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A summons - LaneDweller - 05-09-2018

*Walks up to the counter after surrendering arms at the gate*

Wayne: I-ah... have a summons notice from ahm.. Inspector Terry Jeffords.

Clerk: Name!?

Wayne: Wayne Peyton.....

Clerk: Have a seat, the inspector will call you in.

RE: A summons - Terry.Jeffords - 05-10-2018

The Interrogation begins

Inspector Terry Jeffords walks out to the lobby.

Insp.Jeffords: "Wayne Peyton, please follow me to the interview room."

They both enter the room and take seats at opposite sides of the table. Terry takes out and opens a pot of raspberry yoghurt. He continues to finish it, then begins to speak.

Insp.Jeffords: "I have called you in today to discuss the matter of an assault on the vessel 'NC-AM-Helios' we have evidence that you pursued and demanded payment from said ship. Do you have anything to say in defence?"

RE: A summons - LaneDweller - 05-12-2018

Damnit, I knew that one was a bad call *he mumbles to himself*
Aye, I remember the ship in question.. cought it on the lane to Lancester a couple of days ago. Tought it was creeping around looking for traders to rob as I had a couple o' reports of an Outcast transport hitting helium 3 shipments coming in from Baffin and the Taus and that one with its empty hold looked just like the kind of ship I'd put my credits on being the target in question.
Now I knew ya all had some sort of cease fire with them sniffers but I never figured you'd be openly trading with them. So an Outcast transport on the lanes was always an open and shut case in my book.
As for the-ah 6 million I took off it, that was not my initial intention... the captain offered it in exchange for her life and I figured I'd just take the credits and get them off the lane, nobody gets hurt. You see.. I ain't bound by no oaths, what I do is first and foremost a job rather than a duty.
*sighs* I understand I made a mistake and need to take some slaps for this. I only ask you to go easy on me and keep in mind that there was no damage done whatsoever... other than some credits missing. The Armed Forces need people like me.. we pursue Corsairs, Mollys and even Gauls with more vigor and further than any recruit they can send out there.

RE: A summons - Terry.Jeffords - 05-13-2018

The Questioning Continues

Inspector Terry Jeffords sits waiting for Wayne to finish speaking.

Insp.Jeffords: "Okay, well I respect you admitting your mistake so I am willing to reduce the penalty if you continue to co-operate.

I have further evidence that suggests you are working for the IMG, who are not affiliated with Bretonia so why exactly are they offering bounties in house space and how much were the IMG going to pay for attacking lawful vessels within Bretonia?"

The inspector stands up and begins to pace back and forth.

RE: A summons - LaneDweller - 05-15-2018

I wouldn't be as dramatic as to say they are targeting lawful vessels... but I'm no lawyer. I think the IMG is only interested in protecting their assets within Bretonia and there isn't exactly any love between them and the Outcasts. Like I said, there were at least alleged instances of Outcast marauders praying on trade shipments from the Taus.
They would only pay me to shoot them within Cambridge, Dublin and Newcastle, 4 mil a piece with a milion bonus for vessels belonging to the National Council.

RE: A summons - Terry.Jeffords - 05-15-2018

The Sentence

Inspector Terry Jeffords sits down after listening to Wayne's response. He waits a few moments clearly thinking about how to proceed.

Insp.Jeffords: "Very well, looks like I will need to speak to the IMG directly to find out exactly what is going on. But lets get this done with. You are free to go however, you must return the 6 million credits to "NC-AM-Helios" and pay a 1 million credit fine payable to "BPA)Terry.Jeffords" as the investigating officer. please present your transfer logs to the receptionist on your way out of the building."

The inspector gets up and holds open the door.

Insp.Jeffords: "We'll be in touch if we have any further questions."

RE: A summons - LaneDweller - 05-17-2018

Aye, I'll be around.... thanks boss.
