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Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Stefan - 05-19-2018


Be warned, this is supposed to be a subjective and personal related matter.
I am not asking for a holy crusade against Factions or People, just your opinion on the matter.
It is not my wish to provoke potshot, snarky comment or quote wars, names are not asked nor desired.

I humbly ask mods to make their playground here should this turn into a sling fest.
Thank you.

So after returning to disco and playing for a while I started to develop interest into getting into factions again. Mostly, iRL, I'm a pretty creative guy who likes to go rampant when making game-related stuff - be it graphic or idea-wise - so it's a no brainer that eventually I'd be thinking about factions here.

However, my history on the server is fairly limited. I mean, I played a lot back then, and I certainly been playing a lot now, but I've never been too committed to any factions - I think I might have been 2ic of Underloch once but that was forever ago - and so a few questions popped up and I wanted some more experienced inputs on what takes or inputs desire into people to join, leave and stay active in factions.

I don't know if I am an oddball or what, but I play Disco for trading. Funny enough, I don't care much about the credits, just the interactions. I usually go out of my way to talk to people or at least greet them while on the move and more than desire to stop and have a conversation. Unfortunately, that is rarely what I get, and, although I have no hard feelings against it, PVP is hardly what I long for when I log.

Since I've been back, I've been looking for mostly a politically laid-back trading faction, and found none. They either went missing - and I got no answer when I looked for them - or their play style didn't fit what I wanted - slavery, smuggling, military flavor. I eventually joined a group where I could have my freedom whilst still helping - hey there nice Consensus people! - but the character I run with quite frankly (and this is iRP) feels out of place inside it. They know it, I know it, people who ran into him ask of it. It just is as it is.

I did a quick search on the forums and found a few threads that relate to the question and my ideas. Namely a thread from Skorak looking for Harmony suppliers, SnakThree's about expectation about officials' and Durandal's asking for more event suggestions. Granted, NEMP events are running, but it always kinda saddened me that trade factions never seemed to have the proverbial ball rolling. Back when I played, IND seemed to have a nice footing, but it is sadly gone now, and hence this thread got here.

ANYWAYS, here's the TLDR:

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
- Is it activity? Lack of PVP reasons? Drama? Not interested in the RP scenes? People are weird? Too edgy? What?

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)
- Activity? RP with members? Support to RP outside of it? Plain PVP? Friendos in it? Too edgy?

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
- No-drama policy.
- Focus on RP centered on the belief that "small guys deserve a chance to fight".
- Underdogs mean "outlawed factions, not necessarily rightfully done so": Bundschuh, Separatists, Gaians, Blood Dragons.
- This would not exclude working with "big guys" who are also under pressure, namely Bretonian corporations since Gallia Inquisition is a thing.

Thanks for reading - and if you bothered to answer feel free to take a cookie from the jar on the way out.

PS1: For those who have more interest on the topic, and feel like jumping in, feel free to reach me on discord (stefancrowley#2699).
PS2: Inspirations? Jawa's Nomadism. Ship Flotillas. Free markets. Silk road (the real one). Truck Expo's.
PS3 (This video game sucked): If I somehow missed an active faction that fits exactly the description or a recent thread that had these questions answered, feel free to point me the right way. I can be blind sometimes.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Corpus13 - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
I'm pretty sensitive person and I just can't be in one faction with toxic, rude or evil people. Even if the faction is good itself, I will leave this most likely for the sake of keeping my nerves alive.
I also don't like a way too PvP-oriented factions.
And, at the end, I can't be in factions, which use Skype for their chats. That's for ooRP.
As I've said, I'm pretty sensitive pacifist and it goes for my characters as well. You see, may be I am a good roleplayer, but sometimes I can't prevent myself from putting my personal traits into my characters. So, if something really mad and cruel is going on, my character will question himselfs about his place in this faction and will leave most likely. That's for inRP.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)
I guess people around me. I'm truly into discussing political situation in Rheinland on my DWR character, interrogating people in Kusari on my KPT character, researching stuff as KRG and so on. So, yes, in nutshell it's RP.
Sometimes it's PvP as well, like my logs in 6th. It's rather enjoyable to take part in group fight, being honest.

