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To: [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise || From: Jade Linford - Printable Version

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To: [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise || From: Jade Linford - DarkTails - 06-15-2018

Incoming Transmission
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ID: Captain Jade Linford
Recipient: Captain of the Last Sunrise
Subject: Apologies.

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First and foremost, I apologize for what happened back there. I hope you and your men made it back safely. I didn't expect that heavy resistance and our heavy warships didn't arrive until much later. Secondly, I'm sending this too you to re-schedule that meeting that was requested, if you're still interested that is. I would also like to give you some satisfaction knowing that multiple hostiles, including the Carrier and multiple snubcraft were destroyed in the engagement, another by our flagship.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Captain Jade Linford

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RE: To: [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise || From: Jade Linford - Durandal - 06-15-2018

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[Comm-ID]: Susannah Heartwood, Fleet Captain, Hellfire Legion
[Recipient-ID]: Jade Linford, Captain, Battlegroup Harmony
[Location]: Battlecruiser Last Sunrise, Texas System, Republic Space

[Priority]: Maximum
[Encryption]: Heavy

The Sunrise sustained moderate damage in a duel against the Vladut. The ship's hull is mostly intact, but our electrical grid is shot and many of our subsystems are currently offline or only partially functional. We're still adrift and running on silent in the Texas system while our engineers attempt to get her engines operational. Lord Commander Locklear is in a comatose state and we do not have access to the proper medical facilities here to treat him. Our communications systems are damaged and we are unable to make contact with any Legion vessels. Given Locklear's condition and the current communications blackout that effectively makes me the highest ranking Legion officer aboard the ship. As such I'm requesting priority CASEVAC to Marshall Station for Locklear, and a repair team to be dispatched to the Sunrise's coordinates.

Libera te ex Infernis
Susannah Heartwood
Hellfire Legion

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RE: To: [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise || From: Jade Linford - DarkTails - 06-15-2018

Incoming Transmission
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[Image: YW2s5r1.jpg]

ID: Captain Jade Linford
Recipient: Susannah Heartwood
Subject: CASEVAC

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Medical Cruiser Shamrock Bay alongside fighter escort is enroute with medical staff, departing as I send this. Repair vessels and combat escorts Mayport and Ironclad will accompany to provide security for the repairs. If need be, temporary clearance is granted to perth Last Sunrise in drydock for urgent repairs. I'll see you soon.


Captain Jade Linford

[Image: so2aLXO.png]
Transmission Ends

RE: To: [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise || From: Jade Linford - Meallan - 06-16-2018

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Name: Lead R&D - Meallan Dagon
Subject: Sunny


As it wasn't enough for me to leave my personal project in a critical phase, you fine folk decided to shoot up the Sunny in a way that it will be benched for a whole week in a non-disclosed position in Sirius, after she makes the run home. Me and your guys, Linford, almost finished jumping the secondary electronic array and we're running tests. All points out the Sunny will be out of your hair in less than an hour, albeit, with a lot of holes in it. Kudos to your fellas, Linford, they almost know what they are doing. Almost. The guy named Herrera almost critted the crossed jumpers on the aft, but that's a story for another day. Too used to Liberty tech, I'll venture. If needed be and if Locklear says so, I'll go back there and teach them the good stuff.

Heartwood, tell your folks that in no-way the core can reach a 85% draw in cruise, or it will blow up. I grudgingly admit, you made right call. Grudgingly, since you could have said to hick-up the tertiary systems and that would have kept the shunts running while the power core would be right as rain. But you did good.

Thirdly, I want Locklear out of Bering. I don't care how, I don't care who. I'm contacting Hellfire Command and they'll want answers, timetables, milestones and words. And a beer. Lindford, please, by the almighty winds in the sky, get us some beer. No man can work under these conditions.

Lastly, and it has been a long time saying it,

Libera te Ex Infernis.
