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Dear Agt's Hudson & Grayson, Regarding the LH~ & Bering; - Printable Version

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Dear Agt's Hudson & Grayson, Regarding the LH~ & Bering; - Stolt. - 04-12-2018

[Image: EDITED_21.png]

[To]: Jonas Hudson & Julian Grayson, [SIS]
[From]: Adrienne Perry, [SIS]
[Subject]: Covert Action in Liberty
[Encryption]: High

Dear Agt.'s Hudson & Grayson,

It has been a while since our last incident with the Lane Hackers [ACCESS RELEVANT FILE]. The Directorate would like to have an update of LH~ operations. We haven't seen that many of them active in Bretonia in recent months, but we'd like to make sure that this isn't just some kind of "calm before the storm".

Furthermore, the situation at Bering is destabilising further. Although the bases of Battlegroup Harmony & the Unioners are distant from Bretonia, we'd like to evaluate how much of a threat they are to Liberty & Rheinland as we are currently getting nearly all of our war materiel from these two houses. We need to prepare contingency plans in case the supply lines we depend upon are affected.

Make sure you develop strong undercover identities and avoid entering Rheinland as we are currently in negotiations with the Buro. Good luck, and keep me updated through this channel.

Adrienne Perry, Chief of Staff,
Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia


RE: Dear Agt's Hudson & Grayson, Regarding the LH~ & Bering; - JonasHudson - 05-03-2018

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[Image: 30tnnsp.jpg]

[To]: Adrienne Perry, SIS CC: Defence Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Field Report
[Encryption]: High

Follow up report:

I made it over to Bering where I've made port at the now independently operated Freeport 2 for about a week. It seems to be mainly controlled by the Liberty Separatists, specifically Battlegroup Harmony. Unioner ships are being dealt from the base now, so they may have a working relationship with them. From what I have gathered, a group of Zoners claiming to be the Zoner Alliance briefly attempted to gain control of the station recently, but failed. There is a Zoner Civilian Carrier lurking nearby that they may have launched from. However it seems there has been no more activity from them since their attack.

On the other hand, the Separatists seem to also operate a neighboring facility named 'Bristol Depot', which has an addendum, and seems to employ a full compliment of weapons platforms around it. I was present briefly for an engagement between the Separatists and some Liberty Navy vessels. I gathered that Liberty does frequently send small groups into Bering to combat them and possibly the Unioners. They seemed very concerned with the presence of Bristol Depot. I offered my assistance to the Seps, but mostly observed. Their defense seemed to hold, and Liberty has yet to attempt any large scale action out there.

High Res

For the time being, the threat level seems low, as unlawful forces out here seem on the defensive, and Liberty has local forces deployed to maintain some security. I do not believe it is causing any significant drain from allied resources. I'll try to make regular observational runs in and out. Things seem quiet enough at this point, so I'll be bringing it in to Bretonia for debrief.

Standing by,

Jonas Hudson

Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia

[Image: 2qamo8z.png]
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RE: Dear Agt's Hudson & Grayson, Regarding the LH~ & Bering; - Stolt. - 05-05-2018

[Image: EDITED_36.png]

[To]: Jonas Hudson & Julian Grayson, [SIS]
[From]: Adrienne Perry, [SIS]
[Subject]: RE: Covert Action in Liberty
[Encryption]: High

Dear Mr. Hudson

Thank you Mr. Hudson. If you feel your false identity is no longer secure, return to base immediately. Mr. Grayson can continue where you left off if there is are any updates.

Adrienne Perry, Chief of Staff,
Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia