GOAT.Public Communications Board - Golden Oak Tours Board - 07-17-2018
<<< >>>
Golden Oak Tours
>>> Public Communications Board <<<
>>> Public Events & Competitions <<<
> Highlighted Public Event <
Inter-House Tours
Event Name: Golden Oak Inter-House Tours
Event Location: Planet Curacao, circuit route
Event Date/Duration: Every Saturday, +19:00 SMT
Golden Oak Tours has come a long way from its grassroot-origins into a multi-liner eco-tourism corporation. And every saturday, the fledgling company takes flight into new heights by undertaking its grandest, most 'fabulous' tour yet!
The Golden Oak Tours' Inter-House Tours, as the name goes, will mainly involve the four core houses of Sirius. Each leg of the route is represented by a different-colored arrow on the event map:
- Red: Bretonian Leg
- Green: Rheinlandic Leg
- Yellow: Kusarian Leg
- Orange: Zoner Leg
- Pink: Erisian Leg
- Skyblue: Libertonian Leg
- Blue: Return Leg
It is a free-form event where anyone may interact with the Inter-House Tour Convoy! Be it help achieve its goals, pirate it for its gains, or simply watch in awe at the progressive nature movement, the tour is an important one that does quite a bit for spreading Sirian awareness towards safeguarding nature and protecting the environment for future generations to come!
To learn more about the InterHouse Tour, refer to the 'Tours & Trade Offerings' post > Eco-Tours option > InterHouse Tours category.
To participate directly within a tour as a tourist yourself, book a ticket in the Public Communications Board > Eco-Tours & Trade Request Format, and you will be granted access to #oak-tours-inter in GOAT's discord server!
Brought to you by: Golden Oak Tours!
> Other Events <
Event Name: Project MESSIAH
Event Location: Freeport 1, Routes from Planet Kyushu / Planet Cambridge / Planet Stuttgart
Event Date/Duration: Every Saturday, +16:00 SMT, until 825 A.S., November 24
Event Background:
The Gaians and the eco-tourism company, Golden Oak Tours, have recently had heated diplomatic relations due to a few misunderstandings of intent.
Seeking to reprove their goodwill, the latter have taken it upon themselves to restore the tenuous relations through a few proactive measures:
- GOAT convoys will deliver the following commodities every Saturday at 16:00 SMT, until 825 A.S., November 24, after which convoys will continue but at a minimum of a quarter of the original quantities:
- ten thousand cubic units (10,000 m3) of Sweet Rice //Kyushu Rice//
- ten thousand cubic units (10,000 m3) of Cambridge Cutlets //Luxury Food//
- five thousand cubic units (5,000 m3) of Mondscheinblume //Blue Jillies//
- GOAT is told not to retaliate against any and all Gaians, even when threatened verbally or through direct weapons fire, until relations have warmed enough not to worry.
- GOAT is to actively defend Gaian pilots against their enemies considered criminals by the four houses, and do nothing when asked or demanded by lawfuls to engage Gaian pilots.
- 825 A.S., August 25: COMPLETE
- 825 A.S., September 1: COMPLETE
- 825 A.S., September 8: COMPLETE
- 825 A.S., September 15: COMPLETE
- 825 A.S., September 22: PENDING
- 825 A.S., September 29: PENDING
- 825 A.S., September 8: PENDING
- 825 A.S., October 6: PENDING
- 825 A.S., October 13: PENDING
- 825 A.S., October 20: PENDING
- 825 A.S., October 27: PENDING
- 825 A.S., November 3: PENDING
- 825 A.S., November 10: PENDING
- 825 A.S., November 17: PENDING
- 825 A.S., November 24: PENDING
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GOAT.Eco-Tours & Trade Request Format - Golden Oak Tours Board - 07-17-2018
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Golden Oak Tours
>>> Public Communications Board <<<
>>> Eco-Tours & Trade Request Format <<<
Salutations, and may the golden oak shelter thee!