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
I'm always interested in interactions as long, as the person on the other side is interested as well.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - E X O D I T E - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)

My main OORP "red flags" for a faction would be an at-best adversarial attitude towards those who are Not One of Us. For example, if Member A says "check player list, there's someone to interact with", and then they bring overwhelming force, that's a clear-cut indicator that their RP is to push only their side of an increasingly lopsided narrative.

The other pet peeve I have is players/factions who seem to think that there is no partition between player and character. Sure, my terrorist plied his trade, but that's not because I was specifically gunning for you.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)

I generally log to interact to have my char "network" with other peeps, usually by dragging them on trade runs.

Or kill them, one of the two.

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)

If it's what I think you're trying to do, I'd totally go full-on blatant antagonist for you.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Kazinsal - 05-19-2018

I. I avoid factions composed of *phobic people and factions meant for capspam/gank. I'm not much of a fan of Skype in the age of Discord either, but that's not a hard stop, just a few negative points.

II. Inter-faction RP is pretty much why I play this game, so factions need to be big on that for me to get into them.

III. Traditionally that's one of the things I have done with many of my factions, so yes.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Evo - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)

No progression of faction RP, poor attitudes, poor RP, poor ingame behavior. My standards tend to be high.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)

RP, PVP, feeling like I accomplish something by flying.

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)

I wouldn't really include Seps in the "unrightly" outlawed category because they openly support cardamine smuggling and piracy. And uh.. I've played underdogs for about 6 years so. But yes, I was a member of IND and enjoyed that mix of RP you talked about.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Sombs - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
Factions are limiting the inRP experience with the means they offer to communicate. I am highly against ooRP contacts via Skype or Discord, which is why I only have so many people in my Skype contacts and don't even bother with other platforms. I do enjoy inRP groupchats, however you rarely find a faction that does that. I want to interact with the characters, not with the people behind the characters, simply because they are way less interesting to me, and mostly disappointing the better you know them. If a characters says something bad or dumb, you can simply deal with it as inRP action. If a person of this community says something bad or dumb, you're dealing with someone you accuse of being an idiot. Nobody likes dealing with idiots.

As mentioned by other people already, the faction mentality is quite strong. People tend to take their faction as the most important thing in Discovery and some rather prefer to display the evil traits of their faction not for the RP but because it is a good excuse to be a dick to other people ooRP. Many factions are mostly for raids and counters, and their members often reduce their actions to only that, because in the end, joining a combat faction is for most people just to hang out with their friends and have fun flying together with them. It works for many people, but I also know how much bad blood can be created when a wingman requires your help and doesn't realize you are having your own problem in the fight, which leads to salt and unnecessary bad mood. That is why I don't bother to log for group fights and just log my 43567934586 battleships, get one or two kills before I go down myself and then call it a day.

I highly despise most Official Faction Leaders because of their attitude. Some of them have been corrupted by the title they inherited. I expect OFLs to lead their factions inRP and ooRP, not to pretend they have a say about NPC assets to jerk off to, make stupid power comparisons and the worst: Trying to lobby everything via forum or backroom deals with greens and yellows via Skype. This is a thing. And it is disappointing. It is also the reason why I always refused to take the role of the 1iC of the factions I was part of. I came to realization I don't have any of those annoying struggles when I just play as indie, and thankfully I have an SRP'd Mako which allows me to enjoy battleship gameplay without ZoI or group invitations. On the other hand, I am absolutely on my own because of this, which makes me an easy target. Which, if the motivation behind it is correct, is a nice way to spice up things.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)
As OSI, I used to fly for other people to help them with their RP projects which often required people to haul stuff from A to B. OSI is the perfect faction for that because of the ID. Everyone knows you're a simple target, but also everyone knows you do these kinds of favors for other people. Since I love the Whale for the easy way of handling it (it does not wiggle) and OSI allows to dock in house space with it, I just enjoyed it, even with OSI not having an active playerbase, which also means you get to enjoy Aazalot asking questions about things that are established for many years, while he was your superior.

