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RE: SGM| Group Roll Call - Former / Current - Printable Version

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RE: SGM| Group Roll Call - Former / Current - Errant.Venture - 05-28-2018

Sirius Grey Men – Roll Call

Your comm. panel comes to life with a series of lights and beeps as you receive a transmission on an archaic frequency. At first glance it doesn’t appear to be anything significant, but then the ID of the sender pops up and a man in battle-worn power armor appears on your comm. screen. His face is hidden behind the sealed armored helmet but his demeanor and message is clear…

***********************Beginning recorded transmission************************

[Image: 30nhjeh.jpg]
Source ID: Colonel Tereus Mitchell
Location: Unknown, Unknown
Encryption Frequency: Emergency:|: Blanket Broadcast to All SGM|
Star Date: A.S. 820
Subject: We have been betrayed…

In the background you can hear klaxons blaring. An audible warning alarm can be heard faintly during the transmission behind the confusion and chaos that is being created in the background, made apparent by the voices and metal clanking produced by running crew in power armor.

The transmission is dated, distorted, and the screen flickers with distortion, broken down by its long journey from an unknown sector of space…

To all SGM| under my previous command…we have been betrayed...

If you are receiving this broadcast then know that The Errant Venture is about to be a massive pile of space debris. I am ordering a general evacuation and all available surviving crew are attempting to escape to The Repentance, under command of Tiberius Mitchell. Captain Murdock is attempting an FTL jump back towards the Sirius star system, and while I have full confidence he will make it, I cannot say the same for myself and what remains of our battle group.

A chain of explosions can be heard in the background…it sounds like power relays.

General Alexander Grey has successfully jumped out of this system, classified as P3X-9157-62. He and the remainder of The Deaths Head crew will attempt to rendezvous with allied SGM forces in the Gallia system…details are hazy…sounds like we were sent here on a suicide mission…Rogue forces attempting a coup…reactor was sabotaged…breach protocols activated three weeks after jump into system…

The transmission at this point is extremely degraded and your current comm. system is unable to restore the corruption to the data burst.

We are currently in process of an emergency tactical retreat...system…headed back…Sirius…unknown…will proceed with regroup when possible…on frequency…-X57-985…

At this point the communication is just garble and static presumably from a critical systems failure on The Errant Venture due to the unfortunate circumstances leading up to its inevitable demise. As you are prepared to archive the transmission, or dismiss it all together, a single uncorrupted data file prints out on your screen.


//To all former SGM| Members / Current Members that wish to engage, develop, and grow the revived SGM| Role play in-game, helping to continue our story, exploits, and adventures in the Freelancer Discovery universe, please fill out the following form, and post to this thread.

The new Role Play of this group will be one of rebuilding our fleet and assets and revenge against the Kingdom of Gallia under the following guidelines. Please be aware I have no ambition or plan at this point to apply for any faction status, and will solely be organizing this as a “seat of our pants” progressive story group, with possible future SRP requests for key / core members:

//It's been brought to my attention we've unintentionally been breaking server rules. Apologies to everyone for that. Please obtain a Recruit ID as soon as possible and start doing LSF missions to fix your reputation. I have amended the post below to reflect this. Sorry for any / all inconveniences this causes. Please also avoid RP situations until your Rep / IFF is correct.

Thank you

Sirius Grey Men - Current Role Player Guidelines:
IFF / ID Usage:
- Capital Class Ships (LABC – Max of 3, 1 currently open (SGM|The.Salvation)): LSF / LSF
- Planned RP Ships: SGM|The.Vengeance / SGM|The.Repentance / SGM|The.Salvation
- Gunboats & Gunships: (6 Max – 5 Available):
- Snub Craft & Transports: No Limit
Group Tag – Acceptable Formats:
- Ships: SGM|The.Ship.Name
- RP as: Ship: Character: Message
- Characters: SGM|Character.Name
- RP as: Character: Message
Planned Ship Restrictions:
- Capital Class Ships:
- RP over PVP
- Build it like a front arc interdictor
- Transports:
- 4800 Cargo Max (Titanic)
- Lawful / Willing to pay pirates within reason.
- RP over PVP / Overworked & Underpaid.
- Gunboats & Gunships
- No weapon / Tech restrictions within outlined IFF / ID plans
- Willing to go anywhere
- RP & PVP experience encouraged.
- Roles: Anti Cap / Anti Snub / Diplomatic
- Snub Craft
- No weapon / Tech restrictions within outlined IFF / ID plans
- RP & PVP experience encouraged.
- Roles: Anti Snub / Escort Detail / Diplomatic / Recon / Adventure
Current Roster: Core Group

