OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - SigCorps - 02-10-2009
See our post in the Official faction request forum. It can be found here
OSI official faction request
Quote:Omicron Supply Industries
Basic Information
Name: Omicron Supply Industries
NPC Faction: Zoner tag, Zoner Guard
ID: Zoner, Zoner Guard
Faction tag: OSI-
Code of Conduct
-You must follow the server rules. Minor sanctions offense and you will be given a warning. Two minor offences and you will be kicked out. A major sanction offense and you will be kicked out immediately.
-If you have been sanctioned before, you need to inform us.
-PvP Skills are not a necessity, RP skills are. If you do not RP very well, but show a drive to learn, we will accept you and show you the ropes of RP. While we run smaller ships due to ID restrictions on the base Zoner ID, those who wish to get a Zoner guard ID can have access to larger transports.
-Treat other players as you would want yourself treated
-No out-of-role play messages in system chat, including those marked with '//'. Avoid using OORP chat in Local, unless an urgent situation needs to be mentioned (example, incoming disconnect, disengagement, etc). In PMs, use '//' to mark out-of-character chat.
-Absolutely no cap ships will be part of this faction. We are a trading company.
-Members are encouraged to make separate characters for fighters/bombers and transports
Omicron Supply Industries is a company that runs equipment and supplies to the outer reaches. Based out of Freeport nine in Omicron Theta, they bring the fruits of Zoner labor into house space to trade for items that are needed on the outer rim stations. We also have a division on Freeport Eleven in Omicron Delta and a small office on Corfu base. Being Zoners we have also been know to bring food to Crete, run needed items into Freeport 15 and drop off supplies to The Order in Omicron Minor. OSI is true to the Zoner way in that they will deal with anyone. OSI does also have a protection wing to help guard their trade ships. Operating in the outer reaches is a dangerous place to be. With the increased Nomad threat and a few unreasonable pirates to deal with. These pilots are there to make sure that the needed cargoes make it back to the stations. OSI looks down on smuggling and will not tolerate it trade pilots doing so. Shipping contraband in no way helps our Freeports. We run a reputable business here and plan to keep it that way.
Samuel Nichols was born on Freeport 2. His father and mother were part of the Zoner movement that left house space over 60 years ago. To make money for his family, his father Jacob ran supplies to other Freeports and did the odd escorting job. After Freeport 9 was built Jacob moved his family there to assist in making sure the folks out there survived.
Samuel was brought up in and around transports and fighters. His father would take him along on the safer shorter runs to teach him the family business. Samuel watched as his father would broker business deals on stations to get the best price for his cargos, and negotiate with the pirates that tried to take them. He learned quickly that a few well placed words can be the equal of a few well placed blaster shots. Once he turned eighteen, Samuel was given charge of his fathers old armored transport. He and his father worked the supply lanes together for several years before his father retired.
After half a decade of making independent runs to and from Freeport 9 and 11. He saw how the unorganized supply lines to and from these deep stations was causing trouble. Certain high dollar items were brought in till the price plummeted and much needed items that were not a large profit went sorely lacking. It was at this time he first came up with the idea for OSI. He started talking to the other traders, organizing convoys and hiring escorts on a percentage of the profits instead of flat fees. By examining which supplies were most needed and balancing it with the higher profit runs, he make a rotating schedule for some of the local traders that not only kept the Freeports in what they needed but made a tidy profit for all.
Samuel also did a study on which ships fared the best in this arduous environment. While the larger ships had the chance to make a larger profit, he found that they were pirated more and had a larger difficulty handling the nasty asteroid and debris fields. Deciding that getting through to make the profit was better then potential profit he decided on a set of ships with the Border Worlds Transport as his top choice. Its survivability and maneuverability got his cargos to station.
After most of decade of working together with other independent traders, Samuel finally decided to form the Omicron Supply Industries. He had the capital to purchase ships and equipment and the clout to broker good deals all around Sirius. Filing the Charter, he started hiring. Several transport pilots came over quickly and the profits flowed. With the increase of the Nomad threat, escorts were added. OSI now keeps the standard of living at these deep stations higher then it has ever been before. Samuel looks to the future in this ever changing universe and will mold OSI to fit. Ever looking for new opportunities you can guarantee OSI will be supplying the deep space stations for a long time to come.
