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Corinth: private data storage of Aoi Oono. - Printable Version

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Corinth: private data storage of Aoi Oono. - Yazov - 06-01-2018

So, while i was shamelessly dozing off aboard Corinth moored to the Cold Bay - some major odds appeared in the nearby space. Precisely - the whole Cultists carrier with all those scary beams and torpedoes, and a whole endless swarm of drones popping out of nowhere. The usual space mess someone had to clean up, and, by the accidental occasion - there was no one with the exception of me and some bystranding vessel, that seemed to be "Geb" Order Assaul Battlecruiser. At least that's what would i bet on considering the visuals i've been getting while evading everything those nasty Cultists have had to throw at us. Torpedoes, mostly, as the rest of their weaponry seemed to be inefficient on the maintained range.

Quite some time have passed before some force assembled to repel the invasion, we've already managed to collect some spoils until that time, and, more importantly - perform outstandingly enough to surpass whatever the hostile flagship was throwing at us: trust me, it had enough to take out a small battlegroup all on it's own - solid armament and hull plating, vast drone bays and those absolutely outstanding beam weapons slicing through shields and hulls alike like a knife through butter. In the end, the assembled defenders' fleet have prevailed, Corinth have earned it's spoils, and i've nicely asked my crew to moor us back at Cold Bay: all of us have performed beyond it's wits and possibilities, and made it through the overwhelmingly harsh enviroment without a single hull scratch.

Nii-san, if you are reading this - coming to the end of the party and taking what belongs to me by right of an active combatant is outrightfully mean! Good thing i can still play with that toy, considering i have full access to Sparta.

RE: Corinth: private data storage of Aoi Oono. - Yazov - 06-01-2018

[Image: qGqWQ1sm.png]
Audio entry code #13-10-01-06 - commence recording. Weapon sample #31-05-25-01-12, MB10a "Lewis" Battleship Cannon. Retrieved in: Hudson system. Condition: green. Suitable for immediate usage. Currently installed on: 'Sparta-2' "Aquilon" Zoner Carrier. Implementing basic data package.- "infocard".
Preliminary testing have showed positive results: despite the outdated designs, it demostrates high efficiency and best performance at 3.5 K distance, usage of it on higher range is not recommended due to projectiles scattering, which seems to be impossible to control; high energy consumption is explained by the necessarity to significantly accelerate the massive 240 mm barrels, slower recharge rate - by close-to-manual delivery of those barrels to the turret before the next shot can be performed.
Overall, Kinetic Turret shows itself as a highly advanced prototype of the design originating back from Sol, so-called Gauss Cannon, and, despite the outdates design - a formidable counterpart to the existing antimatter artillery provided on Sirius-wide market.

Preliminary tests guncam recording provided below.

RE: Corinth: private data storage of Aoi Oono. - Yazov - 06-09-2018

Thanks to the remarkable cooperation of Sir Erzael Vertiga, we have acquired the blueprints of Mauler and Repeater cruiser codename turrets. Those are going to fit nicely on Corinth. Now, we shall be looking for the opportunity to construct the samples of this weapon for usage on Corinth.

(06-09-2018, 10:23 AM)Weapon blueprints Wrote:
[Image: fFjZi4I.png] attachments: 2

This record is going to be altered - or, rather - updated later on, with the samples acquired and tested. Now, it is time to find a capable manufacturer.