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To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Printable Version

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To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Maltese Armed Forces - 04-08-2018

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[Image: RbQKTFW.png]

[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez - MAF
[Receiver-ID]: Crayter Military
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space

[Subject]: Baja

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Hola y buen día.

With the shipments of Crayter's supplies getting done by the Republic's logistics, R&D has had an interest in reviving a proposal from the past.

A bit over a year ago, one of our lead researchers proposed to Crayter about the possibility of a colonization effort for Planet Baja, the cold desert planet to the system's northeast. While the proposal was shot down by former Fleet Admiral Chandler, our recent contributions as well as the Fleet's desire to continue to help Crayter regain their foothold in Sirius has reopened the idea of putting this idea into motion once more.

In the spirit of continued friendship, the Admiralty Board would like to know whether Crayter would be interested in opening up this avenue of progress. Effort from both sides would be likely, and given how Yuma was a good step for Crayter, we believe opening up more locales for Republic citizens to call home, as well as areas the Armed Forces could gather and supply from, would be in mutual interest for both parties.

We look forward to hearing your response.

For Malta and her children.

Yours truly,
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta

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RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Atreides2 - 04-08-2018

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Maria Cortez,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ryo Kase, Minister of Research and Development. My duties are range and varies but this one caught my eyes.

For some time I am looking at Baja and I am wishing to establish a base there. However, at the moment, the Republic is pretty busy in other sectors, such as Yuma, Pecos and Borneo.

Which brings me to a new proposal but first a small history lesson, which I hope you will accept it.

On the Second Exodus, the Republic settled in Tau 44 and we colonized planet Borneo. We build settlements for our people and we had a flourishing Republic there. The planet was meant to be a home for all those which the Republic sees as allies. But that home was taken away from us by the Gauls.

We regrouped and we waited and now we finally taken the Tau 44 back, and with it, planet Borneo.

Here comes my proposal now. As we still want to make Borneo open to all allies of the Republic, I am inviting you to join us in the re-colonization process and repair the damage done by Gallic lack of interest. I wish to invite you to become Residents of Crayter Republic and put the civilian bases of your reborn nation as well, along some others that were invited.

Let's do this first step together and then we can look into Baja Project.

What you say?

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Maltese Armed Forces - 04-08-2018

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[Image: RbQKTFW.png]

[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez - MAF
[Receiver-ID]: Crayter Military
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Hola y buen día.

After a debate with the cabinet and the Armed Forces High Command, the Republic accepts your proposal to restore Planet Borneo. With hope and determination we can build a better future for both our people, and give homes and residence to the citizens of both our nations.

Alongside this, I've been tasked with asking exactly what being 'residents of the Crayter Republic' defines, purely for clarification.
Regardless, we look forward to seeing Planet Borneo brought to future glory. Thank you, Senor Kase, and let us know what we can do to either further this goal or aid Crayter against her enemies.

For Malta and her children.

Yours truly,
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta

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RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Atreides2 - 04-08-2018

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Buenos Dias senorita Maria,

I am more then happy that you accepted our proposal. However, I must warn you that our Nation is not the only one to settle on that planet. A few other groups agreed also, which I would ask you to receive this with an open mind and we need to remember that we have a chance to build something great in the Tau.

Now, I will pass a small clarification of what Legal Resident means. Please read this and if you have any questions, I am here to answer or discuss them.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Maltese Armed Forces - 04-10-2018

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[Image: RbQKTFW.png]

[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez - MAF
[Receiver-ID]: Crayter Military
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Hola y buen día.

The Republic is more than open to any groups who call Crayter a friend, as what allies would we be if we didn't account for others in this effort. Fleet Logistics will be prepared to begin the supply of materials and personnel that this endeavor will require, as well as the military defense needed to protect both them and any civilian assets who would call Borneo home as well.

Again, do let us know what else the Republic can do to aid Crayter should it be needed.
For Malta and her children.