OSI is a Zoner trade faction. We do require both the Zoner IFF and ID or Zoner guard IFF and ID. All new transport pilots will be given 10,000,000 credits to purchase a transport from our allowed ship list. Escort pilot recruits will be given 3,000,000 credits to purchase a Falcon heavy fighter and outfit it with our allowed weapons. Promotions will be based upon performance and reports from fellow members. Private messages of completed runs for both transport and Escort pilots should be send to HQ after each return to station or a weekly report can be submitted.
OSI Zone of Influence
Home Systems
Omicron Theta, Freeport 9 and Corfu base
Omicron Delta, Freeport 11
Trading Zone
DO NOT enter any guard system, excluding Omicron-74, for any reason. We respect the sanctity of those systems. Permissible trade routes will be defined below.
Here is a map with the systems we use on our current routs. It also shows the systems we do not enter denoted by the red starburst.
Here is a link to the full sized map
Full sized OSI rout map
OSI Diplomacy
It is required that all employees have the same relations with the folks listed below. It will make everyones life a lot easier. Do not attack anyone unless provoked. Any reports of our pilots engaging without provocation will be disciplined. Avoid hostile targets if possible.
The Order
[color=#00CCCC]As per agreements with the Order no pilots will enter Omicron-100, ever. All shipments made to Omicron-Minor will be delivered to Battleship Isis. Do not land on anywhere else. Pilots are also advised not to linger in Minor out of respect for the Order. All escort pilots will only defend transports against the Nomad vermin. Order pilots should not hassle you. Although comply with all directives given by them.
As per a communications with the Corsair council we will begin shipments of food and supplies that are needed on the planet Crete. The list will available in the routs list. All escort pilots will power down weapons apon entering Omicron Gamma. Only defend versus the Nomad fighters. Transport pilots are to comply with all directives given by the Corsair pilots. We are trying to establish a relationship with them, lets be good neighbors. All shipments of supplies going to Crete must be announced and docking permission asked for. Comply with all taxing that may occur. Never bring passengers or Cardamine to Gamma. These items are deemed illegal in Gamma. Pilots should not be hauling Cardamine anyhow.
Gas Miners Guild
Currently we have an agreement with the GMG to haul H-fuel from Fujisawa mining facility in Okinawa for our Freeports. We have also been allowed to purchase 4 of their Kaichou bombers to use in our escort wing. Further relations and contracts may be forthcoming.
Gas miners Guild (GMG)
The Order
Pending diplomatic endeavors
Bounty Hunters
House Police
House Military
Other trade factions
Liberty Rogues
Lane hackers
Farmers Alliance
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Red Hessians
Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB)
Independent Miners Guild
None at this time
Nomads (keepers)
The Wild (Das Wilde)
The Phantoms
OSI Allowed Weaponry:
All Zoner weaponry
Civilian line of weapons
Mini razor hull breacher
Super Nova Antimatter Cannon
Code weapons
Any missile
Any Torpedo
Any Mine
OSI Allowed Ships:
We fly no light fighters due to survivability issues. They would also be no help against our main enemy the Nomads
Falcon (Recruit escort pilot level craft) Not approved for Nomad space
Marauder (Recruit escort pilot level craft after probationary period is over)
Very Heavy
Eagle (Escort rank and above pilots only)
Virage (Escort rank and above pilots only)
Ravens Talon (Sr. escort pilot only)
Super Heavy Fighters
Kith Somtaaw SHF (Master escort pilots only)
Civilian Roc Bomber (Sr. escort pilot only)
Kaichou bomber (Master escort pilots only) {Limit of 4}
Armored Transport
Large Transport
Border World Transport
Heavy Tanker (restricted to Master level transport pilots, must be Zoner guard tagged to use)
Advanced train (restricted to Master level transport pilots, must be Zoner guard tagged to use)
Zoner Whale (restricted to Master level transport pilots, must be Zoner guard tagged to use)
*Yacht (for the CEO business trips) Used for our Mobile HQ
Naming Convention:
Trade ships
OSI-Ship name
OSI-Pilots Name (First Name.Last Name)
Ranks, Divisions & Privileges
Samuel Nichols (CEO) {SigCorps}
Security Division
All escort pilots are required to escort all transport pilots regardless of what type of ship they are in. Helping the smaller transport ships make successful cargo runs allows them to buy bigger ships, this helps us all.
