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ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - Printable Version

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ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - Virus - 02-07-2009

Since General_Specific seems to have been deleted, AA_ValleyForge has been fined all guns and credits for:

Quote:6.19 Pirates have a right to deal as much damage as they see fit before or after demanding money from a trader ship, but killing trader ship before demanding money or cargo is not allowed.

NO TERRORISTIC ACTIVITIES. You cannot kill a transport unless you ask for credits or cargo first.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - ValleyForge - 02-07-2009

I would just like to say in my defence that the General_Specific did no wrong in destroying the Bowex transport.

Bowex were KOS to this char as they posted Bounties whenever attacked (which is part of the game) the bowex char was told quite clearly that he was to be killed and after the death his cargo was taken and sold as a pirate would do.
Bowex have a habit of delaying payment of demands as along as possible and until help turns up.
General_Specifc was deleted, which was a shame really as he was a lot of fun, due to the attitude of other corsairs to his proactive actions against the enemies of the corsairs. He wanted to take the fight to them rather than spending his time fighting each other in Gamma.
He is however alive and well and will be returning shortly under a more proactive tag.

It's a shame that Bowex chose to take this course of action instead of dealing with the General in game (which frankly would have been more fun for all) by way of bounties, ship convoys and escorts but that is their perogative and I respect their decision.

I would ask you to return the credits minus 25 mil to Valley_Forge as that was the value of the General_Specifics assets when he was sadly sold.

Thank you

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - Unseelie - 02-07-2009

I can say that I told him, (and other corsairs) on multiple occasions that one cannot KoS a trader.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - ValleyForge - 02-07-2009

I don't recall that advice Unselie but I will remember it in future and thank you for it.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Fined - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-07-2009

I'm going to reply to this a piece at a time.

' Wrote:I would just like to say in my defence that the General_Specific did no wrong in destroying the Bowex transport.

Bowex were KOS to this char as they posted Bounties whenever attacked (which is part of the game) the bowex char was told quite clearly that he was to be killed and after the death his cargo was taken and sold as a pirate would do.

You didn't make a demand before blowing me up. Unless you have a terrorist ID (which the Corsair ID is not), you may not destroy a trader without a demand. There's no such thing as a KOS in this situation.

' Wrote:Bowex have a habit of delaying payment of demands as along as possible and until help turns up.

Well, yeah... That's part of the game. We're not going to pay until there's no other alternative. Our accountant is very scary, and doesn't like using the red pen on the balance sheets.

' Wrote:It's a shame that Bowex chose to take this course of action instead of dealing with the General in game (which frankly would have been more fun for all) by way of bounties, ship convoys and escorts but that is their perogative and I respect their decision.

We do travel in convoys, which you haven't encountered to my knowledge, you (like most gunboat pirates) ignore our escorts, since most of them fly VHF's and can't hurt you quickly, and we did in fact post a bounty on you the very first time you pirated one of our transports. Your response to that was to kill our traders without making demands. I've only filed 2 other reports in my whole time here, as I hate doing this, but as far as I could see, we really had no other recourse.

If you want to RP with us, we're more than happy to do it. Bowex is not a powergrind faction, and if you see a Bowex tag online, chances are that they're looking for a good spot of RP. Until such time as you choose to hold up your end of that, I've only got one thing left to say to you.

Good day to you, sir.