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SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Printable Version

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SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - SSRT - 04-07-2018

[Image: CWNJqdl.png]

Separatists Special Response Team
Fight For The Freedom of Liberty


The original idea behind the Separatists Special Response team was to assist Battle Group Harmony in fights that they couldn't win themselves. SSRT developed a strong response team that could rapidly attack the enemy without having needing any assistance. The idea of creating SSRT occurred to Amina Rodriges during a big fight in Bering when she realised that their enemies are getting stronger and that Harmony needs assistance. She saw how badly Separatists need more firepower for winning such fights in the future. Immediately after she was aware of the problem she started designing a battlegroup of her own. After the clarification with the Battlegroup Harmony this group finally became reality.

Ever since then Amina has been leading a team of her own. SSRT became a group of highly skilled pilots who are trained to be able to defeat the strongest of their enemies. A member of SSRT are trained to withstand bad conditions and fight up to three enemies at the same time. A vessel of the SSRT is designed and equipped for hard fights. A pilot that files under the SSRT tag is a professional military pilot whose ship is always equipped with advanced technology which gives them even more advantage in combat. Since the day of it's founding, the Separatists Special Response Team is becoming more and more popular among it's allies and dreaded enemies. The most important task of the SSRT is to protect and defend Bering from their enemies and unwanted quests. The main goal of the SSRT is to make Separatists and Battlegroup Harmony stronger in every aspect. SSRT was originally created to assist Battlegroup Harmony but everyday the Separatists Special Response Team are becoming more and more independent. From the point of its creation and until now SSRT have made a massive step forward and are noticeably taking their own path.

[ Goals Combat Unit ]

1. The Main goal of the Combat unit is to strengthen the separatist and the Battlegroup Harmony and secure the Bering system.
2. We want to Recruit new and good fighter Pilots and Gunboat Captains.
3. We want to provide Fighter support for the Espionage Unit if it is needed.
4. We want to train our Pilots as good as possible so we are capable to fight back any enemy.
5. We want a Unit that is capable to receive Commands and follow this quickly.
6. We want to equip all our Combat Unit ships with High standarts.
7. We want to be able to Fight in bordering systems of Bering includes Texas, Hudson, New York.
8. We want to escort our supply transporters with all the strenght that is needed.

[ Goals Espionage Unit ]

1. The Main goal of the Espionage Unit is to spy on the Liberty Navy, Liberty Police and the LSF for possible cooperation with the nomads or to locate potential infected people. Any proof must be sent immediately to The High Command of the SSRT and to the Battlegroup Harmony.
2. We want to Recruit new advanced Fighter pilots.
3. We want to train our pilots on a high fighting and Information collector level.
4. We want to know every location of new or older Capital Vessles from the Liberty Navy.
5. We want to equip all our Combat ships with the needed technology that fits the Espionage Unit.
6. We want to gather influence under the Pilots in Sirius to Recruit new Pilots.
7. We may want to go in deeper research outside of liberty to collect importent infromations about liberty.

Our goals are set high but we must achieve them for the freedom of Liberty and the civilians.

[Image: GtBiiVX.gif]
[General Information]

[ Faction Name ]

Separatists Special Response Team

[ Faction Tag Combat Unit ]

SSRT|- Codename, SSRT|- Firstname,Lastname, SSRT|- surrname

[ Faction Tag Espionage Unit ]

SSRT-EU|- Codename, SSRT-EU|- Firstname,Lastname, SSRT-EU|- surrname

[ ID/IFF ]

ID Liberty Separatists, IFF Liberty Separatists

[ Ship line ]

Liberty Navy VHF, Liberty Navy Bomber, Liberty Navy Gunboat

[ Zone of Influence ]

All liberty systems, Bering, Hamburg

[ Recruitment ]

In space, or Recruitment

[ SSRT High Commander ]

Amina Rodriges SSRT|-Liberty-Emperor
Highleader of the Combat and spy unit. Any Request needs to be approved by the High Commander. Directly Report to the Battlegroup Harmony.

[ SSRT Combat Unit Hierarchy ]

High Commander:
Amina Rodriges - SSRT|-Liberty-Emperor
High Commander of the Combat Unit. Responsible for Recruting new Combat pilots and train them. Directly Report to the Battlegroup Harmony.