Security Division Coordinator- Promotes Security personnel. Hires recruits, assigns pilots to escort services. The SDC will be filled from Master level Escort pilot ranks at a further date. The SDC will be marked at the top of the escort roster as so. Currently the CEO is acting SDC.
Recruit Escort - The initial rank for all new escort pilots. Recruits are restricted to the Falcon heavy fighter for a trail period of 5 runs. After the trial period is over they can move up in to the marauder heavy fighter. They receive 5% of *cargo runs profits for services. Promotions are possible after 10 successful escort missions for OSI pilots. Will be denoted with an R by their name in the roster
Escort pilot - Can use fighters from the heavy, very heavy fighter list, excluding the Raven's Talon VHF. Get 10% of cargo run profits for services. Promotions are possible after 30 total, successful, escort missions. Will be denoted with an E by their name in the roster
Senior Escort Pilot-These pilots have completed at least 30 escort missions and can now use heavy, Very heavy fighters and the Civilian bomber models. They Get 15% of cargo profit for escort services. Will be denoted with a Sr. by their name in the roster
Master level Escort pilots- Master level escort pilots must have completed no less then, 45 successful escort missions and distinguished themselves in the service of OSI. They will be allowed to pilot the Kith Somtaaw SHF, or the Kaichou bomber, if they so choose. Otherwise they can choose from any other type of fighter. They get 20% of the profit for cargo runs and will be denoted with an M by their name in the roster. One from this group will be selected to become the Security Division Coordinator at a later date.
* A cargo run is being described as a trip into, usually, house space and back to Freeport 9, Corfu or 11. Cargo runs may include multiple stops in between these two points. Escort pilots that are destroyed defending a transport should receive their full percentage of the whole cargo run.
Trade Division
Transport pilots are required to pay their escorts a certain percentage of the profit of the cargo run. From 5 to 20 % depending on the rank of the escort. If an escort pilot is destroyed defending a transport, it is expected that they make at least their percentage for the runs they assisted on.
Novice Transport Pilot - Pilot that has completed under 8 *cargo runs. Will be denoted with an N by their name in the roster
Apprentice Transport Pilot - Pilot that has completed under 20 *cargo runs. Will be denoted with an A by their name in the roster
Journeyman Transport Pilot - A pilot that has completed under 35 cargo runs Will be denoted with an J by their name in the roster
Master Transport pilot - A pilot that has completed 35 or more cargo runs. Will be denoted with an M by their name in the roster. Master pilots who pursue and achieve excellent status with our guard folks will be permitted to pilot our Heavy Tanker Transports, The Zoner Whale or the Advanced Train Transport (Must have guard tag to use)
*A cargo run is being described as a trip into house space and back to either Freeport 9 or 11. May include
multiple stops in between
OSI-CorporateHQ, Samuel Nichols (CEO) - Yacht {SigCorps}
Transport pilots
OSI-Integrity, Samuel Nichols (CEO) {SigCorps}
OSI-Fenix (M) {wraith}
OSI-Stygio, Gabriel Caudill (M) {Stygian}
OSI-Velocity (N) {Ash}
OSI-Lazarus, Paddy O'Donaghue (A) {Magoo!}
OSI-Albatross, Reisiger Duke (J) {Reisiger}
OSI-Chrome, Gordon Michaels (N) {Marcus Lindberg}
OSI-Profiteer, Wolfgang Hoffstetter (N) {Chucc}
Escort Pilots
OSI-Pax.Ijiri (M) {SigCorps}
OSI-Victor_Robinson ( R ) {Quorg}
OSI-Reisiger.Duke ( E ) {Reisiger}
OSI-Kara.Mendoza ( R ) {Chucc}
OSI-Dekan.Teg ( R ) {Rob Smith}
OSI-Spartacus.Weepiglet ( E ) {Weepig}
OSI-Dynan.Kane ( R ) {themanwithsauce}
OSI-Felicia.Ruiz ( R ) {Stygian}
Trade routes - Always under construction-
All routs will be dictated by RP and current diplomatic agreements.
The main idea is to bring in items to our stations in Omicron Delta and Theta. We will also make deliveries to our neighbors, the Corsairs, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and the Order. This is to help foster good relations with them. The Corsairs always need food rations at Crete. Pilots should make a food run to Crete as often as possible. For the Order all deliveries go to Battleship Isis. We are contracted to haul only food rations to Dabadoru station.
