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Does Elroy Dream of Electric Nomads? - Printable Version

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Does Elroy Dream of Electric Nomads? - E X O D I T E - 06-24-2018

Based on Project 135 - "LINGUA"

The LINGUA device glared balefully at the operators. Could an inanimate object glare balefully? This one definitely could.

Reggie, the Mama Brick's Quartermaster, shrugged whilst Elroy pushed a few more buttons. The Cloak had been turned on, and they were lurking, ready to see if it would work.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Elroy? If we get caught..." Words need not describe what would happen to the two were their scheme unveiled prematurely. Carpenter shrugged, before continuing his button-presing.

Reggie turned to Elroy. "So when's your next date with Rachel?" That got a response out of him. "What goes on between us is that, between us. And I don't know, man. Last I heard, she had shipped out to New Hampshire, which is where our colony is... And I'm not going to interrupt her whilst she's doing her job. I want her to still have one. So how's your sex life?"

Reggie was yet again reminded of his overworked, undersexed situation. "It's... steady." Then Elroy stood back. "It's ready. Colossus?"

The Colossus AI listened, then its analysis was complete. Its response was immediate.

"I am assuming direct control of the device now. Brace for transmit procedure."


It was pretty warm in there, now that Colossus brought it up. "It works. UBOS integration successful!" Carpenter crowed. "Now, to find Kessie..."

To be continued...

RE: Does Elroy Dream of Electric Nomads? - E X O D I T E - 06-24-2018

... Immediately

"To hell with Kessie, with this, we could frame anyone we want for Nomad possession."

Elroy looked at Reggie, finding newfound respect for his scheming insight. "Still bucking for Senior Staff? If you present that to the rest of us, we might not laugh you out of the room immediately. Only joking, of course, this is awesome."

"It would be a lot easier if you would tell me what it's made of."

"Well, I deliberately purged One Thirty-Five A. But, well, here is the Senior Staff copy."

"Thanks, Colossus. That should do it." Elroy wiped the screen. Reggie paused to goggle, before noticing, "Hey, I'm clearance VIOLET, why wasn't I inoculated?"

"We had to be sure it would work."

"Ah, fair enough. Wait, why me? Wait a minute, you're just messing with me now. Of course you knew this would work, you just wanted to see how I'd react to it. Come on, let's hit dirt and see if we can have a little fun."

"Sure, why not?"

RE: Does Elroy Dream of Electric Nomads? - E X O D I T E - 07-29-2018

The Rock Salt Nightclub was the perfect place to test the low-level emissions of the LINGUA on unsuspecting subjects. Almost upon entering, the feeling of relaxation and good cheer could be immediately felt. Those who were there were there to have fun and enjoy themselves, after all.

Elroy and Reggie, both dosed to the gills with psi-suppressants, watched the late teens and twenty-somethings out on the floor. "Man, what have we been doing with our lives? Look at all them having fun and we're just sitting here." Reggie bemoaned his fate. "Your semi-girlfriend is a Nomad, I'm a glorified secretary, and--" "She. Is. Not. My. Girlfriend."
That was his cue to back off. "Only partially." Elroy was nowhere near mollified, but whatever, it was Reggie, he was cool.

The process of bringing in the prototype LINGUA device was actually very simple. Indeed, those two guys had chosen to install it within a prefabricated fountain, bringing it in through the front door, which served the purpose of discouraging people from getting too close, as well as providing a tasteful visual display. The central location allowed for full-ceiling coverage from the light shows, and the artificial waterfalls in front of the lights allowed for easy modulation, ensuring unique performances every time. With the lights within the fountain off, one could see several rainbows from the mist, splashes of natural color contrasting with the neon pervading the chamber.

The high-energy environment also served as the perfect cover to conduct backroom deals, arrange discreet exchanges of filthy lucre for filthier pleasures, and flex political muscle internally, but one thing at a time.

"Elroy, are you sure this is a good idea? Imagine the questions we'd have to answer if the wrong people came to the wrong, or possibly right, conclusions." Thoughts of covert interrogation, dissection, and subsequent public trumped up criminal charges, show trials, and lifelong imprisonment at best coursed through the minds of the two men. "No, it's worth it. Look at them, Reggie. The device works perfectly. They're happy. They're having fun." "And they're buying drinks faster." "Shush you."

Meanwhile, at TITAN-Holt Products...

"They did WHAT?" To say that Willow was unpleasantly surprised would be an understatement. The built up goodwill from years of working and living with the Bursar stayed her hand from doing anything too rash. And who knew, maybe she misheard. The functionary, having heard tales of the peril of delivering bad news to the lady, reluctantly repeated himself, "That's right, ma'am, they took the LINGUA prototype and put it in a fountain. Why they would--" "I know what Elroy's game is. He's planning to seduce her." "Her, boss?" "None of your concern. In fact, nothing we've talked about leaves this room. Am I clear?" "Crystal." "Fantastic. I'll have to arrange a talk with who may become my step-mo... You're still here? Oh, you can go. Thank you." She nodded as warmly as she could manage to the man, who quickly took his leave, surprised to have his head still attached.

The Ascendant shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, Elroy, you find new ways of getting yourself and everyone around you in trouble. I just hope you recognize it before it's too late." She flexed her utility tentacles around her, six in total, willing them to extend to her bookshelf to deftly withdraw her copy of Superviolence: The Civil Threat of Mass Destruction Weapons. Yes, this would do nicely for light reading. The tentacles withdrew into her bio-carapace and would remain there until she called upon them again.