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Unconventional weapons / equipment - looqas - 02-10-2009

I've been thinking about new concepts for weapons. Some of the ideas that are from wacko-land and some are actually worth thinking about.

I don't worry about the balance and such. I just throw ideas here for future weapons. Some are borrowed from other sci-f stuff.

1) Thruster Disabler missile: Disables thruster for 1 minute

2) Visibility reducer mine: Works like a that thick fog in O-3 Cambridge jump gate

3) Blinder mine: Like a flash bang.

4) Yanker gun: Cruise distruption

5) Interdictor ship?

6) Bomb commodity: Tractor it in and suffer the consequences

7) Radioactive mine: Get hit and it eats your hull slowly.

8) Beacon that is transmitting /setmsg like messages (maybe 2 beacons: system wide and local chat). Uses are endless from dropping a warning beacon for traders, to propaganda, to gloating). Have to think about the abuse cases though and how to prevent them.

9) Power/shield generation preventer missile: For some time the regen is disabled.

10) Bats/bots eater mine: get hit and it eats certain amount of bots/bats.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - gekerd - 02-10-2009

8)........Just no, don't let people spam system chat that easy

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Balance - 02-10-2009

I had always wanted a commodity that instead of "perishing" damaged the hull while carried. Would make for an intersting trade run--especially if it was worth a fortune.

Anyone know if it can be done with a fuse or FL hook, etc.?

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Cyro - 02-10-2009

' Wrote:Thruster Disabler missile: Disables thruster for 1 minute

Maybe just for a few seconds? Like 2-5? I'm telling you that because a ship without thruster is as good as dead one. Imagine people spamming these in fight.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Virus - 02-10-2009

Quote:1) Thruster Disabler missile: Disables thruster for 1 minute
Fight's over as soon as that missile hits.

Quote:2) Visibility reducer mine: Works like a that thick fog in O-3 Cambridge jump gate

Quote:3) Blinder mine: Like a flash bang.
The strobes on admin ships are bright enough, don't need to make people go blind during a game. (Don't you just hate getting hit by flashbangs in FPSs?)

Quote:4) Yanker gun: Cruise distruption
Eh, not a bad idea, however CDs do that. We don't need to giv epeople another reason to add a torpedo or razor to their ships.

Quote:5) Interdictor ship?
What do you mean?

Quote:6) Bomb commodity: Tractor it in and suffer the consequences
I like that idea... Doubt it is possible, though.

Quote:7) Radioactive mine: Get hit and it eats your hull slowly.
Not a bad idea in theory, but the damage caused by radiation is almost no-factor in combat.

Quote:8) Beacon that is transmitting /setmsg like messages (maybe 2 beacons: system wide and local chat). Uses are endless from dropping a warning beacon for traders, to propaganda, to gloating). Have to think about the abuse cases though and how to prevent them.
Please no...

Quote:9) Power/shield generation preventer missile: For some time the regen is disabled.
Most ships survive purely because their shields regen, so same as the first one. Imagine if they were combined .__.

Quote:10) Bats/bots eater mine: get hit and it eats certain amount of bots/bats.
What's the difference between that and actually dealing damage? You deal damage, you force them to use their batts and bots.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Cellulanus - 02-10-2009

8 only if its local chat only and the thing is easy to destroy.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Malexa - 02-10-2009

And only 1 beacon in the same area, or the Capitals would flood in text.
Also add a broadcasttimer, lets say every 30seconds it repeats the broadcast.
Name of the droping ship should be right there as a Tag.
Could do this the whole day, I love brainstorming!

Yours Malexa

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Ironwatsas - 02-10-2009

I'm good at thinking up some fairly unorthodox weapons. Let's give it a go...

1: Magnetic Harpoon

Grabs and slows down a target object significantly, but uses torpedo slot and drains energy rapidly. Useful for stopping manuverable/laggy ships (all things Kusari)

2: Hover Drive Mine

Teleporting nuclear explosive mines used primarily for caplital ship combat. The mines materialise outside the ship, and after a short delay detonate, causing significant damage. However, their time delay makes them useless against fighters and they cannot teleport through shields or physically inside a ship, due to the imperfection of their targeting system.

3: Interrupter Missile

The Interrupter missile disables active weapon systems of a target ship (e.g. toggles them off in the weapon list), so a pilot would need to re-activate them.

4: Phalanx laser

An automatic weapon which is designed to destroy incomming missiles at range. Replacing a conventional countermeasure dropper, this weapon fires a super-accurate but low powered laser beam at the incoming missile, hopefully detonating it before impact.