As for the Vagrants, Foxglove asked me to help him. I did the graphics and the concepts for gameplay, and since most of our people are very nice fellows who don't behave like ghetto-people. That was my demand for being part of the Vagrants: I don't want people around me I don't like. I don't want to deal with idiots, and luckily we have enough nice people here in this community.
I do believe, though, that my main reason to still be with the Vagrants is the simple fact I enjoy flying with those guys. They are very chilled and there is no bad blood if PvP is not in our favor. I have my distinct role in this faction, PvP-wise, as the person who managed to get an Ish'tar, and enjoy playing this super-heavy battleship for the five minutes until I was converted into a blue. Smile

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
I'd like to interact with them, but I won't join any new faction.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Ramke - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
- Honestly, the playerbase of the faction - very often whenever you logged your experience can turn sour /very/ quick if you meet/interact with the wrong people. I'm personally really turned off when all I see is ego-boasting, less-than-tolerable attitude and a complete disregard for the other side. It's the reason I've never really joined the big/popular/pvp groups&factions.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)
- RP, and just having fun in general. I enjoy playing the "antagonist" factions (e.g. GRN, Wild) even if there's a massive rarity of them, just due to the fact that it usually is a spark for interaction/creativity and tend to have very interesting lore behind them.

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
- I like them, and would always interact with them, but I don't think I would play in one due to very limited time in general.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Emperor Tekagi - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
Pretty much what Ramke stated. But also what I personally consider a lack of creativity (this only applies to some factions obviously). It's killing fun when half of a faction brings the very same attitude and gameplay style, you know. Yeah, pretty much ooRP and inRP lack of creativity. That goes for interacting with said faction or playing in it.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)

RP with members. RP with allies. RP with enemies. RP overall, PvP aspect as a result is fine, not necessary (but still fun). Oh and also piracy, for some reason it never lost its magic to me, so I sometimes yearn for raids and lockdowns. (And my positions. I feel like I am expected to log with the ranks I bear within several factions.)

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality?

It's one of the possible things doable as GC, as a side thing. I did it before, it was fun and I would gladly interact and help out everyone who wants to do this in a larger scale. Wouldn't be able to play for it though, probably wouldn't be able to give that faction the love it deserves then.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Karlotta - 05-19-2018

Right now I don't join factions because I don't have time to dedicate to them, and also don't play at peak times anyway. But back when I was still more active:

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)

Some factions (not all) pretty much made crappy behavior towards the indies of same affiliation mandatory and I didnt join or left because of that. Many of their members used alt accounts to power game. Also systematic abuse of faction rights by some factions. What they called "keeping things fair" was mostly keeping things unfair for the cross-faction out-group and the odds unfairly stacked in favor of the cross-faction in-group. The factions that don't engage in this often get attacked and smeared on the forum for it. Faction members tend to act as a mob, and are more concerned with what their group thinks than with what is true, which makes rational discussion near impossible. A big problem not only in factions, but with most groups in disco.

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)

Nothing at the moment. I tend to avoid them for the above reasons.

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
- No-drama policy.
- Focus on RP centered on the belief that "small guys deserve a chance to fight".
- Underdogs mean "outlawed factions, not necessarily rightfully done so": Bundschuh, Separatists, Gaians, Blood Dragons.
- This would not exclude working with "big guys" who are also under pressure, namely Bretonian corporations since Gallia Inquisition is a thing.

Not sure what you mean because you seem to mix IRP with OORP.

RE: Requesting Opinions: Factions Turn On's and Off's - Reddy - 05-19-2018

I. What puts you off in a faction? (iRP and ooRP)
- Unsportsman like behaviour. Rude comments.
an interaction should be enjoyable for both parties

II. What makes you log and long for faction interaction? (iRP and ooRP)
- primarily its pvp. i love to fight and fighting strong opponents is very enjoyable. i like to play in pvp factions more.
sometimes when i'm drunk or relaxed, i just roam around and listen to RP banter around NY

III. Specifically, would you care to interact, support or play in a faction that specifically goes for supplying underdogs with at least an inch of morality? (That is, no slavery, no carda and stuff of that sort.)
i'm not attached to one faction or playing as lawful or unlawful. i have a char in most factions. i support activity