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Cannon Extended Intro - Kalhmera - 06-02-2018

So with talks from the Echo Faction. Is this Cannon?

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - fusedcheese - 06-02-2018

I don't think so regarding Disco Lore.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - SnakThree - 06-02-2018

I wish devs commented on this faster than they comment on Auxesia/Core situation.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Stolt. - 06-02-2018

AFAIK The extended intro lore has been retconned or is not considered canon but this is just something I've heard a few times via discord or skype chats so I don't know if that counts.

No word on what that means about the current state of Sol iRP.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Keller - 06-02-2018

A cannon is a weapon, I believe canon is the word you're looking for.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Skorak - 06-02-2018

I find it being canon problematic.
Digital Anvil saw that as well and cut that part - The original story seemed to be fairly different.
- Means Rheinland didn't wake up the Nomads. They got as far as Sol before to be very agressive and then... Forgot about Humanity?
- Suncrusher - If the Nomads already have that beast fully operational, why aren't they using it?
- Story oddities - The nomads seem to be having no issue to build giant craft while in the story then they need human support to boost it up.

And more. but that's the main issues I always have with this.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Lythrilux - 06-02-2018

I still like my theory.

(06-02-2018, 02:46 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: In my personal headcanon, I like to think that they're the same Nomads as the ones in Freelancer, albeit displaced through time and space because of the Dyson Sphere and Hypergate being sabotaged by Trent & Co. They would have jumped in right after the Sleeper ships had left, and since the Coalition/Alliance looked so similar to the humans who had just beaten them, they attacked them (when the Suncrusher appears, it jumps in, rather than uncloaks).

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Karlotta - 06-02-2018

The fact THAT a huge nomad ship destroyed Sol provides a good explanation for why the Coalition didn't follow the Sleeper ships with overwhelming force. It would be the logical thing for them to do because:
-The Coalition fought to conquer the last Alliance outpost which is a small lifeless pebble called Pluto. Why would they stop there?
-The Sleeper ships "broke through" a Coalition fleet/blockade. That means the Coalitions knows they exist, and in which direction they went. They even had saboteurs on the Hispania.

As to HOW and WHY, there are several possibilities:

- They were other nomads, separate from the Sirius nomads, that hate everything.
- They were not nomads but DKV. The blue ships seem to be DKV designs, since nomads also infect humans and use human ships through them.
- The nomads from Sirius managed to find a way to go back in time and destroyed Sol at precisely the moment when the Coalition won.

I tend toward the third possibility, and have written a story (called Conception, click the link in my sig to read it) that describes the how and why (among other things like Babylonian/biblical names for nomads and Outcasts, Egyptian names for the Order, how the Order was formed, how nomad "infection" works, what a nomad is exactly, how they can RP in a better way than ***"ours" -hate- "yours" {emo}***, and what nomads actually want).

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Sombs - 06-02-2018

(06-02-2018, 04:02 PM)Skorak Wrote: - Suncrusher - If the Nomads already have that beast fully operational, why aren't they using it?

While I can't speak from a Story-Dev explanation here, the community so far made sense out of it after the Hidden Giant event. Since the suncrusher remained for a while in Major, Wilde explained it like this: The Suncrusher was about to be ready, getting charged by the things the combined fleets of Sirius attacked. The charging process may or may have affected the jump hole network which resulted in the giant spawning event of jump holes (which lead the fleets to Major in first place, all to different locations). Realizing the opposition was too strong (nomads and wild were able to respawn in Major) and that their weapons were only dealing so much damage (they were able to destroy the charging thingies but not the Suncrusher itself), the Suncrusher remained in place until it was returned through the Dyson Gate (the massive gate which happens to be just as large as the suncrusher).

That being said, we obviously still struggle between the three layers of RP. The things SLIS would like us to RP, the stuff official factions would like everyone to accept and the stuff that is actually happening in the game.

RE: Cannon Extended Intro - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-02-2018

I personally believe it should not be canon, and the fact that story devs proclaim that it is, means they must be smoking some bad mojo.

1. There is no reason for the K'hara to have either been active 800 years ago and attacked Sol.
- The Daam K'Vosh dissapeared from Sirius millenia before the dawn of pre-history.
- The Nomads are supposed(?) to have been designed by the K'hara to be protectors of their home systems in the Omicrons.
- The Nomads were not active until the first encounter in the past 400 years AS.
- There is no logical, tactical or political justification for the Nomads to have attacked mankind in their home system, eons away from Sirius, and makes no sense whatsoever.
2. The Alliance commander who fled Pluto after the attack is the biggest load of Wisconsin Cheese i've seen in my goddamn life.
- If these small ships could jump to Sirius, why is it that such technology is not existant in Sirius today, or even improved upon? Why did the Liberty Engine need to even exist?
- Why is it that this *ONE* commander exists on the dark side of goddamn pluto, when everyone else is either dead or facing Sol's endgame?

This argument has been going on time and time again, and the only ooRP justification for it is to prevent a flooding of gary stus/mary sues and Sol Coalitionists from flooding the RP environment, when it could just be fixed by guidelines on how to do a Sol-based character right or just prohibiting post-exodus Sol Characters outright outside of a SRP or something.

And if it's being done to make the nomads more menacing, then I have Five words for you - CAMPAIGN. BEAT. YOU. TO. IT. Seriously, the Nomads' existance and vanilla presence is enough to have any person in RP on edge - This just makes the Nomads look like some saturday morning cartoon villain.