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To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Printable Version

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To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Zayne Carrick - 05-10-2018

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]SOA-Angurvadal, somewhere in Omega-47 system
Сomm ID: Director Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Generalmajor, I am proud to report that our work on Yggdrasil is almost finished. For past few months men and women of SOA and Tangier worked hard to repair damage from our landing. Today their work was finally completed.

Still, we have a rather significant problem. Yggdrasil was built in space and was never designed to make planetfall. Well, I've managed to land it relatively unscathed, but now, we must launch it back to space, which no pilot can accomplish.

We know of one capital ship which is designed to make planetfall - it's Zoner Nephilim-class colony ship. While our intelligence database has no reports about Nephilim launching from planet, Yggdrasil is much smaller than colony ship and our scientists are confident that technology behind landing Nephilim can be used to make Yggdrasil spaceborn once again.

While our agents can infiltrate Livadia Shipyard or one of the few existing Nephilims, that would take atleast few months and in our current situation we need Yggdrasil in space as soon as possible.

You have quite a good relations with that zoner scientist, James Erzie, maybe your diplomatic ties will provide us required technology faster than good-old Spezialoperationsabteilung espionage?

Transmission terminated.

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Wesker - 05-10-2018

10. Mai, 825 A.S.

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich
[Recipient:]___ Direktor Sigfried Draay
[Source:]______ Planet Wiesbaden, Jötunheimr

[Subject:]_____ Yggdrasil

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Jötunheimr/Unbreakable


Well done. The doctor will be notified immediately, and I will notify you of his pending arrival to the system. Once in space, make the necessary retrofits and adjustments this cannot happen again. Things have not been so fortunate on Wiesbaden following my demise, the RHB-Yimr is completely disabled, and the impact ravaged a large portion of the southwestern continent making any attempt at repairs impossible.

The Imperials have begun to take notice of our state, if we do not make a statement soon they will have the element of morale. I need what scout assets you can spare to locate vulnerable point's in their strongholds. Perhaps even further reconnaissance of the Omicron systems would be necessary following the sequence of events that have unfolded. Once we have found a weakness, we will take the necessary steps to strike against them.

I expect the Doctor's arrival and procedure to go with absolutely no delays, the Army cannot tolerate another development against it - and neither will I.

Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee


Transmission End

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Wesker - 05-11-2018

11. Mai, 825 A.S.

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich
[Recipient:]___ Direktor Sigfried Draay
[Source:]______ Planet Wiesbaden, Jötunheimr

[Subject:]_____ Yggdrasil

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Jötunheimr/Unbreakable


The Doctor has been notified of our current situation and will respond with haste, the vessel will approach the scene cloaked to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention pending the procedure. Notify me when the procedure has finished, do not allow any developments to halt this operation. The doctor contains more vital information than assumed, and as such is a high priority.

Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee


Transmission End

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Zayne Carrick - 05-11-2018

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]SOA-Angurvadal, somewhere in Omega-47 system
Сomm ID: Director Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Generalmajor, needless to say I'll personally oversee the Yggdrasil's launch.

As for campaign against Corsairs, I have a following proposition. Our long-term goal should be retaking Omega-47 system, possibly with help of our associates from IMG, who have shown interest in it. Casablanka was ours before and will be ours once again.

But in order to achieve that we need to draw attention of the Corsair Empire elsewhere. My agents have reported a couple of installations in Omicron Gamma. We can easily launch attack on those installations, drawing quite a few of corsair fleets, leaving Omega-47 relatively unprotected. Then withdraw all our fleets from Gamma, leaving burning stations behind and strike at Casablanka with full might of the Army

That is, of course, if you agree with my plan.

Transmission terminated.

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Wesker - 05-14-2018

12. Mai, 825 A.S.

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich
[Recipient:]___ Direktor Sigfried Draay
[Source:]______ Planet Wiesbaden, Jötunheimr

[Subject:]_____ Leipzig

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Jötunheimr/Unbreakable


Brigadegeneral Bergmann has informed me of the successful strikes against the mentioned strongholds, well done. Defensive positions within Dresden and Fólkvangr will be fortified soon. However, our break will not last forever, and with Valhalla nearly gone we need to adapt what assets we have available too us.

Fretial's military forces have been evacuated to Dresden where they will act defensively against any random Federal incursions and Imperial scouts from New Beijing. The remaining assets will be entering Muspelheim, their safety must be ensured pending cooperation between the IMG and the Army. Once organized they will resume mining operations within Muspelheim and any other opportune areas.

Finally, Leipzig station cannot contain every military asset necessary; with Wolfsburg available at the mercy of the Jumphole connecting the two systems - we need to adjust Leipzig's function. I suggest drawing up any architects, or contacts available that could assist in re-outfitting the station. The construction effort may take some time, and time is not our ally currently.

Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee


Transmission End

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Zayne Carrick - 05-14-2018

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]SOA-Yggdrasil, high orbit over planet Tangier, Omega-47 system
Сomm ID: Director Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Generalmajor, the Leipzig repurposing came to my mind aswell. Just this week I was forced to clear the Wolfsburg schedule for some retrofitting work on SOA cruiser. That could've been easily done using some sort fo drydock, instead of halting our main shipyards production line for more than a week. Also, as you know, Daumanns left lots of heavy machinery and nuclear devices which can be repurposed to repair and maintain our capital fleet.

If you approve, I'll pick a couple of our best engineers and they'll have blueprints for Leipzig upgrade in no time.

But there's another matter I've wanted to discuss. It pains me even to suggest that, but while we both ended up stranded on planets, other members of Oberkommando were relatively unharmed and free to execute their plans. We could have been betrayed by one of Brigadegenerals or Majors. That would be almost impossible, but we still need to consider such possibility, therefore I ask your permission to privately interview every member of Oberkommando. All transcripts of records would be delivered to you immediately, of course.

Transmission terminated.

RE: To: Generalmajor Heinrich - Wesker - 05-15-2018

14. Mai, 825 A.S.

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Generalmajor Annabelle Heinrich
[Recipient:]___ Direktor Sigfried Draay
[Source:]______ Planet Wiesbaden, Jötunheimr

[Subject:]_____ Leipzig

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Jötunheimr/Unbreakable


Suspicions may point to the Oberkommando, if one of them intended on holstering more power as a result of our "deaths" - they failed drastically. Bergmann uncovered my corpse, and is relatively new. Perhaps it may serve to our benefit to ensure they're in line, you'll be given records of each of the Brigadegenerals. Every transmission, every word they've ever spoke pending the attempts on our lives.

Should you uncover the people responsible, notify me immediately.

Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee


Transmission End