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To: Battlegroup Harmony High Command From: SSRT Leader - Printable Version

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To: Battlegroup Harmony High Command From: SSRT Leader - Cortana Clark - 05-04-2018


[Image: Y9tVdzc.jpg]
Name: Amina Rodriges
Faction: SSRT
Rank: Leading Commander
Location: Bering
Encryption: High
Subject: Headquater Rent in Bristol / Informations about upcomming mission


I came today with a special Request to the Battlegroup Harmony. While the SSRT support and espionage group is still under construction, we are currently unable to build our own headquarters. That's why I and the SSRT come to you to ask if it's possible to rent a small part of Bristol or Bristol Defense Center so that we can plan and execute our upcoming missions from there. In return, we would pay you a monthly compensation of 20 million Sirius Credits and of course we would also reinforce the security patrol in bering. Once we have reached the desired size of SSRT, of course, we will move out and build our own headquarters. We hope for a quick and positive response from you. If the price is too low, we will of course be willing to pay more.

The SSRT wants to start soon with the first exploration and espionage operations. Initially, these will only take place in the following systems: Texas, Hudson, Kansas, New York. After these systems have been thoroughly explored and tracked, we will turn our attention to spying on the Navy and LSF, and we will try to gather important information about secret stations, weapons technology, current anchorages of capital ships. Of course, we will try to find more evidence about the Navy, the LSF and the LPI cooperation with the nomads. For very important information, these will of course be forwarded directly to you.


Amina Rodriges


RE: To: Battlegroup Harmony From: SSRT Leader - Cortana Clark - 05-05-2018


RE: To: Battlegroup Harmony High Command From: SSRT Leader - Cortana Clark - 05-06-2018