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To: C:: and TBH - Printable Version

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To: C:: and TBH - Sparta - 04-02-2018

Transmission started
Hello my friends, me and some of my friends we like to take permition to make one base corsair near skiros station. We gonna speak if you like in privete secure channel.

Thank you

End transmission

RE: To: C:: - Sparta - 04-02-2018

Transmission started

Hello pilots i am waiting your permition to make the base. Please i am waiting respone what i must do.

Transmission end

RE: To: C:: and TBH - Sparta - 04-03-2018

Transmission started

Hello again corsairs pilots. Please i am waiting your permition to start the base i have them all ready. About the details we gonn speak in private if you like. Trust me the corsairs will gonna be glad to make the base, We have many big plants for this base trust me.
Thank you again i am still waiting your respone

Transmission end

RE: To: C:: and TBH - JorgeRyan - 04-04-2018

[Image: JSrDc7m.gif]

[Image: av-328661.png]
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood
Location: Planet Crete, Sparta
Encryption: Mucho strong
Recipient: Unknown Persons
Topic: Base Construction

Saludos "Senors",

Before we talk anymore about constructing a base near Skiros, I have a few questions- namely, who are you, and who do you represent? Only Corsairs are given permission to build installations within our home. And I'm not about to let just any old stranger build near one of our stations. Answer that, and then I'll have some more questions for you about your base to sort out before final permission is granted.


L. Vasquez

The Brotherhood
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

RE: To: C:: and TBH - Sparta - 04-04-2018

(04-04-2018, 09:01 AM)JorgeRyan Wrote:
[Image: JSrDc7m.gif]

[Image: av-328661.png]
Sender: Luciano Vasquez, The Brotherhood
Location: Planet Crete, Sparta
Encryption: Mucho strong
Recipient: Unknown Persons
Topic: Base Construction

Saludos "Senors",

Before we talk anymore about constructing a base near Skiros, I have a few questions- namely, who are you, and who do you represent? Only Corsairs are given permission to build installations within our home. And I'm not about to let just any old stranger build near one of our stations. Answer that, and then I'll have some more questions for you about your base to sort out before final permission is granted.


L. Vasquez

The Brotherhood
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma

Transmission Terminated...

Hello again thank you for your respone, the base will be corsair me and my friends we are corsairs. We gonna make base as we can strong for the corsair. We gonna talk if you want in secure channel what plants we have for the base .

Thank you