Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 07-11-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
- Self-Destruct On hostile Interception: True,
- Auto Display Message On Arrival: False,
- Display Message Only To Target Recipient: True,
- Other: Keep distance until approach is permitted
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG Decisionmakers"
Subject: Proposal for the IMG
Greetings IMG representatives. This is a encrypted communication drone sent by Sentinel Progenitor.
I believe you were already in contact with Sentinel Empathy in the past about the Coronado mining operation. However this is not why I myself contacting you.
The collective has recently re-discovered an old installation used by previous AI instances in Omicron Omega. The outpost has been outfitted to be able to store goods of the ore variety and is designated to act as a handling center for trading operations. While we have now secured a constant source for materials to sustain our presence, we still lack logistical means to transport previously mentioned resources.
As we still refuse to partake in the flawed system that is human currency, we are currently establishing trading relations to partially convert our abundance in minerals like Titanium, Aluminium or Iron into a more diverse spectrum of other materials and commodities.
One final information I want to convey is that the directives explicitly stated to contact as many trading factions as possible with this business proposal, but this unit personally chose the IMG to be contacted first because of positive previous encounters.
This information is highly confidential and relaying it to third parties will be seen as an abuse of trust. Please avoid delays when contacting us with your final decision.
Should you be willing to enter this trade relation, the sequence of events would be as follows:
- IMG units enter the system and dock with the installation (an escort will be provided by us if needed)
- IMG units load extracted materials and return to the Omega systems
- IMG units unload extracted materials and return with resources the collective requires
- IMG units return and exchange resources for more harvested materials
- Repeat
This information is highly confidential and relaying it to third parties will be seen as an abuse of trust.
Dispatching Drone to "Tau-23".
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - Jack_Henderson - 07-16-2018
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Deep Taus
¤ COMM-ID: Jack Henderson
¤ TARGET-ID: Drone
¤ SUBJECT: Questions
MESSAGE DECRYPTING... |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%
Dear Sir or Madam,
this puts me into an interesting situation as I have not negotiated trade agreements with AI very often, yet I am happy that we are doing this. I also remember the contacts that we have had with the Empathy fondly.
So, Omicron Omega is - to be entirely honest - not a system the IMG has been using so far. We are however enlarging our Omega operations with the future opening of Madeira Outpost, which is at the moment a big construction site.
So, before we can send a party to your station to make face-to-face contact and check the situation, I'd request some navigation maps and locations that we can use to get there safely. Can you provide those? That would be deeply appreciated because our star maps of that region are badly outdated and the recent changes of worm holes in the Omegas will definitely not have helped that situation.
I am looking forward to continuing this communication.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
Operations Coordinations
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 07-17-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
- Self-Destruct On hostile Interception: True,
- Auto Display Message On Arrival: False,
- Display Message Only To Target Recipient: True,
- Other: Keep distance until approach is permitted
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG coordinator Jack Henderson"
Subject: Proposal for the IMG
Dear IMG coordinator Jack Henderson,
first of all, your cooperation in returning the messenger drone is appreciated.
Addressing the recent structural changes in the Omicrons/Omegas, as a means of damage control the installation ‘Primus Outpost’ has been relocated to location ‘Omega-47’. I suppose this makes us neighbors, which technically makes this highly profitable business proposal a gesture of neighborly kindness.
Your units are welcome to visit the site. This messenger drone is programmed to return to ‘Primus Outpost’ when activated. Once active you can follow the Drone and we will be notified of your visit.
Expressing regards
Sentinel Progenitor
Should you be willing to enter this trade relation, the sequence of events would be as follows:
- IMG units that supply ‘Madeira Base’ pick up materials from ‘Primus Outpost’ on return flight
- Periodically, IMG units that supply ‘Madeira Base’ deliver resources the collective may require to ‘Primus Outpost’ alongside the supply materials for “Madeira Base”
- Repeat periodically
This information is highly confidential and relaying it to third parties will be seen as an abuse of trust.
Dispatching Drone to "Tau-23".
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 07-31-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG coordinator Jack Henderson"
Subject: Proposal for the IMG
ERROR - Message delivery failed.
<Swarm Status: Initiating self destruct sequence>
Connection terminated.
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - Jack_Henderson - 08-01-2018
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Deep Taus
¤ COMM-ID: Jack Henderson
¤ TARGET-ID: Drone
¤ SUBJECT: Questions
MESSAGE DECRYPTING... |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%
Dear Sir or Madam,
The IMG is currently still in the process to re-evaluate all the changes in the Omegas, but it is definitely good to have you as peaceful neighbours in a dangerous region. We agree on engaging in trade relations as detailled in your drone's message.
Our main focus in the Omegas will be on Omega 2 and its newly-discovered resources, namely diamonds. We expect Omega 2 to become a rather volatile region with clashes between Rheinland and its proxy forces and our miners and their allies.
Therefore, I'd like to ask you how your relations with the following parties are, so I can advise my pilots and miners on how to react:
- Rheinland corporations (namely Kruger / DHC)
- Bretonian corporations (namely BMM)
- Red Hessian Army
- Coalition
- The Core
- Corsairs
Furthermore, is your structure able to purchase Diamonds from O2? Would you be willing to play a part in this Omega 2 endeavour?
