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Aeon C'bal - Memory - Printable Version

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Aeon C'bal - Memory - Aeon C'bal - 05-27-2018

[Image: fb8teOl.png]

<[frame_communication] active>
<[synchronization] initiated -> [memory_location] assigned>
<installing [location] for [audio_visual_information]>
<[installation] successful>
<awaiting [upload]>

This is the Aeon C'bal message dump.

RE: Æon C'bal (Gammuians) - Memory - HassLHoFF™ - 05-28-2018

<[frame_communication] active>
<[synchronization] initiated -> [memory_location] found>
<accessing [audio_visual_information]>

<[location] -> [system] 'Omicron Kappa'>
<[scenario] -> territorial [violation]>
<[variables] -> 'Core', 'ONS'>
<'Min'erva' processed a generic [operation] and was assisted by an individual [connector]-> the local [system] has been scanned-> 'Core' [nullifier] and 'ONS' [nullifier] were detected in territorial [violation]-> after a short [communication] 'Min'erva' activated the local [preservation]-> it experienced a temporary [capacity_mismatch] the [nullifiers] managed to breach the [hull]-> the [scenario] did not result into continuing [violations] or [access]-> [planet] 'Gammu' was not endagered and the [nullifiers] vanished without further active [intervention]>

RE: Aeon C'bal - Memory - Raa'ta - 06-24-2018

<[frame_communication] active>
<[synchronization] initiated -> [memory_location] found>
<accessing [audio_visual_information]>

<[location] -> [system] 'Omicron Delta'>
<[scenario] -> [nullifier_assimilation]>
<[variables] -> 'Core'>
<[unit] "Tho'rax #78" processed a generic [operation] and was assisted by an individual [connector] - "Tho'rax" -> the [system] "Omicron Delta" has been scanned-> 'Core' [nullifier] was detected-> [nullifier] 'Core' was assigned for [assimilation]-> [assimilation_status] = completed>
[Image: L05uNkM.png]

<[unit] "Tho'rax#78"/[connector] "Tho'rax"/[semi-connectors] encountered additional [nullifiers] 'Core' in "Omicron Delta"->The hull of [connector] "Tho'rax" was damaged/the hull of [unit] "Tho'rax #78" was damaged-> [assimilation_status] = incompleted>

RE: Æon C'bal (Gammuians) - Memory - Wawander - 06-24-2018

<[frame_communication] active>
<[synchronization] initiated -> [memory_location] found>
<accessing [audio_visual_information]>

<[location] -> [system] 'Omicron Delta'>
<[scenario] -> [communication] and [assimilation]>
<[variables] -> 'Core, Zoners'>

<[unit] 'Tho'rax' processed a generic [operation] and was assisted by an assigned [sentinel_unit] 'Tho'rax#78' -> the [system] has been scanned and [results] revealed multiple [objects] in close [proximity] of 'Freeport 11'-> [units] proceeded to the [location] and identified three [objects]: 'Harbourship.NewDawn', 'MNS-SHADOW', 'Franziska.Kuhn'>

<[object_scans] were performed and it appeared that 'Harbourship.NewDawn' has [technology] of 'Daam K'vosh' [origin]-> this [sapien] has not reached a high enough evolutionary [state] of [existence] to possess the [technology] of [creators] and needs to be executed -> after [re-evaluation], [unit] 'Tho'rax' requested [examples] of [techonology] considered extremely valuable in [exchange] for non-forceful [means] of [assimilation] for the [subject] -> [subject] has given [agreement] and should be expected in 'Omicron Kappa' for further [inspection] and [assimilation]>

<in the [proccess] of [communication] with the [subject], assigned [sentinel_unit] identified and assimilated a single 'Core' [nullifier] <referencing [connector's_data]> -> additional 'Core' [nullifiers] were identified and [units] activated [execution_mode] -> [object] 'MNS-SHADOW' provided [assistance] but was forced to evacuate -> [harvester_shell] of [unit] 'Tho'rax' and the [sentinel_unit] 'Tho'rax#78' has received critical [damage] <referencing [connector's_data]> -> [unit] 'Tho'rax' reconnected to a [shell] in 'Omicron Kappa' and is uploading [data]>