*All profit listings are based on a full cargo hold for a Border Worlds Transport (3600 hold)
Trade Runs
From Freeport 11
FP11 to Kyushu run
FP 11 to Kyushu - PL Kyushu 5,158,800
Kyushu - Tsushima Depot to Frankfurt - Mainz station 3,693,600
Frankfurt - PL Holstein to Omicron Theta - FP9 1,796,400
Total =10,648,800
FP 11 to PL New London run
FP 11 to New London - PL New London 5,248,800
New London - PL New London to Cambridge - Cardiff MF 601,200
Mining Machinery
Cambridge - Cardiff MF to New Berlin- The Ring 4,485,600
New Berlin - Dortmund st. to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,015,600
Total =16,351,200
FP11 To Mainz run
FP11 to Frankfurt - Mainz SF 4,518,000
Frankfurt - PL Holstein to Omicron Theta - FP9 1,796,400
Total =6,314,400
FP11 to Glasgow run
FP11 to Leeds- Glasgow Station 6,451,200
Leeds- Glasgow Station to Omega-49 - Gran Canaria 2,113,200
Omega-49 - Gran Canaria
Deuterium- to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,840,000 Total= 15,404,400
to Omicron-74 - FP 15 4,737,600 Total =13,302,000
to Omicron Minor - BS Isis 7,333,200 Total =15,897,600
to Omicron Theta - Corfu 3,009,600 Total =11,574,000
FP11 to the Ring run
FP11 to New Berlin - The Ring 5,623,200
New Berlin - Dortmund st. to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,015,600
Total =11,638,800
FP11 to Scarborough St run
FP 11 to Newcastle- Scarborough 7,376,400
Newcastle- Scarborough to New Berlin - The Ring 4,230,000
Supper Alloy
New Berlin - Dortmund st. to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,015,600
Total =17,622,000
FP11 to FP9 Run
FP 11 to Omicron Theta - FP9 1,742,400
Total =1,742,400
From Freeport 9
FP9 to Cali Minor run
FP9 to California - Cali minor 7,000,000
Alien Org
New York - PL Manhattan to Omicron Theta - FP9 5,850,000
Total =12,850,000
FP9 to Ames RS run 1
FP9 to Kepler - Ames RS 6,120,950
Alien Org
Kepler - Ames RS to New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo
New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo to Honshu - PL Honshu 237,600
Consumer Goods
Honshu - PL Honshu to Omeg-49 - Gran Canaria 6,530,400
Omega-49 - Gran Canaria
Deuterium- to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,840,000 Total =20,977,895
to Omicron-74 - FP 15 4,737,600 Total =18,875,750
to Omicron Minor - BS Isis 7,333,200 Total =21,471,095
to Omicron Theta - Corfu 3,009,600 Total =17,147,495
FP9 to Ames RS run 2
FP9 to Kepler - Ames RS 6,120,950
Alien Org
Kepler - Ames RS to New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo
New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo to Omicron Theta - FP9 2,050,200
Total =9,420,350
FP9 to Ames RS run 3
FP9 to Kepler - Ames RS 6,120,950
Alien Org
Kepler - Ames RS to New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo
New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo to Okinawa - Fujisawa MF 1,501,200
Mining Machinery
Okinawa - Fujisawa MF
H-Fuel- to Omicron Delta - FP11 4,842,000 Total =13,713,350
to Omicron Theta - Cofu base 3,024,000 Total =11,895,350
FP9 to Canterbury St run 1
FP9 to New London- Canterbury station 4,211,070
Alien Org
New London- Canterbury station to Cambridge - PL Cambridge 583,200
Cambridge - Cardiff MF to New Berlin- The Ring 4,485,600
New Berlin - Dortmund st. to Omicron Delta - FP11 6,015,600 15,295,470
Total =15,295,470
FP9 to Canterbury St run 2
FP9 to New London- Canterbury station 4,211,070
Alien Org
Trafalgar Base
MOX- to Omicron Delta - FP11 7,023,600 Total =11,234,670
to Omicron-74 - Livadia SY 5,878,800 Total =10,089,870
FP9 to Ames RS run 4
FP9 to Kepler - Ames RS 6,120,950
Alien Org
Kepler - Ames RS to New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo
New Tokyo - PL New Tokyo to Honshu - PL Honshu 237,600
Consumer Goods
Honshu - PL Honshu to Omicron Gamma - PL Crete 3,135,600
Total =10,743,350
From Corfu base
*Done to foster good relations
Corfu Base - Food rations
to Omicron Gamma - PL Crete Total =1,166,400
to Omicron Delta - Dabadoru St. Total = 828,000
to Omicron Minor - BS Isis Total = 475,200
*ship hull parts are 2 cargo in size.