Are thou looking to book a tour with us for thyself or thy family? Are thou instead hoping to purchase some of our finest trade offerings to give to thy sweetheart on thy anniversary?
Well, then look no further!
Simply choose the appropriate option th'art looking for, and th'will be taken through a simple-as-ABC, step-by-step process.
To get a full list of thy options, thou may browse our General Information Board > Tours & Trade Offerings post.
Step 1:
Simply choose thy desired option(s) below. Copy and paste the coded format within, then post thy request within the Public Comms & Messages thread.
>>> Copy-Paste Format, <fields to fill up>
Code: [color=#FFFFFF]Receiver:[/color] Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
[color=#FFFFFF]Encryption:[/color] [color=#00FF00]GENTLEMAN-ACCESS[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Sender:[/color] <name of sender>, <position if applicable>, <group if applicable>
[color=#FFFFFF]Sent on:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>
[color=#FFFFFF]Sent from:[/color] <Base/Planet Location>, <Star System>
[color=#FFFFFF]Subject:[/color] Eco-Tour Ticket Request
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Name:[/color] <Name>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Sex:[/color] <Sex>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Birthdate:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies:[/color] <optional field, type 'None' if not applicable>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Nationality:[/color] <Nationality>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Type:[/color] <Type>
[color=#FFFFFF]Ticket Holder Category:[/color] <Category>
[color=#FFFFFF]Tour Type:[/color] <Type>
[color=#FFFFFF]Pickup Location:[/color] <Location>
[color=#FFFFFF]Tour Duration:[/color] <# of Days>, <# of Nights>
[color=#FFFFFF]Tour Date:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Tour Ticket Request
Ticket Holder Name: Joe Smith
Ticket Holder Sex: Male
Ticket Holder Birthdate: 800 A.S., January 1
Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies: None
Ticket Holder Nationality: Omega Zoner
Ticket Holder Type: Tourist
Ticket Holder Category: Pilgrim
Tour Type: Bretonian Tours
Pickup Location: Planet Gran Canaria
Tour Duration: 5 days, 4 nights
Tour Date: 825 A.S., June 20 ---
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Tour Ticket Request
Ticket Holder Name: Joe Smith
Ticket Holder Sex: Male
Ticket Holder Birthdate: 800 A.S., January 1
Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies: None
Ticket Holder Nationality: Omega Zoner
Ticket Holder Type: Tourist
Ticket Holder Category: Pilgrim
Tour Type: Bretonian Tours
Pickup Location: Planet Gran Canaria
Tour Duration: 5 days, 4 nights
Tour Date: 825 A.S., June 20
Ticket Holder Name: Margaret Smith
Ticket Holder Sex: Female
Ticket Holder Birthdate: 801 A.S., February 2
Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies: Allergic to Shellfish
Ticket Holder Nationality: Omega Zoner
Ticket Holder Type: Tourist
Ticket Holder Category: Pilgrim
Tour Type: Bretonian Tours
Pickup Location: Planet Gran Canaria
Tour Duration: 5 days, 4 nights
Tour Date: 825 A.S., June 20 ---
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Tour Ticket Request
Ticket Holder Name: Joe Smith
Ticket Holder Sex: Male
Ticket Holder Birthdate: 800 A.S., January 1
Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies: None
Ticket Holder Nationality: Omega Zoner
Ticket Holder Type: Tourist
Ticket Holder Category: Pilgrim
Tour Type: Bretonian Tours
Pickup Location: Planet Gran Canaria
Tour Duration: 5 days, 4 nights
Tour Date: 825 A.S., June 20
Ticket Holder Name: Samantha Smith
Ticket Holder Sex: Female
Ticket Holder Birthdate: 804 A.S., March 3
Ticket Holder Quirks/Disabilities/Allergies: cannot walk, magchair-ridden
Ticket Holder Nationality: Baffin Zoner
Ticket Holder Type: Tourist
Ticket Holder Category: Traveler
Tour Type: Kusarian Tours
Pickup Location: Planet Tomioka
Tour Duration: 10 days, 10 nights
Tour Date: 825 A.S., June 20
>>> Copy-Paste Format, <fields to fill up>
