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Choises - Derkylos - 02-02-2009

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"This is Yokohama Shipyard to Samura Alpha four dash one, you are now cleared to land." The familiar voice filtered over Mai's comms. Engaging the autopilot, she settled back and allowed the docking computer to gently guide the Hawk into the hangar. To port, the gigantic blue bulk of Kitadake provided a serene backdrop to a passing cruiser patrol. Mai setteled back and sighed. It was good to be home.

Releasing the cockpit hood, she climbed out onto the floor of the hangar bay. Already, technicians were swarming over the Hawk, checking it's systems and getting to work on the scars from the most recent trip. Hailing the chief engineer, Mai gave him a quick rundown as she strolled across the hangar towards the exit, "You might want to take a look at the power feeds on the port side lasers, they seem to be rather intermittant, also, I took some fire to the top fin, get that checked out, and give it a once-over for sadiation damage, you know how some routes get..." She trailed off as she caught sight of two men standing in the dorway to the hangar wearing the uniforms of high level Samura employees.

As she approached, one of them stepped forward and hailed her, "Suma, Mai Suma?" he asked.
"Yes, that's me, how can I help you, kakui?"
"We have some...ah...rather delicate news for you, please, follow us."
Intrigued, Mai allowed the two men to lead her into a nearby room, which contained 2 chairs, with a table in between. One of the men sat down in a chair, the otehr remained standing and motioned for Mai to sit. Wondering what was going on, Mai pulled out the chair and sat down, attempting to keep an eye on both men at the same time. "So, what's this all about?" she asked. The man sitting across from her cleared his throat and stepled his fingers, before responding very carefully,
"Well, there isn't an easy way to put's about your husband. He's...dead."
Mai's mind reeled, she recalled the last time she had seen him, standing next to their son as she blasted out of the docking bay, seeming very small and alone. In a small voice, she asked "What...what happened to him?" Her eyes misted, and she stared down at the table, unseeing. The man standing behind her spoke up,
"Presently, we have no solid leads, but we suspect The Dragons are behind it. Several ships breached our security perimeter and attacked without warning, their first salvo took out several habitation modules. I am sorry." He approached cautiously and touched her on the shoulder. She threw his hand off in a fit of rage, jumped up and flew at him "No," she screamed, "Why," She collapsed back into the chair, sobbing "Why, why, why, why..." The seated man placed a folder on the table
"Here are the documents pertaining to your new accomodation...if you need a break from work, we fully understand the situation." With that, he nodded to the other man, stood up, and, together, they departed.

Mai sat in the room for what seemed like hours after she heard the muted click of the door closing. Looking at the folder in front of her, she tried to summon up the courage to open it. Her family was dead, yet she was not, she had to go on, her life must move forward. Standing up, she reached out towards the folder, but, suddenly, her hand snapped back. Her mind made up, she strode to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the corridor.

It was late evening, if time held any substance in space, Alpha four had been the last incoming convoy for the day. The corridors were fairly quiet. Heading back to the hangar bay, Mai did not encounter more than a few people, and none of them gave her as much as a second glance. Entering the hangar bay, she glanced around. Seeing no one present, she headed over to her Hawk, poised, silently, like the very bird it was named after. Climbing into the cockpit, Mai went through the standard pre-flight checks. She powered up the main engines, shields and weapons systems. Taking a deep breath, and a firm grip on the joystick, she carefully maneuvered the fighter so it was facing the hangar doors. She checked around the hangar carefully, ensuring there were no people there. While she no longer cared for the keiretsu, she could not bring herself to wantonly destroy human life. Taking careful aim at the middle of the doors, Mai squeezed the firing triggers and closed her eyes.

Yokohama shipyard control room. Satoshi sat with his feet up on the desk, reclining in his chair. No convoys were due in for the next nine hours, all he had to do was keep an eye out for hostile contacts, and make sure no drunk or foolish pilot decided to ram the base. He was pulled out oh his daydreams by an incessant pinging, along with a blinking red light. Looking down at his control console, he saw that hangar bay 139 had depressurised. Quickly sealing off the surrounding corridors, he ran a life signs scan, which, unsurprisingly, as all the mechanics were off duty, came up blank. Probably some minor equipment malfunction, he thought. A quick message to engineering dispatched a team to check it out and repair any damage. Satoshi returned to his relaxed position, just in time to miss seeing the Hawk rocket out of the docking bay on full afterburners, turn, and dock with the lane leading to Narita.