Yours truly,
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta

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RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Atreides2 - 04-10-2018

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Buenos Dias senorita Maria,

I was going over the old settlements we had on the planet and I was looking which to assign to your people, but I didn't had any facts, like the number of people you want to move to Borneo and better yet, what type of settlement you wish to develop....

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Maltese Armed Forces - 04-16-2018

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[Image: RbQKTFW.png]

[Comm-ID]: Colonel Maria Cortez - MAF
[Receiver-ID]: Crayter Military
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Hola y buen día.

After a talk with our colonial affairs head, whom I'm hoping will be able to take care of any other issues regarding Borneo, the Republic has come to the conclusion that, while we do have personnel and the house established on Soledad, a starting colony of around 250 peronnel would be a beginning for what is expected on Borneo. In addition, the style of settlement would truthfully be up to whatever Crayter would be willing to lend our colonists to begin. We're anything but picky, and most pride themselves on adaptability to outside environments.

I hope this helps, and I look forward to seeing the progress.

For Malta and her Children.

Yours truly,
Maria Cortez
Task Force Pacientia
Republic of Malta

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RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Atreides2 - 04-17-2018

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Buenos Dias senorita Maria,

I am pleased to hear that you accept that.

Now, I wish to discuss the settlement position and your needs. As you know, some of Crayter population are addicted to cardamine, as they are former Outcasts, slaves owned by the Outcasts and the likes. Back in the day when we owned Tau 44, we build several settlements on small islands for them , as we took into consideration their Cardamine addiction.

Anyway, since now most of them are settled on Yuma and Pecos, we found ourselves with a small local population which settled in Tau 44, from the Civilian input we had.

They settled in what is name Reggio Calabria on Borneo, island of Lipari. There are a few settlements build there, most of them ruined but Lipari can still maintain around one thousand two hundred people. Your people will join Crayterians there.

They will be registered as Crayter Legal Residents.

Is that alright, miss?

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Maltese Armed Forces - 04-18-2018

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[Image: 5POYGlJ.png]

[Comm-ID]: Arturo Ruiz - Republic of Malta
[Receiver-ID]: Ryo Kase
[Location]: Heaven's Summit, Aragon system, Hispania Space

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Hola y buen día.

My name is Arturo Ruiz, Head of the Department of Colonial Affairs for the Republic. It is a pleasure to meet you, Senor Kase, and by Ms. Cortez's request I will be handling this matter onwards so she may focus on issues relating to the Nacion's security.

I've looked back at the prior conversation Ms. Cortez had with you, as well as your proposal, and I must say I am certain it will be well within what the Republic would desire from a colony. This region of Lipari will hopefully serve as a first step, and I'll notify the men and women who have volunteered to begin preparing for their transit to Borneo. They should hopefully arrive by the week's end if not sooner.

I also wish to note for any future endeavors that the Republic houses both users of cardamine and those who don't, as well as those who have taken the step to use stabiline. While I see no real issue with colonization, it is better for both sides to be as well informed as possible to ensure a smooth running.

I wish you and yours the best, Senor Kase.
To a lasting friendship.

Arturo Ruiz
Minister of Colonial Affairs
Republic of Malta

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RE: To: Crayter Military HC ; CC: Crayter Republic - Atreides2 - 04-21-2018

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings Mr. Ruiz,

Thank you for your swift response.

To make you also aware, Borneo will be inhabited by more then Crayterians and your people, there are other allies which had been invited to join us. There will be no fly or no go zones on the planet but that will be passed later on.

Meanwhile, for a smooth colonization and integration, my team will create a Charter for Borneo which would be honored if you would sign at the end, not before you read it, of course.

Maybe you will be interested to know that you may meet old friends on Borneo also. Please, come to the planet with an open mind and together we may find a bright and better future for our people.

As for the Cardamine users, our people took also stabiline but some remained on Carda. According to their Legal Rights , we didn't interfere but there may be a project which may interest your Republic.

I will inform Governor Aeryn to await your people ships. He will take care of all their needs.

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]