Code: [color=#FFFFFF]Receiver:[/color] Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
[color=#FFFFFF]Encryption:[/color] [color=#00FF00]GENTLEMAN-ACCESS[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]Sender:[/color] <name of sender>, <position if applicable>, <group if applicable>
[color=#FFFFFF]Sent on:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>
[color=#FFFFFF]Sent from:[/color] <Base/Planet Location>, <Star System>
[color=#FFFFFF]Subject:[/color] Eco-Tour Ticket Request
[color=#FFFFFF]Eco-Trade Offering:[/color] <Option>
[color=#FFFFFF]Quantity:[/color] <# of cubic units>
[color=#FFFFFF]Drop-off Point[color=#00FF00]*[/color]:[/color] <Base Location>, <Base System>
[color=#FFFFFF]Deliveries Start Date:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>, <HH:mm SMT>
[color=#FFFFFF]Deliveries End Date[color=#00BF00]**[/color]:[/color] <YYY A.S.>, <Month, Day>, <HH:mm SMT>
[size=x-small][color=#00FF00]*//GOAT has the right to deny requests that are obvious pirate traps, smuggling towards factions considered unlawful by the houses, or factions GOAT has unfriendly or worse affiliations with[/color]
[color=#00FF00]**//GOAT has the right to deny requests that have unreasonable time frames to complete//[/color][/size]
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith, Trader, Omicron Supply Industries
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Trade Offering Request
Eco-Trade Offering: Mondscheinblume
Quantity: 5,000 units
Drop-off Point*: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Deliveries Start Date: 825 A.S., September 13, 16:00 SMT
Deliveries End Date**: 825 A.S., September 16, 16:00 SMT
*//GOAT has the right to deny requests that are obvious pirate traps, smuggling towards factions considered unlawful by the houses, or factions GOAT has unfriendly or worse affiliations with
**//GOAT has the right to deny requests that have unreasonable time frames to complete// ---
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith, Trader, Omicron Supply Industries
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Trade Offering Request
Eco-Trade Offering: Mondscheinblume
Quantity: 5,000 units
Drop-off Point*: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Deliveries Start Date: 825 A.S., September 13, 16:00 SMT
Deliveries End Date**: 825 A.S., September 16, 16:00 SMT
Eco-Trade Offering: Sweet Rice
Quantity: 5,000 units
Drop-off Point*: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Deliveries Start Date: 825 A.S., September 13, 16:00 SMT
Deliveries End Date**: 825 A.S., September 16, 16:00 SMT
*//GOAT has the right to deny requests that are obvious pirate traps, smuggling towards factions considered unlawful by the houses, or factions GOAT has unfriendly or worse affiliations with
**//GOAT has the right to deny requests that have unreasonable time frames to complete// ---
Receiver: Golden Oak Tours Eco-Tours & Trade Bureau
Sender: Joe Smith, Trader, Omicron Supply Industries
Sent on: 825 A.S., June 15
Sent from: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Eco-Trade Offering Request
Eco-Trade Offering: Mondscheinblume
Quantity: 5,000 units
Drop-off Point*: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Deliveries Start Date: 825 A.S., September 13, 16:00 SMT
Deliveries End Date**: 825 A.S., September 16, 16:00 SMT
Eco-Trade Offering: Mondscheinblume
Quantity: 5,000 units
Drop-off Point*: Planet Tomioka, Nagano
Deliveries Start Date: 825 A.S., September 13, 16:00 SMT
Deliveries End Date**: 825 A.S., September 16, 16:00 SMT
*//GOAT has the right to deny requests that are obvious pirate traps, smuggling towards factions considered unlawful by the houses, or factions GOAT has unfriendly or worse affiliations with
**//GOAT has the right to deny requests that have unreasonable time frames to complete//
Step 2:
Wait for, receive, and then reply to the invoice message we'll send thee via the Public Comms & Messages thread, stating thy agreement or disagreement with the quota. If agreeing, proceed to Step 3. If disagreeing, repeat Step 1.
