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TO: Mr. Daniels, Jack (APM-CEO) | FROM: Molitor, Liezl (APM) - Printable Version

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TO: Mr. Daniels, Jack (APM-CEO) | FROM: Molitor, Liezl (APM) - Bordo - 06-15-2018


ID: Molitor, Liezl
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta

Good day to you Mr. Daniels,

My name is Liezl Molitor; I’m an ex-Liberty scientist and former employee at Cryer Pharmaceuticals; now working for the Core under AP Manufacturing. I hope this communiqué finds you well, and that AP Manufacturing won’t be too worse off with the addition of an ex-Cryer to the team.

As it were, I’ve been tasked to work with Dr. Garcia on the pipelined planetary defense array for Planet Nauru, codenamed PROJECT HADRIAN. I’m well aware that the current docking rings do provide some turret defense, but given the harsh conditions in the Omicron Delta System, these may not be sufficient. With regional powers this side of Sirius like the Order and the Corsairs, and the ever-persistent threat of these “Nomads”, initial strategic projections suggest a more comprehensive and robust defense system for the planet may be required for our operations on the surface to continue without interruption.

I’d like to as you for a preliminary high-orbit scan of Planet Nauru. Between your experience and the newly tasked science personnel and equipment at my disposal aboard the Audacia, I’m confident we can take the first few steps towards safeguarding the Core’s first planetary settlement.

With Regards,

-Liezl Molitor
Commander of the Science Vessel "Audacia"
AP Manufacturing Science Division, Asst. Science Team Chief.


[Image: Eyy5xFr.png]

RE: TO: Mr. Daniels, Jack (APM-CEO) | FROM: Molitor, Liezl (APM) - Implosion - 06-15-2018

[img float=left] [/img]

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Source: APM Flagship Sagittarius, Omega-55
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
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It's good to hear from you, Ms. Molitor. You have chosen a very specific task that will require some very specific equipment. But fear not, I'm certain we have that on the Sagittarius. It will take us approximately two days to finish up calibrating and repairing a hull breach on the lower decks. Antimatter and Shukenshas don't mix very well. Either way... I'll do my utmost to speed up the servicing. I believe the combined processing power of our two vessels should be enough to make the scanning swift enough. We cannot afford to slow down, as you are well aware. Alas, I must cut this short and attend to my next task at hand.... and then the next and the next. I'm looking forward to meeting you in person.
Daniels, out.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Director of the APM and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.

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