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LA News: USI caught stealing Detroit tech - Ageira Furious! - Printable Version

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LA News: USI caught stealing Detroit tech - Ageira Furious! - Wolfgang Weisen - 08-01-2018

Hello this is Susan Gardner from Los Angeles Channel 45 with the latest news and gossip from around Sirius!

Several business reps in Liberty are a bit tense today, aren't they Chris?

Hello Susan, you are correct. A picture was spread like wildfire in the darknet which shows that official Universal representatives were engaged in illicit transportation of illegally-manufactured Detroit firearms.

And who was the buyer?

Well we don't have many details but we suspect that the official Universal ship was selling the cargo to native criminals but the Navy arrived before the exchange. LPI has not commented yet on this case... Not that we expect them to, of course, they never verify the evidence which are being shared around the darknet.

This is a proprietary and highly restrictive technology of Detroit Munitions. Has Ageira commented on this theft?

They haven't commented so far but they must be definitely furious. Detroit firearms is a prized and very expensive investment, they will definitely drag Universal to court for damages.

Which explains why the business reps are nervous. Thank you Chris for your report.

My pleasure, Susan.

Now to our next subject. Did you know that the Defence Department published a new evacuation code for residents of California Minor? Stay tuned!