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Junker Royal Shipping (JRG -- Project Horizon) *Welcome Transmission - Printable Version

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Junker Royal Shipping (JRG -- Project Horizon) *Welcome Transmission - JRG.ProjectHorizon - 04-02-2018

' Each generation faces new challenges. In a time of revolution & political change, financial safety is priority to the everyday working Junker. New threats lurk around every corner & new opportunities meet us at every turn.' Innovation <> Communication | Intelligence <> Security | Income <> Resource = (Protection, strength in numbers) all elements play a part in the life of an everyday Junker and these are the core principles behind new Trademark 'JRG Shipping' (otherwise known as Junker Royal Guard, or simply '
Project Horizon
'; the Northern and Eastern frontiers

As a Junker is inseparable to his credits, JRG is inseperable to it's cargo and will make sure the job gets done. Junkers now fly together regularly, choosing to be vocal and support each other. With the support of the combined existing Junker clans, JRG Shipping (or JRG.TRD (Junker Royal Guard Trading / Project Horizon) will enforce that security. JRG provides commodities, luxuries, and supplies to general house corporations as well as maintaining local security and supporting the rest of their Junker brethren. Combining logistics, diplomatic ties, and a massive convoy of 6 - 9 Traders / Haulers (more to come) JRG Shipping is capable of moving huge amounts of goods, securely and in swift time. *Commodity Services applicable to all major house co-orporations, Freelancers, and unlawful (to an extent).

*APPLY TODAY! Job Roles include
-- Security (Escort, Convoy Member, Outer World Piracy)
-- Hauler (Base Building, Convoy Member)
--- Intelligence (Patrol Wing, Communications, Outer / Inner System Scouting,*HQ Support Role)
-- Thug (Aggressor, Pirate Law Enforcer, Outter World Specialist)
-- Diplomacy (Recruitment, Faction Advisor, Faction Diplomat, Convoy Member) *HQ Support Role)
-- Cargo Delivery (Convoy Member, Merchant)

*see below for further information on operation -- 'PROJECT HORIZON'

'Piracy is rampant, the Junkers have a bad image right now and JRG intends to promote healthy citizenry.'

JRG will provide enhanced security, intel and benfitable reputation opportunity for all freelancers in the sectors the organisation operates, focusing on enhanced Junker growth in the region. This is a message from Freeport 1 to be delivered to all major communications channel in Sirius Space. Attached is the data card on new organisation: JRG Shipping (Junker Royal Guard, JRG Trading)

DATAPAD -- ENTRY *414 - JUNKER ROYAL GAURD (Allies : None Known) (Enemies : Hogosha, Xenos)
JRG Shipping (quasi-lawful) otherwise known as 'Junker Royal Guard' is an offshoot group of Liberty Junkers operating commercially as 'privateers' trans - Sirius (*delivering Luxuries, goods and armaments throughout the major houses & Border Worlds) based out of Omicron Tau system; the JRG fleet harvests scrap from nearby systems, selling it wherever they can.
Descendants of the first Maltese slaves exiled to Liberty onboard the RSS Stockholm, the Junker Royal Guard currently consists of a combined fleet of Scrap Miners, Traders, Haulers (and a fighter wing). They are known to be the kingpins of 'Project Horizon' -- a lucrative trade route spanning over several dangerous systems.

The Junker Royal Guard has a chance to set a new example; for the civilized era of the Scrap Hunters ...

Corporation Motto (SSS) Secure | Scrap | Sell

'In a new age of House hostilities, we find ourselves with more new Junker recruits every day. Some of those, still unknown to the great Junker clans and available for hire. We, (JRG) wish to maintain a good reputation with Police and Commercial enterprise. Our goal is to represent all Junkers as free merchants, and to quell the negative image our ancestors have built over the generations. It is time to expand as a not just a Faction, but as a Race. Which path will you take?' - Anonymous Spokeswoman (Project Horizon Agent) recent Investors conference, Alcara Shipping Depot - Omicron Tau Region

'Strength in numbers is the key survival factor for the every day merchant., though to survive the challenges of 'Project Horizon' the every day Junker must adapt, innovate, and create his /her own way; for the stakes are high when the income is great. Do you seek fame and fortune?' Do you have what it takes to join the JRG? Departure awaits... Project Horizon calls (enquire for more information on the secretive operation) ' #JRG Project Horizon

*APPLICATIONS OPEN -- Contact, Project Horizon