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To: Current 'Administrators' of Freeport 2 - Printable Version

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To: Current 'Administrators' of Freeport 2 - Zoner Militia - 05-28-2018


"This is an incoming message from the Zoner Militia"

[Image: 2db6vis.jpg]

To the current Administrators of Freeport 2:


We are a group of Zoners aiding Zoner resettlement efforts here in the Bering system, called the Zoner Militia. We're acting as an intermediary force for them and their lead vessel, the Zoner operated civilian carrier Tarrafal, which is now operating in the Bering system. We have made our support for them and their intentions to return to resettle Freeport 2 public. As you must know, until recently the station was under the control of Zoners, operated under the standard conditions Zoner freeports always have.

Regardless of who's error it was to abandon the station in small droves, the situation can now be easily rectified by the arrival of a heavily populated Zoner carrier, and now many independent support vessels that are joining together to contribute.

Zoners are standing by ready to return to the station and bring the order and investment that the Zoner community can bring by returning our business to the region. We understand that those who did assume control helped by keeping the station intact and running during the absence of organized colonists. We do not wish to restrict access to the station for local parties, nor see it remain in 'private' hands. We do feel it is time that Zoners took responsibility for the station again, enforce the NFZ ourselves, and ensure the Freeport is a clean run operation, not used as a private pirate base. We have had this impression, so if this is not the case, we stand to be corrected.

We have entered into negotiations with locally operating factions in an attempt to reach an agreement on the terms of a Zoner return. Please consider a timely return of the station to Zoner crew and allow them to resume station operations. Its for everyone's benefit, and with your acknowledgement we can finally put this unfortunate mix up behind us.


Captain Morgan Rister

Zoner Militia


RE: To: Current 'Administrators' of Freeport 2 - Croft - 05-29-2018

Incoming Message
Heavy Encryption Detected
Origin: #ERROR#
Message Begins

Zoner militia huh, ain't that a contradiction?

So, the rats have decided that their ship ain't sinkin' after all and now come waltzin' in askin' Jimmy for it back sayin it was a mistake. Well Captain Rister lemme give you a little refresher on how this "error" came into bein'.
First I get given the short straw by your Confederation. You think I asked for this place? I wanted the ritzy joint in the Tau's, the one with the nice view next to Gallia but no, they give me this or nothin'. You know why? 'Cause no self-respectin Zoner wanted it.
When I got here you mooks had already started flyin off. You couldn't earn a livin' without the traffic flowin and you damn sure couldn't handle the pirates without the bounty hunters or the cops comin' to bail you out. Once that Hamburg gate was gone, so were you, leavin' me holdin' the bag. I ain't got a clue what Wingspan was expectin' me to do but I wasn't gonna sit around and rust with the station.

While you all ran off to your greener fields I startin workin the potential a' this place, how do you think all this happened huh? You think the Unioners, Harmony, the Rogues and the Pirates would be here if there wasn't for a businessman like me in the big chair? We've turned this place into the only free system in the sector, the only true free port. Sure, I took this place outa your hands but I did what was best for this Freeport and surprise, surprise, that best didn't include you. Looks like I was right too, why else would you be sittin' out there with a damn warship if you wanted to be all diploimatic? I'll tell you why, its 'cause Providence has become everythin' the Zoners want to be, everythin' you want to stand for, freedom.

Now you're comin' to take it back just like the colonies you mooks hate so much, with a white flag in one hand and a rifle in the other. Ain't that just poetic?


Message Ends