Step 3:
Receive the receipt message via the Public Comms & Messages thread, stating thy request was processed. Follow the instructions provided in the receipt message, and enjoy thy tours and trade offerings!
<<< >>>
GOAT.Recruitment Format - Golden Oak Tours Board - 07-23-2018
<<< >>>
Golden Oak Tours
>>> Public Communications Board <<<
>>> Recruitment Format <<<
So! Thou wishes to not just be a tourist, but to be an esteemed tourer thyself? Or mayperhaps th'ast witnessed the values my company espouses, and wishes to defend and support those values with thy unique set of skills? Well, th'ast come to the right place!
Recruitment is quite simple, really! Just copy the following quoted message, fill up the details needed, and then submit thy recruitment application to this thread.
Forum Name: <insert info here>
Character Name: <insert info here>
Character Age/Birthday: <insert info here>
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: <ex: Mondays, 13:00-21:00 UTC>
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): (Just started playing) / (Not so good) / (Good) / (Veteran)
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): (Just started playing) / (Not so good) / (Good) / (Veteran)
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: (Yes) / (No) / (Allergic) ---
After a small background check, th'will then be accepted into our group as a ' New Employee' for the next 7 days. Thy tasks as a New Employee are as follows:
- Apply to our discord server by clicking [THIS LINK]
- Procure thine own vessel with the callsign:
- for freighter pilots: GOAT.Gentleman.<firstname/nickname>
- for fighter pilots: GOAT.Cavalier.<firstname/nickname>
- Log in with thy new ship for at least a total of three hours for the entire week.
- Get green reputation with the following factions:
- Gaians
- Bundschuch
- Farmers' Alliance
- Fly alongside at least one of our 'Verified Employees' in a trade or patrol route, and have the fellow employee vouch for thy Gentleman-worthy nature in their message dump. //Thou only needs one positive vouch from a fellow employee for thee, but any misconducts accrued will subtract from thy eligible vouches and make the process take longer or be more difficult.//
- Submit at least one message dump in the Company News & Message Dump that detail the following:
- a report of what's transpired in thy convoy/patrol
- a screenshot proving thy good reputation with the three aforementioned factions
- a thorough background of thyself
Character Sheet:
- Full Name: (ex: Leon "Fabulous" Springdale Harrington)
- Born on: (ex: 802 A.S., February 14)
- Born at: (ex: Farsley City, Ol'Yorkshire Province, Planet Leeds, Leeds System)
- Species, Sex, Socio-gender: (ex: Human, Male, E1)
- Hair Length, type, natural color, dye (optional): (ex: pompadour cut, straight, blonde, purple-dye)
- Facial hair length, type, natural color, dye (optional): (ex: long, mustache, blonde, purple-dye)
- Skin Color: (ex: limestone)
- Eye Color: (ex: skyblue)
- Height (cm), Weight (kg): (ex: 170 cemeters, 80 kilograms)
- Physical and Mental Quirks/Disabilities:
- (ex: none)
- Known Relatives:
- Mother: (ex: Margaret Springdale)
- Father: (ex: Holson Harrington)
- Oldersibling1: (ex: Delilah, BPA, Female)
- Youngersibling1: (ex: Harry, Gaian, Male (Deceased))
Summary of your life so far:
(ex: Born in Planet Leeds, a planet so smog-choked that its populace dared not move around save inside either pressurized suits or through long glass hallways, his father gave him the name 'Leon' while his mother gave him 'Fabulous': the former to signify bravery and nobility and the latter to encourage flamboyance and artistic expressiveness... etc. etc. etc.)
>>> ---
Once th'ast completed thy requirements, th'art now a fully-fledged Verified Employee of Golden Oak Tours! Congratulations!
Do please also submit thy feedback on the recruitment process in the [Feedback Thread]!
