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Hispanic Armed Forces - Muleo - 02-02-2009

*** Begin transmission... ***
Comm ID: Asno Muleo, Overpirate of the OPG, Elder of the Corsair Council
RE: Hispanic Armed Forces
To: Open letter to the Corsairs

HAF, your flawed choices lead us to question your motives. Disrepecting and downright disobeying orders from various Elders has led to a series of complaints and discussions about the so called "Hispanic Armed Forces".

Countless times you've brought the diplomacy of the Corsair nation in jeopardy. Breaking ceasefires, attacking neutral parties, each and every one of these crimes should have been enough to warrant your death, but we tried the route of patience.

If you were of any use in combat, we would have tolerated your diplomatic incompetence, but even in the art of combat, you proved to be more burden than relief.

After the first dispute, your leader asked for a chance to prove yourselves, that you would improve. But all you've done is proved to be a nuisance. A dangerous one, and now you've run out of chances.

As such the Council has this one final order for you. Failure to obey it will result in your death.

Disband or die.

Throw away the HAF name, and you will be forgiven for these crimes. If the HAF remains, in any shape or form, we will have no choice but to hunt you down as traitors.

Make no mistake, there is an abundance of Corsairs who want to see you dead, most of them were held back by the Council's orders, but as soon as this order is read, any HAF that still exist will be hunted and destroyed until you no longer exist.

Don't bother replying to this transmission, disband honorably, or be hunted as dogs. That is the final decision of the Council.

*** End transmission... ***

Hispanic Armed Forces - casero - 02-02-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: HAF-Tito.Vendetta***

Replying as well, please, I'm asking to all the Elders to sign what Muleo has said. Certainly I'm not gonna waste more of our time.

***Transmission ends***

Hispanic Armed Forces - CorsairCouncil - 02-02-2009

It is the decision of the Council as a whole and we dont feel the need to respond individually, as wether unanimous or not, it is the decision of the full council.

Hispanic Armed Forces - casero - 02-02-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: HAF-Tito.Vendetta***

Ok, sure, I guess...

***Transmission ends***

Hispanic Armed Forces - El Nino - 02-02-2009

Comm ID: Jose El Nino, Omicron Gamma, Elder chambers

I support fully Elder Muleo, be it with my signature or my guns, this rebelious HAF needs to be quenched in steam right here and right now.

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

***transmission incomming***
***from HAF-Megadeath***

Where is the justice in this Corsair Council?, Is that a blind, deaf and mute organism, driven for 2 men only? Are Gentle and asno Muleo, who have the cynicism of calling Outcast and Hessians enjoy to their pirates' organization, they alone are the council?

Doesn't the Council have the duty to listen to the corsair people? Why don't they listen to us and do they decide to do right after hearing us? Is the one that should take the decisions that they affect all corsairs only its ugly secretary?, Do they despise so much to his others brothers than do not believe them capable to defend his frontiers?

Know you, everything them facctions and houses of Sirius, friendly and enemy, than the civil war inside the corsair demonstrates the incapacity of governing of these gentlemen, that the one thing that they know how to do is to order his followers to kill all his brothers that do not agree with their way of acting.

Jose El Nino, if you never was there, whats you judge? if you never listen us, whats you say?

***Transmission ends.............................

Hispanic Armed Forces - Quorg - 02-03-2009


Forgive us from withholding our individual names for fear of retaliation against our families.

We, the crew of the Desert Snow, have been following these events closely.
It appears as if the HAF have indeed been acting out of line.

That being said, we will not submit ourselves to an OPG coup, which appears to be ever more imminent.
We submit to the authority of the Council without hesitation, but would not be pleased to see its integrity under attack.
Quash the rebels. Fine. But we will be interested in observing how much more the tentacles of the OPG extend to tighten their grasp on the Council. And we are not alone.

The Crew of the Desert Snow.


Hispanic Armed Forces - Zapp - 02-03-2009

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Tequila Sunrise, Corsair

Eh, you Hispania Armed Forces hombres make me sick. Disgracing the Corsair name, both by your actions and general incompetence. Good riddance, I say. *sound of spitting* Lot of you don't deserve the option to disband, but the Council does as the Council wishes. Best you lot remember that.

End Transmission

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

***Transmission incoming****
///from : HAF-Megadeath****

And please our name its HAF: Hispania Armored Forces

not Hispanic, you are against the truth if you give a bad name to our Faction.

***transmission end*****

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

***incomming transmission***
establish connection.....................
***from: HAF: megadeath***

This war can be named "The 1 Million Credits War", why? because the OPGs, especific Karolis have interest only for money, they was attempting extorsionate to our Diplomatic Elder, please look the information, taking from the comunications console.][img=]

that was the main excuse for OPGs

***transmision ends****