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3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Printable Version

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3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Third Fleet - 07-11-2018

// Due to the possibility of three Navy official factions, 3rd| officially forfeits access to FR5 and accountability of such.

[Image: I6MZnlk.png]

Liberty Navy Third Fleet

"There are no extraordinary men... just extraordinary circumstances that ordinary men are forced to deal with"
- Admiral William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.

Tag: 3rd|
IFF: Liberty Navy
ID: Liberty Navy

Information and Fleet Roster


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Personnel Database

Third Fleet ID Proposal Wrote:
The Liberty Navy Third Fleet is an arm of the Liberty Armed Forces devoted to the defense of Liberty sacred systems, the secrets within and the nation as a whole. Founded in 419 A.S. and kept active through the years, the Third Fleet has boasted arguably the most famous allotment of commanders and ships to ever grace the Liberty Navy. Primary HQ is maintained inside the Zone-21 Minefield, holding partial control over Juneau Shipyard. Primary field headquarters outside the Zone-21 minefield is held at Fort Murray on Planet Denver, Colorado. Basic and advanced training is held at West Point Military Academy in New York, with officer candidacy school and training held at Richmond Military Academy in Virginia.

- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, Zone-21 or Zone-63 that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.
- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.
- Can attack ships which are in violation of the Liberty Code or belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.
- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.
- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.
- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except The Council.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.

Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Manchester, New London, Leeds, Newcastle

Ships Allowed: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

Money may be taken from 3rd|LNS-Enterprise

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Shelco - 07-11-2018

(11-22-2017, 12:34 PM)Spectre Wrote: I don't plan to go official with this in any capacity [...]

[Image: conceit.JPG]

Also, not trying to be salty at you or anything but don't you need 3 active members? As much as I see it is just you and Kalhmera playing 3rd.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Spectre - 07-11-2018

I know. Things change. Brought people in, fleshed it out. Times change.

Tails flies semi-regularly as well, and I expect some will join during the processing. Time will tell.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Kazinsal - 07-12-2018

Hi! I'm very interested in knowing your goals as a prospective official faction and how they compare to that of the existing Liberty Navy official factions and their unofficial and prospective-official counterparts. Additionally, what are you intending to gain out of officialdom if you are voluntarily relinquishing some of the official faction rights?

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Spectre - 07-12-2018

Some of it's not started yet, but plans for research RP and diplomacy as an individual faction are in the works. The same traditional guideline of not ganking unless stated otherwise remains the same. The hope is that as an official faction our progress as a faction in general will be not only easier to get moving forward, but also allowed to become more expansive, perhaps involving some of the Navy's allied and friendly factions such as BAF| and =CR=, and perhaps even the Council.

As for the faction right, as suggested by @DarkTails, having a third Navy official would only make admin and mod situations regarding things like FR5 and reputations regarding the Navy even more impossible to get done. By relinquishing FR5, it leaves the process the same while allowing us to operate as a relatively normal Official Faction, just without the ability to vote in FR5s.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Corpus13 - 07-12-2018

I was the person, who did my best to convince @Mr.Mike., that officialdom isn't needed for the Sixth fleet. Poor RP wasn't the reason, as it can be fixed, but the thing is, that we don't need more Liberty Navy factions in my humble opinion. I would enjoy your Outcast thing getting an officialdom, as Outcasts need official factions badly. But it's just me and my prejudice.

If you think, that you can bring something good and interesting for this server, please do. Best of luck to you, guys. Aww

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Kalhmera - 07-12-2018

Something new is what we intend to provide! Specter is a good leader and I beilive people should give us a fighting chance and possibly if your willing join us and see what we are about.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - thisDerius - 07-12-2018

I really do think you need to do more stuff before going official. Speaking from experience here. Do some events, make some iRP changes with the official fleets or something. That will give you a chance.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - Spectre - 07-12-2018

My main idea was gearing up for big things before the post, then using the time the Admins would use to monitor the faction as a time to exercise those 'big things'. Events are planned, don't you worry.

RE: 3rd| - Liberty Navy Third Fleet - SnakThree - 07-12-2018

When people ask if we need more official factions covering already saturated ID, just say that official perks are good enough reason. Plus you get a subforum which is really neat.