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Operation Recluse - Printable Version

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Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 04-28-2018

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"I can't believe you actually want to try going to this place again in anything smaller then a Cruiser." Mark says to the Pilot of the transport currently mooring with a station that not three days ago was the home of a cultist operation. "Mark we were kind of in a rush to get out, so who knows what's left in there, and the off chance that there's nothing there at least it could provide us with a safe haven" Cassiopeia says as she checks her weapons and heads to the airlock, where a group of four Vindicators await her orders. "Ready weapons, we have no idea what's in there. So verify targets before engaging." They acknowledge her silently as the airlock hisses and opens, the group moves forward quickly, and take defensive positions. As Cassiopeia advances past the threshold her form melts away, revealing it to be a fifth Vindicator, while they advance further into the bay of the station two more Vindicators remain in the transport, moving barricades to provide cover in case they need to defend the ship.

RE: Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 05-02-2018

The small unit proceeds deeper into the labyrinth of hallways and dead ends, moving at a slightly slow pace remaining vigilant against any defense systems or would be traps. Eerily enough, there seems to be a lack of any attempts to hinder any trespassers. "So anything good?" The voice Elena cuts through the otherwise deathly silence of the base. "Other then a lack of cultists... Or any personal in general for that matter? No, I'm heading to where the central command center should be. Maybe there we'll find out why that Drone was launched." Elena stretches at her desk on the Hecate, tinkering on a laser pistol while there's nothing else to do "Oh I wish I could be there. You know you're making history right Cass? The colonies first real look inside a Cultist instillation and it goes to you." As the group moves through they check rooms when ever they pass, those that aren't sealed are either bare, or filled with apparently unused equipment. However there doesn't seem to be anything of value "What were they even doing here? Why this system?" "All very good and relevant questions. And we both know I lack the answers too them. Now stop blowing processing on those questions and get to the command center.

RE: Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 05-07-2018

As the unit approaches where they think the command center something triggers. A silent alarm reactivates the defense grid on the station, near the location of the scouts several turrets deploy from the ceiling of the corridors. As the first Vindicator rounds the corner the turrets spin and lock onto it. Red lances of light fill the hall, almost instantly overwhelming the Androids shields. And destroying it within seconds. "We got company! Tau-3 destroyed! Tau-2! Pulse grenade!" Upon saying this, the Droid in the rear comes forward, and pulls a ball shaped charge that was attached to it's waist and throws it around the corner, going deep into the hallway it detonates and sends out a shockwave and disables all systems in the area, the hall goes dark and the Unit loses their shields. "Move in and take out those turrets!" They turn the corner and cut loose with their rifles, dispatching as many turrets as possible before the power returned to the area. Finishing the last three as the lights turn back on. "So... Elena, what do you think?" "I think I'm out a several million on a replacement Tau-3. Other then that, I'd say you're close." "Agreed, proceeding with extreme caution."

RE: Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 05-10-2018

Now armed with the knowledge that there are defenses active they move cautiously through the hall, Cass picking up some debris and when they reach the next corner, tosses it deep into the corridor. The auto-turrets begin unleashing streams of energy at the rubble. Giving the unit their chance to round the corner and open fire, destroying the turrets with surgical precision. Afterwards they head to a door slightly off center from the hall. The big difference is this door is locked via passcode. Cass sends Tau-4 to attempt to unlock the door. After a few minutes It pulls away and reports silently Negitive "Damn... Tau-2. Attempt to hack through and unlock it." Affirmative The droid moves to replace Tau-4. After a few minutes have passed, the door opens. Successful Entry Tau-2 signals the rest of the unit. Cass waits on the opposite side Tau-2 is, with a brief motion she signals Tau-4 to investigate.

RE: Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 05-10-2018

When the door opens, Tau-4 sends visual feeds to Cassiopeia and the Garuda. Showing that they have in fact found the Command center. Rows of Holographic displays, data consoles, and monitors showing camera footage. One screen shows the hanger bay that The Wandering Merchant is docked with. Along the ceiling, three auto turrets pop out. Much like they have been, Tau-4 is able to destroy one of them. But the other two blast after blast, crippling the unit. Then dispatching it when it continued to attempt to get back up. "Oh come on! It's bad enough I was out the credits on one. But now Two! Goddamn it." Elena starts to rub her eyes with her hand in irritation. "Alright, at least it did some damage unlike Tau-3... Ok Cass. We've confirmed the location of the center, you can't go around throwing explosives or EMP's here got it? Take those turrets down and do it precisely." "Understood." Cass replies as she hands her rifle to Tau-1, activating a built in holster in the leg of her Body, drawing her Virgo Pistol. Utilizing the image giving to her by Tau-4, she quickly moves her hand around the corner of the doorway, and lets loose two blasts. Hitting the turrets in their connectors, disabling them. With the defenses finally taken care of. the unit moves into the command center. After she locates the main terminal so orders Tau-2 to hack into it. Not even a full minute after it connects the computer activates a countermeasure, causing Tau-2's systems to overload. destroying it's core. "Well... At least he had a good run... You should pull back." "Negative Elena, I'm too close to just leave now. I'm going to attempt to hack into the system as well." Elena get's up from her chair "Cass... You saw what just happened. I'd rather not find out how good our backup system for you is." "I'd prefer not to either. The risk of losing memory is... Horrifying yes. But sometimes you have to take risks, put your life on the line. Right?" Elena wanted to say something, anything. But having her own words used against her forced her into silence.

RE: Operation Recluse - Jadon King - 05-10-2018

Cassiopeia wastes no time, moving the husk of Tau-2 and connecting with the Mainframe. The framework of the computer is nothing short of beautiful. An almost organic network. She proceeds to dive into the system, doing her best to avoid tripping up similar traps like the one that befell the poor Tau unit. After over two hours later. The lights flicker, and the systems reboot. Now with a new executive. Cassiopeia disconnects and inputs her password. and reprograms the targeting systems of the remaining auto-turrets. "Elena, you still up?" "And relieved to hear you again Cass. Status update?" "The station appears to have come under our control. Please Contact Keeper Leviathan about this." Cass says as she takes her rifle back from Tau-1. "I think we a bit of work to do." Elena stretches out in her chair. while she seems tired, she is absolutely ecstatic about her creations success. "Yeah. Of course! Cass this is huge. You did great girl. Mind holding down the fort until we can get some more boots on site?" "No I don't mind. But I would like if you sent a few more Vindicators my way, the four of us won't last long against more opposition.