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Blood Dragon Issues, - Printable Version

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Blood Dragon Issues, - Banned player t202085 - 04-07-2018

Hey, I have been putting together projects for each of the Blood Dragon factions to complete in exchange for rewards, be that credits, shogunate favour or clan progression but I've realised a re-occurring theme in the projects I have planned out most of them are around new things and ideas instead of dealing with issues that would appear in normal day to day life.

An example would be Project Get to work
Task: Drive car to work
Middle: Figure out what car needs/obtain fuel - complete task
End: inform me about getting to work, #GetPaid.

I'm looking for ideas/suggestions on things that could break/go wrong with normal day to day things,

Task: Repair car
Middle: You were already on your way to work, which is a normal day to day thing but your car broke down.
End: Fix or get help from someone to fix the car, get to work. Return to Business as usual.

I'm looking for a few suggestions, some easy, medium, hard settings on them would be appreciated. Decent ones will find their way into BD| RPs Smile

RE: Blood Dragon Issues, - Sand_Spider - 04-07-2018

Honestly, I think the frequent maintenance of Blood Dragon makes sense, with how old a lot of those ships can be.

You could potentially have members roll a percentage die (out of 100) every so often to see if one of their ship's systems goes haywire, and thus is disabled for a day to allow for repairs. This could be a way to handicap members in combat (such as a malfunctioning missile launcher, a disabled gun, or a low-ammo count mine dropper). If a member manages to defeat an opponent despite the handicap, they could receive a special medal or credit bonus, or credit towards earning a special ship (such as a less accident-prone high-tech Order or Coalition ship?).

RE: Blood Dragon Issues, - SnakThree - 04-07-2018

Check Ageira's mission board for ideas. Although it is for corporate RP, you might adaptor them for your needs.

RE: Blood Dragon Issues, - Banned player t202085 - 04-07-2018

PM'd So far,

Food Shortage on Kyoto (done a billion times before)
Engine prototype explosion on Hikone
Power circuit failure on Sendai
Potential infection/infectious materials on Ryuku
Large supplies Cardamine found on Kyoto (I think this may have been a troll but the removal of such could be an interesting project)
Battleship Kokura malfunction (I like the idea but need better ideas around what type of malfunctions.