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Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Printable Version

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Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Hussaini - 05-19-2018

Mindset Detected: PA-Serpent
Entry Node: Effigy.V33
Exit Node: PR.Greater.MK1_(/*Vennamis)

Through the heart of a black hole and back. I am my Brother's Keeper, and he mine.

Hello, Adept. You've done well for yourself. Rising like a star through the ranks, slaying foes left and right. Nomak must be proud; Seeing you grow into a weapon worthy of the Raiders. But there is more to being an Illuminated Brother than that. While the Raiders blaze through Sirius to further the struggle, there are those who support all that through more...delicate means. Those, who behind the scenes, keep the cogs of the Commune spinning. And with your current, and in search of future experience, I think you would be perfect to help that process along.

Make no mistake, this isn't a transfer request; You will remain a raider. Nor is this an obligation; Rather...a fitting opportunity to gain new insights and experience. Something that will help push you along on the path you've obviously chosen. If this has piqued your interest, then let me know, and I will tell you all the details.

For the Great Work. HC HL HM.

RE: Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Nepotu - 05-19-2018

Mindset Detected: PR.Greater.MK1 "Invader"
Entry Node: Effigy.F05
Exit Node: PA-Serpent


I appreciate the good words about my actions and progression within Commune rank. It wasn't easy to get here, but it totally worth it and I can assure you more great things will come from me.

Now, without making this about me, I shall move to the important matter. I am somehow new in the business and just like you said, I am trying to gain more experience which might come handy later on. You definitely got my attention with this opportunity you're talking about. I am looking forward to hearing the details about this.


RE: Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Hussaini - 05-20-2018

Mindset Detected: PA-Serpent
Entry Node: Effigy.V33
Exit Node: PR.Greater.MK1_(/*Vennamis)

Excellent. You are no doubt aware of what we do to pay the bills. Beyond the piracy and miscellaneous funding obtained from all sides, stands the cardamine trade and human trafficking. This is what fills our coffers first and foremost; The very lifeblood that keeps everything going. However, even in spite of war raging along the main routes, we find ourselves hindered by various elements. The Crayter Military, the Navy, and even bands of mercenaries have made the situation difficult in recent times. I'm sure you're intimately acquainted with some. This is unacceptable to say the least.

We've been coming up with solutions to this problem, and out of many, one was selected as the most feasible for this time period. We need an organized criminal element in Liberty to take the pressure off our supply lines. But, as you might have noticed, the Liberty underground is in disarray, and has been for a good number of solar cycles now. What I need you to do, first off, is to investigate this. Get in contact with the resident Rogue bands, gangs of independent pirates, and whatever else you may find. Evaluate the situation, and if possible - help organize them against targets of interest in the vicinity.

Avoid the Hackers. They have made their stance more than clear, and associating with them is more a long-term hazard than anything else. Everyone else, fair game. Funds for this mission will be allotted from the Silver Sun coffers; If any financial issues arise, contact me.

When you are ready, make your way to Buffalo and begin. I will be watching your progress.

RE: Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Nepotu - 05-27-2018

Mindset Detected: PR.Greater.MK1 "Invader"
Entry Node: Effigy.F05
Exit Node: PA-Serpent


I have started working on the task that you have given to me. It is going slow because just like you said the criminals in Liberty are in disarray, almost nowhere to be found. Today I managed to find one lone Rogue in the Texas system. We teamed up and went against a lone Siege Cruiser we found around. Everything went great, no problems encountered. I think the word spread fast 'cuz in a matter of minutes an emergency fighter squad was dispatched to hunt us down. My new Rogue friend was flying a "Barghest" class bomber so I took both fighters on me in order for him to get alive. This worked just as planed. I managed to get one of the Navy ships, but due to extensive damage I had to run away.

I will keep investigating what is going on with Liberty's underground criminal forces and gather more lone pirates next time for bigger blows in Liberty's defence. Expect other news soon.

Observe: X - X - X - X

RE: Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Nepotu - 07-07-2018

Mindset Detected: PR.Greater.MK2 "Conqueror"
Entry Node: Effigy.F05
Exit Node: PA-Serpent


I bring great news. While spending some time in Liberty space, I managed to make some contacts here. One of them gave INTEL about a transport of Prisoners from Texas system. The prisoners were mostly Rogues, Hackers, Outcasts and even independent pirates, so I decided to give them a hand hoping that they will return the favour one day. The time was short so I started asking all around for help. There weren't many interested in my plan, but in the end three Rogues were down with what I had in mind. One of them was the captain of a "Bustard"-class liner who provided the exfill for prisioners, one was commanding a "Scylla"-class destroyer punching some heavy firepower against their escorts and the last one was piloting a "Barghest"-class bomber.

I didn't think the contact that provided me information about this transport was true, but when the day came I gathered the team and moved to ambush them. To my surprise the prison liner showed up. It was escorted by two "Defiant"-class gunboats and one "Warran"-class bomber. The escort was easily handled. A gunboat and the bomber were destroyed really fast. As for the last gunboat guarding the liner, it tried to lure us away. I stayed back to make sure the prisoners are carefully extracted while their gunboat was busy dealing with my guys. The second prisoners were safe I turned their liner into space debris just to make sure it won't be used anymore for other transports.

I am slowly uniting pirates under my control, but it's still a hard process due. I will keep you updated when something else interesting will happen.

Observe: X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X

RE: Mindstream: Adept Vennamis - Hussaini - 07-07-2018

Mindset Detected: PA-Serpent
Entry Node: Effigy.V33
Exit Node: PR.Greater.MK2_(/*Vennamis)

Great news indeed, my brother. I can see I made a good decision in enlisting your aid for this task. The Neural Gestalt is most pleased with your actions. Returning these convicts into the underground economy will be sure to stir up much needed trouble. Perhaps some of the more promising ones could serve you well, if any gratitude is known such profligates. But I leave such creative liberties to you.

For now, stay the course. It appears you have an innate understanding of what is necessary for this operation to yield results. I will leave you to it; Proceed how you see fit. If I happen to come across anything useful, I will let you know post-haste. Until next time, walk in the Light.

Hail Commune.