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Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - Printable Version

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Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - Rudo - 05-04-2018


I've been tinkering with SHFs since my return to the mod. I've liked them since the days of the crazy ramp Spatial that couldn't fit through docking rings and the Homeworld import Mafic. The Spatial and Arrastra are still great fun to fly.

My question comes up with regards to the Recycler and Mjolnir. Statswise, they are more or less equal to the Osprey Mk II. Core, handling, price, and size.

The Osprey has bomber torpedo hardpoints. The Recycler and Mjolnir do not. I just want to know if this is intentional or a balance oversight.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - E X O D I T E - 05-04-2018


But get a Plier. I am in no way biased. Honest.

RE: Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - Rudo - 05-04-2018

Flew one to see what the other SHFs were like.

Yeah, that's... definitely the gold standard.

RE: Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - Sand_Spider - 05-04-2018

The Mjolnir is capable of cruising at 400m/s, so that might be why it cannot mount bomber torpedoes.

As for the Recycler, it doesn't seem any smaller than the other SHFs, nor does it have more gun slots. Its torpedo slot placements are even worse off than most other SHFs who usually have centered torpedo slots. It doesn't turn faster than other SHFs - in fact it's one of the slowest SHFs out there, beaten only by the Arrastra, which has a better overall shape, but can still mount bomber torpedoes.

So why can't the Recycler mount bomber torpedoes when most of its cousins can? It'd be pretty useful for Junker's to not have to resort to non-faction bombers (I.E. Warans and Rocs) when having to shoot at unlawful capital ships trying to dock on Junker bases right in front of a police/military ship.

Is it so that Junker indies can't use them to blow up transports in the independent worlds as effectively? If so, that's a valid reason, but I'd like to know if that's true or not.

RE: Mjolnir & Recycler SHFs - no bomber torpedo hardpoints? - Rudo - 05-04-2018

I guess the mjolnir's cruise speed and 8 forward guns are what it's strength is. We'll leave that one.

But yeah. The Recycler. It was conceptualized as a heavy bomber back in the day but got balanced as an SHF. It's got giant torpedo tubes on the model. What balance argument is there to have it blocked from bomber torpedoes?