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About Order reputation.. - Printable Version

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About Order reputation.. - -=Enterprise=- - 09-10-2006

For quite some time now (about 7 hours), I've been trying every way, shape form that I know to try and improve my Order reputation (which is hovering just above neutral).

I've found that:

Killing Nomad ships seems to have no effect (I spent a couple hours killing dozens of fighters, gun boats, and nabbed a few BS's - for good measure), that no likely place I have found can you find anyone to bribe your reputation into something decent, and that no matter what your current reputation is, it just will-not-budge.

Im not really interested in a tag - im gonna go Outcast eventually - but in a specific ship, the Mephthys. (I liked the Anubis design, so an advanced version just hits the spot).

So I have to ask, what in the world can you do to fix the accursed thing into at least neutral? Tis frustratin' I can't get the Mephthys I'd like to be the proud owner of. =/


About Order reputation.. - Nightfall - 09-10-2006

I've tried the same earlier, no use, doesn't work, Igiss said (I think) it'll be fixed in 4.81... :(

About Order reputation.. - -=Enterprise=- - 09-10-2006

I suppose then it's too much hope that a server admin could nudge my rep with the Order a millimeter to the right so I can land on Toledo?

About Order reputation.. - Teaboy - 09-10-2006

can you please not be yet another bloody outcast? gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

About Order reputation.. - -=Enterprise=- - 09-10-2006

Firstly...I found the god that is the Talon...

And secondly, I would be a Corsair, but they dont have any cool looking ships (like the Huegenot).

Seriously. The only thing beyond a Titan that you can get that is 'Corsair' is the Gunboat, and its hideous.

You can get the Osiris, but I dont want to go full fit me fine, they're the second major Pirate faction, have a light capital ship that is good, looks good, and can actually get through an asteroid field (sort of), and, AND, if I ever get sick of that, the BS for the Outcast is more than welcome in terms of sights.

Yes, im one of those people who likes the looks of what he flys. xD BLAME DEVS FOR NOT GIVING CORSAIRS MORE/BETTER SHIPS.


(hides while he still can)