<<< >>>
GOAT.Public Comms & Messages - Golden Oak Tours Board - 07-23-2018
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Golden Oak Tours
>>> Public Communications Board <<<
>>> Public Comms & Messages <<<
From this point is where the public may post their tour bookings, eco-commodities requests, recruitment resumes, and other miscellaneous messages.
<<< >>>
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - ZTeeVeR - 08-07-2018
Forum Name: ZTeeVeR
Character Name: Matthew Hammond or "Mate"
Character Age/Birthday: 38 / feb '80
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: Mo, Wed. Thur. 18.00-22.00 UTC, other times vary
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): Not so good
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): Good-ish
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: No
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - Mr.Fabulous - 08-08-2018
<<< >>>
Receiver: Matthew Hammond, Interviewee
Sender: Leon 'Fabulous' Harrington, CEO, Golden Oak Tours
Sent from: Golden Oak Tours Nobleman-class vessel, 'Leon' //GOT.Nobleman.Leon//
Sent on: 16:00 SMT, 07 August, 825 A.S.
Subject: Recruitment Acknowledgement
>>> Begin Message <<<
"Salutations, Hammond-dear, and may the solars guide thee! After a brief investigation into thy background details, Golden Oak Tours has granted thee the privilege of a chance to prove thyself a respectable Gentleman as a 'New Employee'.
"Th'aren't out of the woods yet though, Hammond-dear! We're giving thee a week to complete thy post-interview prerequisites and exercise thy use of the Gentleman-/Cavalier-class vessel in order to further the company's goals and values, so don't dilly-dally now!
"If th'art in need of some funding, do please let us know, and the company shall not hesitate to provide thee the funding to afford at least the bare minimum of a personal vessel.
"We hope only for thy expedient results, Hammond-dear!
... And may the golden oak shelter thee. Fabulous out!"
(08-07-2018, 08:21 PM)ZTeeVeR Wrote: Forum Name: ZTeeVeR
Character Name: Matthew Hammond or "Mate"
Character Age/Birthday: 38 / feb '80
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: Mo, Wed. Thur. 18.00-22.00 UTC, other times vary
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): Not so good
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): Good-ish
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: No
>>> End Message <<<
<<< >>>
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - Uncle_Hiss - 08-10-2018
<<< >>>
Receiver: Leon 'Fabulous' Harrington, CEO, Golden Oak Tours
Sender: "Uncle" Hiss, external mail, freelancer
Sent from: gunboat 'Condor' //HISS//
Sent on: 825 A.S., August 09, 22:40 CET
Subject: RE: Application
>>> Begin Message <<<
Good day to you, sir.
Looks like previous mail got stuck in the wrong mailer. Re-sending.
It is Hiss, we were convoying together earlier today.
It was a great pleasure to travel The Great Ring with you, despite a few unfortunate occasions, including the sad destruction of the ship belonging to herr Sky and certain misunderstandings with bloke called Willy.
I would like to send my application for the armed escort of the company convoys, as we have agreed on the travel.
If you need any additional data, It will be provided in following messages.
Best Regards,
"Uncle" Hiss.
P.S. Let us not talk of the watermelons. They were quite... good.
>>> End Message <<<
<<< >>>
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - Mr.Fabulous - 08-12-2018
<<< >>>
Receiver: "Uncle" Hiss, external mail, freelancer
Sender: Leon 'Fabulous' Harrington, CEO, Golden Oak Tours
Sent from: Golden Oak Tours Main Office, Planet Curacao, Cortez System
Sent on: 825 A.S., August 12, 03:50 SMT
Subject: Recruitment Reply
>>> Begin Message <<<
A man with purple hair, brows and mustache, with golden spectacles backing a pair of skyblue eyes that complement a chiseled chin, wearing a purple suit with golden trims and a shoulder-cloak of nebulous dazzle, comes upon the camera with a bright smile.
"Salutations to thee, Uncle-dear, and may the golden oak shelter thee! Mr.Fabulous here, and I'm most-pleased with not just hearing from thee again, but also wishing to apply for our illustrious company!