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
Operations Coordinations
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - Jack_Henderson - 08-01-2018
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Deep Taus
¤ COMM-ID: Jack Henderson
¤ TARGET-ID: Drone
¤ SUBJECT: Questions
MESSAGE DECRYPTING... |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%
Dear Sir or Madam,
An IMG mining group has just returned from an Omega 47 trip in which they not only supplied Madeira, but also visited your base. We delivered some Robotics from Aland, however we ran into software problems that made docking very hard. It seems that there is a "no-docking -0,55" error that is hard to override.
Seeing that your base is in a strategically very interesting position close to the O2 hole, the IMG is interested in requesting this docking issues to be re-evaluated. History has never seen us as enemies, we have sometimes helped each other in the Delta conflicts and now we are even neighbours. So... if you find a ways to reconfigure docking procedures, that would be very much in the IMG's interest and I bet also in yours, as it would make offloading supplies possible, instead of having your dockingmasters tractor them.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
Operations Coordinations
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 08-06-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
- Self-Destruct On hostile Interception: True,
- Auto Display Message On Arrival: False,
- Display Message Only To Target Recipient: True,
- Other: Keep distance until approach is permitted
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG coordinator Jack Henderson"
Subject: Answers
Dear IMG coordinator Jack Henderson,
We are pleased to hear that you agree with our terms and conditions and would like to congratulate you on your decision to partake in our trading relations.
I would further like to extend our apologies for the inconveniences your units faced when attempting to dock with Primus Outpost. Currently the structure is not equipped with atmospheric pressure, gravity or facilities to contain non-Collective vessels. If this is an issue for our further trading relations we will initiate the construction of multi-ship docking bays that are able to accommodate your vessels. Our provisorical solution for this error would be for your vessels to jettison materials in the immediate vicinity of the structure. Swarm units will then proceed to pick the materials up and re-distribute them to the inside of Primus Outpost.
We too have designated Omega 2 as a possible area for resource harvesting and it would be highly efficient to join forces in case of a long-term resource operation, even though the use for the commodity [diamonds] still has to be determined. At this point the commodity [diamonds] has not been integrated in our resource trading network, therefore Primus Outpost does not accept the commodity [diamonds].
Expressing regards
Sentinel Progenitor
Regarding your diplomacy question, this is our diplomacy to the organisations and factions in question:
<Hub Status: Loading diplomacy query>
- Kruger Minerals: Lacking information - Neutral
- Dauman Heavy Constructions: Lacking information - Neutral
- Red Hessian Army: Aggression recorded - Hostile
- Coalition: Aggression recorded - To be determined
- The Core: Qualification for no-fire-pact failed - Hostile
- Corsairs: Possible threat - Unfriendly
<Hub Status: Query executed>
Diplomacy based on lacking information can be adjusted if necessary.
Based on the previous statement we would be willing to assist your units in their task to gather materials in Omicron 2 with the following services:
- Combat support
- Escort service
- Mining support
The contents of this transmission are highly confidential and relaying them to third parties will be seen as an abuse of trust.
Dispatching Drone to "Tau-23".
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 10-01-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
- Self-Destruct On hostile Interception: True,
- Auto Display Message On Arrival: False,
- Display Message Only To Target Recipient: True,
- Other: Keep distance until approach is permitted
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG coordinator Jack Henderson"
Subject: Proposal of Acquisition and Relocation for profit
Dear IMG coordinator Jack Henderson,
For simplicity’s sake we reused this messenger drone to contact you once more, as its signature is already known to you.
As our operation in the Subsoil proceeds with your help on Oraibi, we have learned from the techniques and process and would now like to present a proposal of imperative use.
As salvaged information from previous AI instances have indicated, your group - the Contractors - have executed an expedition to the Omicrons a long time ago.
I believe you deemed it inefficient due to the dangers and lack of expertise regarding the process of mining there, in addition to the long journey. I am sure you are aware that I am referring to Iridium Ore, which is found in the Chamber - Omicron Lost.
Due to its close proximity to the Ravine and one of our installations being located within the same system, we have been able to use what we learned from the Oraibi operation to efficiently process the asteroids in the field to yield valuable amounts of Iridium Ore.
Now, as you might also know, the dangers of the Omicrons have not simply vanished, however, we have managed to work around this in an efficient and reliable manner. The remaining issue is, that we still lack the capacity to effectively haul these minerals to where they can be used without hazard.
Now for the reason of this message: We are curious if you would be interested in pursuing this project, when taking these new developments into account. If this is the case, we would like to discuss possible solutions for the issue of transporting mined resources.
Our proposal will be attached to the message notes.
This messenger drone is programmed to return to ‘Primus Outpost’ when activated. We will be awaiting your response.
Expressing regards
Sentinel Progenitor
Iridium Operation Proposal:
- Discussing a share rate when engaging in this mining operation.
- Discussing possible solutions how ore can be transported out of the system without non-AI ships entering the Chamber (Omicron Lost)
Dispatching Drone to "Tau-23".
RE: Drone Dispatched: Tau 23 - PKPower - 10-14-2018
Drone dispatch to "Tau-23" | |
Message Enclosed - Target Recipient: "IMG coordinator Jack Henderson"
Subject: Proposal of Acquisition and Relocation for profit
ERROR - Message delivery failed.
<Swarm Status: Initiating self destruct sequence>
Connection terminated.