Second Commander:
Jasmine Keys - SSRT|-Minotour

Cruiser Captains:
Adam Bells - SSRT|-RedHawk

Gunboat Captains:
Amina Rodriges - SSRT|-Executor
James O'Brien - SSRT|-Syclle

Bomber Pilots:
Fina - SSRT|-Deltahawk
Adam SSRT|-Lighter

VHF Pilots:
Daisy - SSRT|-Daisy
Amina Rodriges - SSRT|-Ruler
Carlo de Antonio - SSRT|-CookieHunter
Jasmine Keys SSRT|-Jazie.Jasmin
James O'Brien SSRT|-Kelly.O'Brien

[SSRT Espionage Unit Hierarchy]

Jack, further informations is classified.
Will Lead all Espionage missions and is responsible for recruitment and Training of the Espionage Unit. Will Directly Report to the First Commander and the High Command of the Battlegroup Harmony.

Gunboat Captains:

Bomber Pilots:

VHF Pilots:
Jack - SSRT-EU|-Omega


Lane Hackers




Blood Dragons





The Core



Hellfire Legion







Liberty Police


Liberty Navy


[Image: CWNJqdl.png]
Separatists Special Response Team
Fight For The Freedom of Liberty

RE: SSRT| Seperatists Special Response Team - Suzumi - 04-07-2018

This seems a little unnecessary, especailly on an already specific ID.

Why not talk to Harmony and make this a subfaction?

RE: SSRT| Seperatists Special Response Team - Cortana Clark - 04-07-2018

(04-07-2018, 01:16 PM)Suzumi Wrote: This seems a little unnecessary, especailly on an already specific ID.

Why not talk to Harmony and make this a subfaction?

ehm i have talked to skorak and she said it would be fine to make my own group

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Y'berg - 04-14-2018


RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - bakugone - 04-14-2018

(04-14-2018, 09:18 PM)Y'berg Wrote: [Image: f3c.gif]

Can you tell what is the point of this post in here?

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Sciamach - 04-14-2018

(04-14-2018, 09:21 PM)bakugandenis2013 Wrote: Can you tell what is the point of this post in here?

Because the last thing this server needs is yet another uninspired, boring, poorly thought-out naval separatist faction, much less in what is already the most active house in the game.

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Cortana Clark - 04-15-2018

(04-14-2018, 11:15 PM)Sciamach Wrote:
(04-14-2018, 09:21 PM)bakugandenis2013 Wrote: Can you tell what is the point of this post in here?

Because the last thing this server needs is yet another uninspired, boring, poorly thought-out naval separatist faction, much less in what is already the most active house in the game.

Well i thank you for your friendly words. The only thing i want to say is that im for longer on this server but im newer with the real rp and if you dont have to say something to help me with improvent then i would be pleased if you wouldnt be so rude rater help me to improve myself so i can make better and more quality content

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Sciamach - 04-15-2018

The problem isn't your inexperience with the server-- the problem is that there are innumerable factions that go un-fulfilled and un-used every day on this server, meanwhile Liberty gets a new one of these separatist factions seemingly every week. By all means, do your own thing but for the love of gods, do it with a faction/concept that wasn't done to death 3+ years ago.

Literally any of the other houses besides Liberty could use some fresh blood, or even the omegas/omicrons. Branch out, try to do things in the less-inhabited portions of sirius. You'll often find some pretty interesting people to interact with there.

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Cortana Clark - 04-15-2018

(04-15-2018, 12:26 AM)Sciamach Wrote: The problem isn't your inexperience with the server-- the problem is that there are innumerable factions that go un-fulfilled and un-used every day on this server, meanwhile Liberty gets a new one of these separatist factions seemingly every week. By all means, do your own thing but for the love of gods, do it with a faction/concept that wasn't done to death 3+ years ago.

Literally any of the other houses besides Liberty could use some fresh blood, or even the omegas/omicrons. Branch out, try to do things in the less-inhabited portions of sirius. You'll often find some pretty interesting people to interact with there.

I can understand that point really but i need to say that the house of liberty always was my favorit and im still thinking about a bigger story for this faction i play nearly every day and i just have tons of fun playing as separatist that why i created this faction.. and i tought it would may bring a little fresh air in the older factions in liberty if there is someone new to fight and rp with thats my main idea behind this i mean yeah i just want to back up harmony and help were i can but i tought it would be a good idea

RE: SSRT| Separatists Special Response Team - Nerva Regis - 04-15-2018

Hey there! I did some quick formatting. More info on that here.
Also, if you want to use it, just copy paste what is between the spoiler tags. If you tell me the relations with each factions (allied, friendly, neutral, distrustful, enemy) in percentage, I can adjust the reputation bars for each.

Its far from being perfect, but it's a start. I hope this helps you a bit (sun).

The bars used in the spoiler are just place holders. They will be replaced with ones that look better, like the ones bellow:
friendly / ally



p.s. If you do not see me around, PM me , I don't spent that much time around here atm; but I can find some time to finish formatting this for you.