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Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Printable Version

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Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Ile De France Shipping® - 07-28-2018

[Image: CTR31rA.png]
Intégrité. Fidélité. Mérite.

Ile De France Shipping is a major shipping company that operates both inside and outside Gallia. Partnered with EFL Oil and Machinery, IDF is dealing with major shipments coming from and to Gallia. Ile De France Shipping puts loyalty to the Crown in front before any profit.

ID: IDF Shipping - - - IFF: IDF Shipping - - - TAG: IDF| - - - ZoI: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds


Île-de-France Shipping S.A. (IDF Shipping) was founded in 501 AGS (585 A.S.) by Francois Pomeroy, who thought Gallia needed a shipping company that was absolutely loyal to the Crown, instead of just another money hungry company like many others at that time. It started as a one man business, Francois, and his Aurochs freighter, the “Île-de-France”. He had some small private contracts within the Core Worlds, enough to feed his family. The company really started after Francois received an urgent charter into the active war zone of the First Gallic War. Most of the companies active at that time did not want to risk operating in such an environment. Being one of the few people available to operate there, Francois took his chance and accepted the assignment.

The Crown was very pleased with his performance, so he got a permanent contract, in exchange for a significant stock share. This allowed him to expand his business giving him a huge head start with support from the Crown. Only several months after his first assignment, he raised enough funds for the first large transport, the ME-UH "Vache" Gallic Train named “Parisienne”. After the war, IDF started purchasing assets of competing companies and was able to organize several aggressive takeovers. Starting with the smaller companies, slowly gaining market share, but quickly expanding the fleet.

The government prefers not to interfere in IDF operations unless it's absolutely necessary, but the situation has been changing since the start of the Second Gallic War when government representatives on the board of IDF started to lobby for increased participation of IDF with supplying the Navy. The Board quickly decided that if the Crown needed their help, IDF would be more then willing to provide it. That lead to a big increase in Border World activity, providing supplies for the rear outposts of the Sirius invasion fleet. IDF was able to stay out of the conflict between the Council and the Royal Navy. Because employees of IDF are civilians, they are not targeted by Council attacks.

Both sides are far from friendly, but encounters seldom lead to an engagement. After the King opened the borders for trade, IDF immediately organized small scale scouting missions for potential new markets. Richard Pinault was made Director of External Commerce, managing everything that had to do with Sirius. He established trade relations with Kusari, the first House they visited.

IDF Shipping is currently the leading shipping company in the Gallic space, occupying over 55 percent of the civilian space transportation market. The Crown has a significant stake in IDF operations with a stock share of over 40 percent. IDF Shipping is known to be one of the closest partners of EFL Oil and Machinery. IDF extensively participated in building the system of Gallic jump gates and trade lanes and continues to do so to ensure a good infrastructure. Constructing the rapid space transportation systems was undertaken by EFL using technology “borrowed” from Sirius nations by the Junkers. IDF participated in the construction works and provided transport for huge lane and gate parts that EFL developed and built in its shipyards.

The land headquarters of IDF are located at New Paris, and Sarcelles Shipping Facility is considered the space headquarters of the company. Because communication with the Core Worlds isn’t always possible, and because it is impossible to travel between the core and border, IDF purchased a big office on Planet Nevers, functioning as a Border Worlds Headquarters. Ile-de-France Shipping's loyalty will never be questioned. Because of this, IDF is working on systematic development and increasing the company's market value to ensure the financial security of its shareholders and employees, instead of blindly hunting for the best profit. "Loyalty over Profit" as Joseph Pomeroy said in his speech when he took over IDF Shipping from his father.

The Gallic Crown owned 40% of the company's stock, and with the war's end, the company began to nosedive. A plethora of independent shipping companies began to surface, and more liberal station and planetary administrators who had been forced to rely on the Crown's sacred cow for shipping now had other options to choose from. In mere months, IDF's 55% market share fell to a meager 23%. This decline has led many of the company's already bourgeoisie executives to further sympathize with the Royal Enclave, who Ile-de-France shipping now supply in secret. This has made the company a favored target of the Maquis, and put them under scrutiny of the Gendarmerie and even the OCI.