5: Gravity Well Generator

The GravWell generator uses a contained point-mass singularity to create an area of warped space. Any small ships (below Gunboat class) and missiles will be trapped (have their thrusters and cruise engines disabled) by the warp field. Gunboats and larger will be unaffected though. Unfortunately, the Gravity well generator can cause significant hull damage to the ship it is mounted on, and once it burns out, it blows up.

(For best effect, it should be only mounted on specialised Gravity well generator ships. Forcing other players to escort, or disable the other weapons of the ship it is on otherwise.)

6: Holo-projector/Mimic field

Less a weapon, and more an electronic warfare device. This piece of equipment can disguise the ship it is mounted on as any ship of gunboat class or smaller. This can be used to fool most scanners, though scans of a ships weapons hardpoints and ID could potentially reveal it. Also, firing any other weapons immedietly disables the field.

7: Shield Revindicator

Uses a modified plasma field projector which siphons energy off of a target ship's shields and transferrs it, through collector nodes, to the shields of the ship it is mounted on. However, it eats energy like there's no tomarrow, and replaces a ship's torpedo-disruptor slot.

8: Sensor Tagger

This device plants a small transmitter on the hull of the target ship, which makes the vessel readable on scanners at any range, due to the FTL transmission unit. The transmitter can however be destroyed by another ship shooting it off, or by docking with a base.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Boss - 02-10-2009

' Wrote:I'm good at thinking up some fairly unorthodox weapons. Let's give it a go...

1: Magnetic Harpoon

Grabs and slows down a target object significantly, but uses torpedo slot and drains energy rapidly. Useful for stopping manuverable/laggy ships (all things Kusari)

2: Hover Drive Mine

Teleporting nuclear explosive mines used primarily for caplital ship combat. The mines materialise outside the ship, and after a short delay detonate, causing significant damage. However, their time delay makes them useless against fighters and they cannot teleport through shields or physically inside a ship, due to the imperfection of their targeting system.

3: Interrupter Missile

The Interrupter missile disables active weapon systems of a target ship (e.g. toggles them off in the weapon list), so a pilot would need to re-activate them.

4: Phalanx laser

An automatic weapon which is designed to destroy incomming missiles at range. Replacing a conventional countermeasure dropper, this weapon fires a super-accurate but low powered laser beam at the incoming missile, hopefully detonating it before impact.

5: Gravity Well Generator

The GravWell generator uses a contained point-mass singularity to create an area of warped space. Any small ships (below Gunboat class) and missiles will be trapped (have their thrusters and cruise engines disabled) by the warp field. Gunboats and larger will be unaffected though. Unfortunately, the Gravity well generator can cause significant hull damage to the ship it is mounted on, and once it burns out, it blows up.

(For best effect, it should be only mounted on specialised Gravity well generator ships. Forcing other players to escort, or disable the other weapons of the ship it is on otherwise.)

6: Holo-projector/Mimic field

Less a weapon, and more an electronic warfare device. This piece of equipment can disguise the ship it is mounted on as any ship of gunboat class or smaller. This can be used to fool most scanners, though scans of a ships weapons hardpoints and ID could potentially reveal it. Also, firing any other weapons immedietly disables the field.

7: Shield Revindicator

Uses a modified plasma field projector which siphons energy off of a target ship's shields and transferrs it, through collector nodes, to the shields of the ship it is mounted on. However, it eats energy like there's no tomarrow, and replaces a ship's torpedo-disruptor slot.

8: Sensor Tagger

This device plants a small transmitter on the hull of the target ship, which makes the vessel readable on scanners at any range, due to the FTL transmission unit. The transmitter can however be destroyed by another ship shooting it off, or by docking with a base.

#!: Love the idea, meself.
#2: ehh, sounds too easy to spam the thing.
#3: Yes. Absolutely.
#4: Yes.
#5: This sounds a lot like #2.
#6: I'd love one of these.
#7: Bombers would LOVE this.
#8: Hard to implement (if at all) but a wonderful idea.

Unconventional weapons / equipment - Balance - 02-10-2009

Mine was a "CD turret" with extremely short range. High refire low energy cost. Would act as a "grapple", tethering the ship somewhat to you (not letting it cruise away). Other suggestions along same line is make a paralyzer turret that does mostly shield damage but still has the effect o powerplant. Make it short range too. You could drain an enemy's power if you could get in close and then finish him. Good combo with the CD turret--give them like 150m range and would make fighters a threat.