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Der Falke vom Rhein - Printable Version

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Der Falke vom Rhein - Ice Princess - 05-31-2018

Der Falke vom Rhein - Stefanie von Falkenberg

[Image: ss2XuN6.png]

General Information:

Date of Birth: September 30, 799 A.S.
Place of Birth: Planet New Berlin
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 60.2kg


Stefanie was born on Planet New Berlin in 799 into an aristocratic military family. Her father was a Hauptmann of the Rheinwehr, and her mother worked for Republican Shipping. Her early life was a nightmare. Her parents didn't care about her at all. She was all by herself during the first four years. Everything changed when her father went missing when she turned four. Her mother took Stefanie with her on that day to her workplace on Alster Shipyard where she left her alone, all by herself again and disappeared. The young Stefanie was wandering around on the station, crying most of the time. After several hours alone on Alster, she was found by a young mechanic. The woman took the traumatized girl with her and raised her like her own daughter.

When Stefanie turned 16, she left Helena without a word. She stole an old Shuttle and ran away. Stefanie heard many things about the Red Hessians, so she decided to join them. During her years within the Hessians, she learned how to fight, inside and outside the cockpit. When she turned 18, she was finally allowed to pilot her own ship, an Odin class very heavy fighter of the Hessians. Stefanie enjoyed the life and the action she had as a member of the Red Hessians. During the following years, she defended the home systems of the Hessians against many intruders, mainly Corsair, Marinenachrichtendienst or Rheinwehr ships. In the year 822 A.S, she was promoted and allowed to command one of the Heimdall Class Gunboats, the RHGB-Midgard.

In 824 A.S, Stefanie heard rumors about a newly founded Bundschuh movement, led by a woman called Helena Wunderbring. It took her several days until she flew her Odin to Bruchsal to meet Helena, her life-saver. Stefanie was really happy to see Helena again, and she decided to stay by her side to found Die Weiße Rose with her. After several talks with the Red Hessian High Command, Stefanie was allowed to transfer to the Bundschuh movement with her Odin and the Heimdall class Gunboat, now known as WKB-Midgard. During her time in the Weiße Rose, she acted mostly shy towards the other members. This changed as soon as Tanya von Degurechaff joined the movement. It only took around four months, and they fell in love with each other.

The months went on and the movement was under heavy pressure. Ships of the movement were engaged by the Marinenachrichtendienst and the Unioners almost everywhere. Stefanie took it into her own hands and jumped into her new ship, a Wraith. She tried to solve everything diplomatically but failed most of the time horrible. She killed many Agents of the Marinenachrichtendienst and Arbeiter of the Unioners. She made herself a name within Rheinland. Her foes called her 'Der Falke vom Rhein'.

On one day, she met a woman called Vanessa Vogt on Bruchsal who recently joined the movement. She was acting really weird so Stefanie decided to ignore her most of the time. Miss Vogt disappeared after only two months, and she wasn't the only one. Generaloberst Helena Wunderbring disappeared as well. The young Stefanie was forced to take over the movement, but just for around two months. In 825 A.S, Stefanie was on her way with the Midgard to the Order in Omicron Mu to install the new engines. During her visit there, Bruchsal got attacked and completely isolated, impossible to contact. As soon as she heard about the attack, she jumped into the Midgard and flew back to Bruchsal but she never reached it.
Instead she arrived in Omicron Delta after a while, one of the few known faces she could still look for had lured her there. Vanessa Vogt. It was an easy game for Vanessa to trick Stefanie and her crew, trapping them in a distant corner of Omicron Delta. The Midgard had fallen, no survivors were ever found. Just one person seemed to have survived this..