Gallic Security Bureau
Marine Nationale Gauloise
La Maréchaussée de Gaule
Gallic Metal Service

[Image: Sn8g3M6.png]

The Corsair Empire
The Core
Rheinland Corporations

[Image: UHcfiTS.png]

Gallic Metal Service
Independet Miners Guild

[Image: G2ARSRF.png]

Unione Corse
Independent Sirians

[Image: Jxdt88j.png]

The Maquis
Gallic Brigands
Kusari Unlawfuls
Rheinland Unlawfuls
Kusari Corporations
Kusari Lawfuls
[Image: qBnAYh6.png]

[Image: avatar_37500.png?dateline=1494537479] [Image: MgmfYAx.png] [Image: zBCOjE7.png] - Gallia's finest. Although the situation in Gallia is still under construction from the war, the law enforcements are trying hard to deal with the ongoing threats both inside and outside the Gallic space. We are to support them by any means necessary.

[Image: m2RRWpg.png?1] - Our partners. Without them we wouldn't be able to build Gallia as it is now; with them we shall continue to prosper and provide our people with life they deserve.
At the moment, our company, together with EFL looks to improve the construction of both trade lanes and jump gates in Gallia and beyond.

[Image: 264px-GMS_Logo.png] - The main reason why Ille De France Shipping is struggling. They were favorites of the Confederacy which allowed them to grow and take over most of our business.

[Image: 220px-Flag-corsairs.png] - Our company is looking forward in improving relations with the Cretans. As a consequence of the war between Kusari and Gallia, the northern access to the Omicrons is completely blocked and the path through Rheinland is out of the question knowing the relation between the Cretans and the Kingdom.

[Image: 264px-Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png] - The Guild seems like a potential partner.

[Image: 220px-Flag-kusari.png] - We are not happy with the events following the war outbreak in Sigma-21 nor the New Tokyo Government takeovers. The Kusari Republic is reforming it's Government, we can only keep a close eye on them.
The Kusari Corporations such as Samura and Kishiro are welcome in our home and the previous cooperation with the two of the companies is to be resumed.

[Image: 220px-Flag-rheinland.png] - Our company is looking for mutual cooperation between the two houses. Although Rheinland suffered a coup, we are expecting to improve our relation with the newly formed Kingdom of Rheinland.
Approach the Lawful authorities with respect.

[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png] - The Crown used to let them in our home, we are to respect that.

[Image: UCorseLogo.png] - Although the Union was neutral in King's eyes, you never know what to expect from them. They're to be approached with extreme caution. Do not trust them.

[Image: 264px-MaquisLogo.png] - This is why we need the law enforcements. The Maquis are extremely dangerous terrorists whose only joy is to blow something. They are know to be cruel to their enemies, in order to counter their attacks, our transports must be well armored.

[Image: 264px-BrigandsLogo.png] - Thieves, murderers, scum. They don't care who they're targeting, they take from the poor and prize themselves in their filthy rocks that they call homes. In case of spotting a Brigand try to call for backup from the nearest Police Station.


Short term:

- - Complete renovation of the Sarcelles Shipping Facility
- - Establishing a foothold in Cologne
- - Improving relations with the Imperial Republic of Rheinland
- - Improving relations with the Core guild and establishing a trade route
- - Further improvement of relations with the Corsair Empire

Long term:

- - Reconstruction of Bouvet Space Entertainment subdivision


Directeur Général:

- - Fernand Dimont @Venkman

Vice Directeur Général:

- - Pryor Guimond @MasterL410

Officier Supérieur:

- - Emilien Bouvet @Venkman

Officier de Sécurité:

- - Kylian Chappelle @Venkman

Pilot de Sécurité:

- - Guimond Lavallee @Neonzumi
- - Olivier Nizan @"Darkstar_Spectre"