Col.Tereus.Mitchell (Errant.Venture):
- Coordinating from onboard SGM|The.Vengeance – Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser.
- Also playing as Drake, transport captain for SGM|Inspired.Journey
- SGM|Col.Tereus.Mitchell when not physically on board SGM|The.Vengeance

Col.Tiberius.Mitchell / Cpt.H.M.Murdock (JW.Corsair / JW.Kunne):
- Retaining both above listed roles.
- Currently progressing towards SGM|The.Repentance – Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser.
- Official form filed below

Vesque (The Argent Tear|Vesque):
- New founding member.
- New to Discovery Freelancer
- Currently commanding Freelancer Condor
- Official form filed below
Interest / Application / Form

Forum Name:
Discord Name (If applicable):
Planned Character Name:
Planned Ship / Class / Type:
Ship & RP Role wishing to fill:
Character Bio (This is your baby! Please include all the good stuff, any specialties, and links to current character RP if you are planning a /rename):

RE: RE: SGM| Group Roll Call - Former / Current - The Argent Tear|Vesque - 05-28-2018

*New Message Received* A pleasant, but artificial voice chirps into the silence of the room.

Awakened by the unexpected noise, Vesque blearily cracks open one eye and glares in the general direction of her desk. 'If this is another status update from CX about that broken crate of sake...' Her mind filled with thoughts of murder and disassembly, Vesque throws the covers from around her body and stands up from the bed. She pads softly to her desk and drops down into the chair there, then begins to rub her hands over her face and temples for several minutes. Breathing in deeply, she shakes out her arms, cracks her neck to each side and reaches for the annoying piece of tech.

Vesque powers the datapad on, keys in her personal access codes and selects the option to view her incoming messages. Her eyes widen in surprise to see an encryted emergency transmission and she quickly moves to open and view the message.

She replays it a second time.

Then a third.

All previous annoyance and weariness forgotten, her heart thumping with a sudden rush of adrenaline, Vesque drops the datapad onto the desk and dashes to retrieve and don her clothing for the day. 'This is unbelievable. After all this time, finally a concrete lead. The SGM!' In her excitement and haste she manages to get changed in record time. Pausing only long enough to hide a few daggers on her person, she moves to scoop up the datapad as she nearly jogs to the Bridge.

"Sexy -- CX! It's here! Finally something we can move on!" Vesque calls out from the corridor as she rushes onto the Bridge and looks at her CX unit. She slows her gait only by degrees as she marches right up to the droid and all but shoves the datapad into her hand. "Stop all plans and dump the last of that cargo at the closest trade post. Our new destination is in that message and I want to get there yesterday, CX."

The CX droid easily clasps the datapad and responds, "I will proceed to carry out your instructions Mistress Vesque; however, I would be remiss in my duties if I failed to mention the significant loss to profit should we sell those goods in this sector." Shaking her head in distraction, and still half wild with excitement, Vesque looks at the droid full-on and confirms, "It doesn't matter Sexy - none of that matters now. I want us on the new course ASAP." In what is an extremely out-of-character display, Vesque steps away from the droid and moves to sit at one of the nav chairs. Her gaze focused out toward the darkness of space.

CX-1490 observes her Mistress in puzzlement for a few brief moments, cataloging this new character oddity for further analysis at another time. She then turns to begin carrying out the commands. "Acknowledged, Mistress Vesque."

From her seat nearby, Vesque's face is lit up by an eager, almost desperate smile while she thinks about how much everything has just changed.

Forum Name:The Argent Tear|Vesque
Discord Name (If applicable): Ducky#0597
Planned Character Name: The Argent Tear, Vesque
Planned Ship / Class / Type: see above
Ship & RP Role wishing to fill: new ally/member, see also reference above
Character Bio (This is your baby! Please include all the good stuff, any specialties, and links to current character RP if you are planning a /rename): Current chronicles thread can be found HERE. Most skills and proficiencies are not yet known/revealed; however, I am happy to discuss offline.