizations have more in common than you might think. I make no presumptions and speak only from limited knowledge, but perhaps some sort of accord could be reached.

I'm sure there are important men and women in our fleet who believe your strength and influence is more important than Gaia or Harris. At the very least, I thank you for the opportunity to see these creatures returned safely.

Capitaine de Corvette Alaric Jean-Paul Favager d'Astier
Commandant, RNS Chanzy

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Gaian Command From: Cmdt. Alaric Favager, Marine Royal Gauloise - Dino - 04-01-2018

[Image: Y9Kg0rY.png]

The animals are safely returned to Gaia, I am glad there's still few individuals within the ranks of Royalists with clear head and common sense. Perhaps we do have something in common, and perhaps we'l one day reach an accord, be it one that we already had, or something more. But let's not discuss possibilities that are not likely to happen.

Did you forget what you did to Planet Amiens? From nature's masterpiece, you turned it into an abomination. Planet Harris? You got rid the evil of Planetform Inc. only to continue the work they've been doing. What about Gaia? How can we be sure that the EFL will not do the same, once you fully take Edinburgh and bordering systems? It is a risk we cannot take.

I am afraid next time we meet, we'l be staring at each other's gun barrel.

[Image: Y69eZq1.png]
Michael Jones, Gaian Guard