- - Jeanne Lorraine @Neonzumi
- - Matthieu de La Fayette @"Wasserdrache"
- - Evelyne Lemieux @"Minx"
- - Joshua Mizushima @Traxit


- - Alexis Lorraine @Chuba
- - Louis Poulin @Novascova
- - Edith Roussy @Decktare
- - Lisette Tavernier @Squad
- - Dia Augustopolou @Corile
- - Jean Pierre LeBlanc @Miaou


[Image: dnrUwuu.jpg]

Ile de France
Ile-de-France Shipping was founded in 501 AGS. As a shipping company that specializes in space cargo transportation, the company considered establishing headquarters in space rather than planetside to be a major benefit. IDF's Board of Directors chose the location one trade lane run away from the Burgundy jump gate. Construction of the station that was named Sarcelles took five years to complete, and in 506 AGS it was officially opened. In years to come, it was rebuilt and expanded several times to match an increasing amount of IDF shipments heading through Sarcelles to and from the Gallic Border Worlds.

The First Gallic War was a disaster for many small shipping companies, especially those heavily involved with Normandy region trade. IDF focused on the Core Worlds and Border Worlds instead. Backed by the government and supported by EFL Oil & Machinery, IDF currently controls a vast market of civilian shipments across the House of Gallia. Sarcelles is still considered the headquarters of the company, but not many board members and chief officers choose to live and work there. Despite the best efforts of IDF designers, living on Planet New Paris is much more comfortable. IDF Shipping owns a small island near Ile du Palais where a large "office city" was constructed to serve as the company's actual headquarters and most of its top employees live and work there.

Public opinion has turned against Ile-de-France Shipping since the end of the Second Gallic War, as they were known as staunch Royalists, even supplying naval operations as far as Bretonia. With many distrustful of the company so openly loyal to the Crown, they have fewer clients to rely upon than they once did. It remains to be seen whether this is a permanent trend, or a fad of the times. Regardless of this, Ile-de-France Shipping continues their traditional style with pride.

[Image: 0PhB1de.jpg]

Luxury Liner Antibes is operated by Bouvet Space Entertainment, a subsidiary of IDF Shipping. Built in 724 AGS, the Antibes is one of the latest examples of the Snapdragon class, a vessel designed by Bouvet to be the pinnacle of luxury in a defendable and opulent package. With former military officials espousing the strength of the vessel’s armor and comparing it hyperbolically to the Royal Navy’s Obstinate-class, those who booked passage aboard the Antibes had no qualms with paying an increased rate to see the beauty of Gallia in priceless comfort and safety.

Despite her defensive armament and almost fortress-like qualities, both the Maquis and the Brigands have made their attempts at raiding the Antibes over the years, although the ineffectiveness of the latter especially has led some to believe that the Brigand attacks in particular are actually paid programs, put on by Bouvet executives looking to give a good show for their guests.

In 737 AGS, Bouvet’s parent company Solar Engineering was dissolved by royal decree, and the majority of its assets were sold off to EFL Oil and Machinery. One of the few exceptions, however, was Bouvet, acquired by IDF Shipping in the latter half of the year. The acquisition meant that all of Bouvet’s luxury liners - including the Antibes - were now IDF property. In truth, the acquisition meant little for the liners or their regular visitors, the latter of which noticed no real change in quality of service.

As with everything in Provence, the peaceful mirage of luxury was shattered overnight with the arrival of the Oblique and her attendant Council battlegroup. Council forces had been probing Provence for some time, and the earliest skirmishes served as a warning Bouvet did not take lightly - moving the Antibes into orbit around Avignon, far from the center of the system. The Royalist VIPs on the observation deck saw little beyond the flashing of lights in Marseille’s orbit, and were actually quite enthused at the impromptu display. The crew of the Antibes decided it best to keep the Royalist losses a secret, and ensured that the first notice they received of the system’s loss came from the Crown itself, long after they’d departed the liner.