"Fortunately for thee, the recruitment process should be simple enough. Simply fill in thy details in the format below, and then place thy recruitment application as another message within this communications thread.
Forum Name: <insert info here>
Character Name: <insert info here>
Character Age/Birthday: <insert info here>
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: <ex: Mondays, 13:00-21:00 UTC>
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): (Just started playing) / (Not so good) / (Good) / (Veteran)
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): (Just started playing) / (Not so good) / (Good) / (Veteran)
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: (Yes) / (No) / (Allergic) ---
He clears his throat before continuing, "Then once Golden Oak Tours will have conducted and deemed satisfactory thy background check, th'will then be welcomed into our fold as a 'New Employee'. Th'will then be given a list of prerequisites th'will need to follow through within the next seven days of being accepted. Thou may refer to [THIS LINK] for a full list of said prerequisites.
"From the looks of it, th'ast already within thy disposal a gunboat vessel, but Golden Oak Tours would like thee to prove thyself first with the smallest of ships, before we can grant thee full confidence on incorporating thine vessels into our fold.
"Once th'art accepted, th'will need to first setup thine own 'Cavalier-class' vessel, but if th'art strapped of cash, then we'd be more than happy to provide thee a credit starter package of 5,000,000 Credits to get thee on thy feet... provided th'art a New Employee, that is.
"But I have more than average confidence th'will be accepted without any hiccup!
He takes a quick bow, and concludes. "May the solars guide thee, Uncle-dear! Fabulous out!"
>>> End Message <<<
<<< >>>
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - Uncle_Hiss - 08-18-2018
Recruitment Application Form
Forum Name: Uncle Hiss
Character Name: Hiss
Character Age/Birthday: 4th of November 775. 50 years
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: Every day at week, after 6 (GMT+2)
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): Good
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): I play DnD. But I need some time to get into action, can't jump outright
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: YES!
RE: GOAT.Public Communications Board - Mr.Fabulous - 08-19-2018
<<< >>>
Receiver: Fabulous Harrington, CRO, Golden Oak Tours
Sender: "Uncle" Hiss, external mail, freelancer
Sent from: GOAT Main Offices, Planet Curacao, Cortez
Sent on: 825 A.S., August 19, 01:11 SMT
Subject: Recruitment Reply
>>> Begin Message <<<
The purple-suited Mr.Fabulous faces the camera, his golden spectacles reflecting a bright glint and a big smile on his face. "Salutations, Uncle-dear, and may the golden oak shelter thee! I'm oh-so-glad for thy final official recruitment application. Because of thy continued service in these recent days, and that thy background check looks green (thy relations with the Hessians is a non-issue, to be honest, so long as th'aren't too fraternized with the dearies), I'm oh-so-delighted to announce that th'ast been accepted as a 'New Employee'!
"Welcome to Golden Oak Tours' illustriously-nature-friendly family!
"All that's needed left is for thee to procure a GOAT.-licensed Gentleman- or Cavalier-class vessel, and accomplish thy prerequisites listed in the Recruitment Format within seven days of this message sending date using thy vessel. If thou feels like th'art unable to accomplish said prerequisites in time before 825 A.S., August 26, do please let yours-truly know, so that I may place thee upon the 'Reserves', freezing thy opportunity until th'ast the right circumstances to complete such."
He takes a bow, before flourishing out a hand to the heavens. "May the solars guide thee, and thy career-journey with Golden Oak Tours, Uncle-dear! Fabulous out!"
(08-18-2018, 05:19 PM)Uncle_Hiss Wrote:
Recruitment Application Form
Forum Name: Uncle Hiss
Character Name: Hiss
Character Age/Birthday: 4th of November 775. 50 years
Your usual available playing time in UTC, 24hr: Every day at week, after 6 (GMT+2)
Rate your piloting skills (choose one): Good
Rate your roleplaying skills (choose one): I play DnD. But I need some time to get into action, can't jump outright
Pineapple on pizza, Yes or No: YES!
>>> End Message <<<
<<< >>>