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to: GMS|HTML - Printable Version

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to: GMS|HTML - NoMe - 05-06-2018

Sender :CoteAzure.destroyer
location Big Grinublin
subject :terrible incident

incoming transmission


ou plutôt mauvais jour GMS, like i said in space, my hope was not to reduct you in piece, i have no right to do it, my hope was just to stop you!

unfortunately my torp was loaded and have been launched in same time than my disruptor.

i hope for you that you could rearm a new ship and buy a new load of ore (you have niobium ore in tau 23, ex img field) it will be less far than the dublin system.

by chance, have you in very hight command The royal gallics? if it is the case you could *transmettre* that it is *abominable* to kill the miners.

i repeat my torps was a load error not a *vengeance*

in same time i will send a copy to the BAF, it could be a diplomatic incident! i don't think it Dublin is not a gallic system.

i can't pay the 5000 gold ore present in your cargo, but i can pay you a full repair 1000000 sc if needed.


end of transmission