**Tourists are 2 cargo slots.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - retnuh - 02-10-2009
good way of doing it, though with escorts getting a % of profits they will all want to guard the tankers rather than smaller ships (that can't be helped though). Would be more fun if you weren't zoner ided but just freelancer or had your own id as no-one pirates zoners (this is my experience when coming across pirates and zoners "you may pass zoner") so it would be boring for the escorts.
nice idea about new recruits having to fly hfs or lfs they'd be the first i've ever seen in space, everyone flys vhfs in my experience. would it be the same for the trader wing? i.e. Apprentice Transport Pilot limited to Armored Transport, or large transport, journeyman gets train or borderworlds etc
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - SigCorps - 02-11-2009
Yeah was thinking about doing that with the transport pilots, it may still yet go that way, but need to get some folks interested first. Correct on the escorts wanting to escort only the larger ships, but if we all help each other out it works out better for all. Those in the smaller ships will be able to upgrade faster. Plus this is more about RP then cash.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-11-2009
This sounds like an excellent way to get some good RP in. I also like that you've taken a page from a certain other company and have authorized cargoes and routes. That's something that I think a lot of traders miss out on.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - SigCorps - 02-11-2009
Still looking for more input. Also what does everyone think about the fighter line. Has anyone out there ever flown a Somtaaw SHF. That's one of the ships I am unsure of.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - DeathsOverture - 02-11-2009
Very impressive! I'm in class so I'll be brief.
My freelancer (transport) currently does a handful of the runs you listed, and is based out of Freeport 9... interaction with OSI could be some good RP, that is, once I get his story completed.
Some input:
1) Rep:
Don't forget to include the Phantoms as hostile. There's no escaping it.
2) Picky grammar:
In the sentence, "Will be denoted by X in there name in the roster,"
there should be their.
3) Is there a reason that only senior escort pilots can use bombers?
4) Are your transports only allowed to do the listed routes? Maybe you should have a generic allowed cargo list that includes things such as water and food rations to carry while traveling from base to base.
Cardiff to The Ring – Beryllium
I carry passengers from New Berlin to Planet Nuremburg then Engine Components to Freeport 9.
(I get stuck at Ignostadt)
Anyway, I just noticed that the next class is coming in. *poof*
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - ProwlerPC - 02-11-2009
I think this is a fine idea, those far off Zoner bases could use a group of players providing regular trade from there.
DeathOverture does make a good point.
I suggest allowing the Escort Rank to use bombers, let them fly the Civ Bomber, and your Sr Escorts can fly the Taiidan to identify their rank and trustworthyness (Zoners would have bought those from their GMG allies rather than have built them so they may have been more expensive to field)
Perhaps at the beginning you might get left alone by the pirates when you do in-house routes but once you're recognized to be Zoners associated to the far off Freeports you'll find groups willing spice things up.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - DeathsOverture - 02-11-2009
' Wrote:I suggest allowing the Escort Rank to use bombers, let them fly the Civ Bomber, and your Sr Escorts can fly the Taiidan to identify their rank and trustworthyness (Zoners would have bought those from their GMG allies rather than have built them so they may have been more expensive to field)
Yes my thoughts exactly. This is essentially how it works in the GMG|. I don't see a Sr Escort choosing a Roc Bomber over a Taiidan Bomber, so the current setup is analogous to completely leaving it out.
Also, if you are going to allow the Taiidan Bomber, you may as well allow the Taiiden Heavy Fighter. Some recruit escorts may prefer it over the Falcon.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - SigCorps - 02-11-2009
OK added the Phantoms, fixed that pesky grammatical error with their and there. Having never flown either of those bombers I took your suggestion and let the regular escorts able to have the ROC and let the Sr pilots have the Taiidan. I also cleaned up the post a bit adding formatting that did not follow over from MS Word.
OSI - Omicron Supply Industries - Intent thread - SigCorps - 02-12-2009
Updated Roster