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Yerin Park: Samura, Hogosha, Captain - Printable Version

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Yerin Park: Samura, Hogosha, Captain - Bordo - 06-13-2018

(ooRP: theme while reading here)

Bringing up Samura ID: 116014-B..
Running Filter : "Summary Only"..
Initializing Samura GUI "Honoka"..
Buffering Datasets..

[Image: image.jpg]
(Sample Soundbyte of Captain Park talking)
Samura Employee Park Yerin (박예린) is a third-generation lifetime employee at Samura Heavy Industries, where she works as a captain and bridge officer on one of the company's large "Ryuujin"-class Kusari Trains. She has been described as being a gung-ho ship merchant, a shrewd businesswoman, and an energetic figure on the bridge of whatever ship she happens to be on.

Captain Park hails from one of the Free Families of Kusari, an upper-middle class minority that could not make any claims to nobility, but neither did it owe any allegiance to a particular noble or local lord. This unique social status allowed the Park Family to amass enormous wealth without worrying too much about anything other than the basic laws for income taxation. By the time her father was working as an escort pilot for Samura, the family had become deeply involved in the Hogosha's operations as well, with family members working for either in some capacity most of the time, and in the process accumulating near-obscene amounts of cash. Eventually, the family had enough to buy its own trading vessels, which have since been seconded and chartered to Samura.

Yerin herself grew up in a very traditional and conservative household, girded by the traditional Samura values brought home by family members from work on one side, and the Hogosha's interesting brand of Quasi-Legal nationalism on the other. She was not necessarily topping her batch at school with scholastic achievements, but she nevertheless did remarkably and finished in the top 10% bracket - extra curricular activities included calligraphy, ceremonial tea-making, and archery.

When the time finally came for her to work for Samura, it didn't take long for her superiors to take note of her excellent oratory and negotiation skills - an arsenal she always tried to modestly keep hush about, but nevertheless fiercely bargained for more favorable rates wherever she and her command may have docked - even if the original price points were already profitable in and of themselves. As far as her business etiquette goes, she's known to be quite the chauvinist - leaving her vessel only at more well-developed ports, and in most cases preferring to invite people aboard her Ryuujin's compact but most elegant upper decks, which house a small teahouse and a zen garden with blast-glass windows that allow anyone to gaze out into the cold, void of space from the comforts of Kusari tradition.

Captain Park continues to serve as Bridge Commander for the Akari-maru - one of the busiest merchant vessels in the company's manifest. She also holds a senior management in Samura, and possesses a minor portion of shares to the company's assets.