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To: Zoner Consensus, OSI, IRG, TAZ | From: Arcana Group | Manatum Query - Printable Version

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To: Zoner Consensus, OSI, IRG, TAZ | From: Arcana Group | Manatum Query - Thexare - 05-01-2018

.:| Message Received
::| Sender: Jacob Orine

I'm calling on behalf of the Arcana Group, regarding Manatum Relief Station in the Cayman system.

As a quick introduction, we're a Zoner organization whose primary objective is rapid response to crises affecting Zoner installations, alien and otherwise. We also intend to be prepared for any humanitarian relief efforts needed anywhere in Sirius. Outside of those situations, our members are free to trade, mine, or explore as they will.

We would like to know who, if anyone, is currently making use of Manatum. Oliver and I stopped in to have a look, and it seems extremely well-situated for our work - an excellent communications array, well-stocked repair facilities, and proximity to the markets of Gran Canaria makes for a very useful rapid-response base.

I don't expect any objections to our using Manatum, but it'd be better for everyone involved if we could coordinate with any other Zoners active in Cayman.

.:| Message Ends
::| Channel open for response.

RE: To: Zoner Consensus, OSI, IRG, TAZ | From: Arcana Group | Manatum Query - Doc Holliday - 05-02-2018

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Quarters, [MFE]Med Force One
To: Jacobe Orine
CC: Consensus Members

Greetings, Mr. Orine,

I am Dr. John Henry Holliday, CEO of Med Force Enterprises and member of the Zoner Consensus. Right now, no one in the Consensus has made an effort to make use of Manatum however, it has been discussed. As my Enterprise grows, it needs more room to base. As the Consensus grows, so does its need to grow. As Cayman is a relatively quiet system, it is a prime place to expand to without generating interest from others. That said, if you are open to it, perhaps a joint venture is in order with the Consensus. Perhaps you may consider becoming a charter member of the Consensus? It is worth thinking about as more resources become available to you and many great minds together can do great things.

All this said, consider this. Cayman is claimed by the SCRA and I, for one, respect their rule. For anyone to take residency there, the Revolutionaries would need to be consulted and most definitely be given a stake. I have a good, long standing relationship with them and if you wish to work with me, I will assist in this area.
Let me know what you think.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
CEO, Med Force Enterprises
Zoner Consensus

RE: To: Zoner Consensus, OSI, IRG, TAZ | From: Arcana Group | Manatum Query - Thexare - 05-02-2018

.:| Message Received
::| Sender: Jacob Orine

I wasn't aware of the extent of Coalition interest in the system, but I don't see why we can't be good neighbors about it. I've never had much experience with them, though, so I'd appreciate your help.

Your idea regarding the Consensus is an interesting one, but of course that's not a decision I can make alone. I'll be in touch about that after I talk to the rest of the Arcana Group.

.:| Message Ends
::| Channel open for response.

RE: To: Zoner Consensus, OSI, IRG, TAZ | From: Arcana Group | Manatum Query - Joggin - 05-06-2018

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
Encryption: Medium

To: Jacob Orine
Regarding Manatum Relief Station

Jacob, the TAZ has only a passing interest in this station as an occasional stopping off point and we would have no issues with ya taking up residence, but as Doc points out, it would be wise and in yer best interests to discuss the matter with the SCRA before pitching yer tents, or doing anything more permanent. Aye, and forming an association with the Consensus would be no bad thing to include in yer letters of introduction.

But I can understand the attraction, Cayman being such a quiet and beautiful place. Let us know if you get into talks with the SCRA and need a reference.