Now, with the appearance of the Syndicated Minarchy, the Luxury Liner stands as one of the only attractions of pre-war Provence that remains untouched by agents of the Unione Corse or the Minarchy. Eager to cut its losses in the wake of the Monarchy's fall, Ile-de-France Shipping, which was almost entirely funded by the Crown, sought to sell Antibes to the highest bidder in order to generate much-needed cash reserves and withdraw its assets from a system considered by IDF's board to be too volatile. Sirius' leader in tourism, Orbital Spa and Cruise, has expressed its interest in the legendarily profitable liner.

[Image: if6D24y.jpg]

Luxury Liner Belleville is one of the well-known cruise vessels operated by Bouvet Space Entertainment group, formerly a subsidiary of Solar Engineering. Solar was dissolved in 737 AGS by a Royal Decree, merged under EFL Oil and Machinery. Bouvet, on the other hand, was purchased by IDF Shipping, along with most of its popular luxury liner offerings, including the Belleville. Belleville is one of the earliest vessels of its class, having been launched in 703 AGS. It is most commonly seen in the Lorraine system, but it occasionally visits Burgundy. The liner is currently stationed at the edge of the gorgeous Sarre nebula, but local authorities have advised against entering its depths.

Belleville cruises were one of the most popular for upper-class Gallic travelers who preferred the safer environments of the Core Worlds, Lorraine in particular. This changed with the Confederation of Gallia, the formation of the Grand Duchy inviting the ire of the Maquis who maintain a sizable presence in Lorraine. As a result, the Belleville's popularity has begun to decline, though IDF maintains that they have no plans to alter the vessel's itinerary at this time.

Solar was dissolved in 737 A.G.S. by a Royal Decree, merged under EFL Oil and Machinery. Bouvet, on the other hand, was purchased by IDF Shipping, along with most of its popular luxury liner offerings.


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RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Lanakov - 07-28-2018

Very nice write-up and a clear understanding of Gallic lore and ongoing developments.
This has my undivided support and I'm very much looking to see great things coming from it. I'll be sure to keep you lot busy. Smile

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Lucas - 07-28-2018

Good luck to you Big Grin

What happened to the IDFS though ? Did they just vanish ?

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Kaze - 07-28-2018

Good luck!


RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Sombs - 07-28-2018

Very good job on the write-up and the pictures. Did you use different ENBseries setting for them? The shading seems to be different than the standard one. I also like the consistency in the perspectives. That's some elite tier work here.

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Corile - 07-28-2018

Solid writeup. Good luck.

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Vovasishe - 07-28-2018

Nice writeup, guys. Good luck!

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Vulkhard Muller - 07-28-2018

Sweet write up guys, looking forward to some interactions, feel free to contact EFL about some Work Smile

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Ile De France Shipping® - 07-28-2018

(07-28-2018, 10:43 AM)Lanakov Wrote: Very nice write-up and a clear understanding of Gallic lore and ongoing developments.
This has my undivided support and I'm very much looking to see great things coming from it. I'll be sure to keep you lot busy. Smile

Thank you very much. We look forward in working with MRG.

(07-28-2018, 10:48 AM)Lucas Wrote: Good luck to you Big Grin

What happened to the IDFS though ? Did they just vanish ?

Thanks. I guess IDFS vanished...

(07-28-2018, 10:49 AM)Kaze Wrote:
Good luck!


Thank you Kaze.

(07-28-2018, 10:52 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Very good job on the write-up and the pictures. Did you use different ENBseries setting for them? The shading seems to be different than the standard one. I also like the consistency in the perspectives. That's some elite tier work here.

Thank you. All those pics were edited in PS.

(07-28-2018, 11:32 AM)Corile Wrote: Solid writeup. Good luck.


(07-28-2018, 12:02 PM)Vovasishe Wrote: Nice writeup, guys. Good luck!

Thank you.

(07-28-2018, 12:32 PM)Vulkhard Muller Wrote: Sweet write up guys, looking forward to some interactions, feel free to contact EFL about some Work Smile

Thanks. We expect big things to be done with EFL.

RE: Ile De France Shipping® - General Information - Antonio - 07-29-2018

Great writeup, gl.