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Monsieur Rousse - Lucas - 08-01-2018

Monsieur Rousse

715 A.G.S (799 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

It was a sunny day on Ile De France when Rousse was born. It wasn't unusual to be sunny this season, and yet this was a little different, at least if you can trust what Rousse's mother had told him years later. She described it like this:
"A sunny day, the streets a lot more quiet than usual, almost no person to be found walking on them. It felt as if this moment was destined to be mine and mine only. The hospital was not really busy, I've had many people around me, doctors, nurses, and staff to assist them. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I swear Francois, this is how it was! It didn't even hurt when you joined us."
He was born without any teeth, very few black and short hairs on his little head, looking like a normal baby. And that was great, but nothing that was unexpected. Francois was a loud baby, one of the sort that likes to cry a lot. His father was not there to witness the moment of his birth, at least according to his mother, but knowing that his parents had many arguments in the past about god knows what and that eventually caused them to split up when Francois was young, he wasn't quite sure if he could believe her.

719 A.G.S (803 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

Francois' first few years of being alive would be describable as 'rather peaceful'. Why only rather peaceful? Well, near the Saint-German docking facilities you do get in trouble sometimes if you aren't careful. Being born here, Francois thought that he knows it all, that he's seen everything, and that he would be getting out from everywhere rather easily. And who can blame him for that mindset? He was only 4, and he did not know any better. His mother was living with him, Father long gone, and his mother praised the young boy every day. To her, he was all that was left, something that holds more value than you could pay with any money in the universe. Being fed with those praises, his mind had developed to what it was at that time, a mind that one would describe as foolish, and very self-centered. Saint-German docking facilities always used to attract some people of the worst sort, Murderers, and the likes. Francois was lucky enough that he did not run into one of these when he was 4, but instead only ran into a drunk guy. Being Francois, he obviously accused the man of running into him instead of how it actually was, because he simply could not accept and admit that he was the one who made the mistake. Luckily for him, the man was not angry and instead laughed at the young Monsieur. The man looked down on Francois, patting his head, and mumbling something along the lines of "I'm sorry, o grande Monsieur." Despite the obvious friendly attempt by the man, Francois was trembling in fear, not daring to look up at all. "You're stupid," He said, running away with tears in his eyes. It became very obvious that he was not only foolish and self-centered but also a coward.

721 A.G.S (805 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

6 years have passed since the brat known as Francois Rousse was born. Despite his young age, he was pretty disliked by the people around him, and most would just describe him as annoying if you were to ask them. Francois, however, did not care much until now. He was 6 years old now, and school was nearing. He was never sent to an École maternelle or something of the sort, his mother just did not like the idea of being alone. However, school was a different topic. This would benefit Francois greatly, he wasn't an idiot after all. His mother could not wait to register him at one of the local schools, but Francois was having different ideas. He feared that the children of his age would not like him, after all, he had been pretty rude to everyone that he has met on the streets, and maybe those children were among them. He did not want to go to school here, but he had no choice. And what he feared would take place. Some of the children knew him from before, and they were not very pleased that Francois was with them now. Of course, not all children were affected by this, but a majority of the children were. His mother was upset when she heard that Francois wanted to change classes, and she refused to let him do so. After all, that would show that her precious son also had parts in his personality that are not liked by other people.

726 A.G.S (810 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

L’école élémentaire was about to be over, 5 years that were filled with negative emotions for the young Francois. He was now already 11 years old and had experienced both sides of the coin. For his mother he was a Saint, someone who she would never want to let go off. For his classmates it was obvious, they did not like him because of his attitude, and he was excluded from many things for that very reason. Obviously, that leaves some scars on everyone, especially on children. Francois had become way quieter and way more introverted. He wasn't the big mouthed child that he used to be a couple of years ago, and his classmates realized that too. They were more tolerant towards him, but the école élémentaire was about to end for him, so it was a bit too late. Reading books at his age was not unusual, but Francois loved reading books because he did not need anyone to do that. It was the perfect hobby for someone who wasn't liked a lot by the people. At the same year, Francois was enlisted at a Collège, hoping that things would get better there. As he expected, the other children were more tolerant towards him, maybe because they didn't know him, or maybe because he had changed a lot. The children around him however quickly found out that Francois was very quiet, and shy too due to the countless rejections that he had received for the past five years. Children can be cruel, and so Francois found himself excluded from many things again. But this time it did not come from the children around him, but from himself. Francois found himself in a position where he would either have to change himself or carry that burden that he had given himself and move on. The idiot chose the latter.

729 A.G.S (813 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

3 years of Collège had passed, and Francois was now 14 years old. The Francois from 10 years ago was gone, and what was left was a boy who would barely talk, and was so introverted that he preferred to stay alone, or at least be in quiet situations where he could focus on his books. There were tries by his classmates to talk to him, but they were blocked by Francois. He accepted what he thought to be his fate, and decided that being by himself would be the most effective solution to staying away from the situations that he had experienced before. The mental scars that his early years left on him would evolve further in the next year, and Francois would finish Collège one year later.

731 A.G.S (815 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

Now 16, Francois was no longer treated as a child. He was given more rights, but he did not particularly care about those. He was still not really interested in interaction with other people either, but he noticed that his interest in women was growing stronger. However, he was not really interested in the women that he found on New Paris, but instead in women from elsewhere, just like there were on the ancient earth. At the very same time, he finished the Collège and enlisted in a lycée spatial, which means 3 years of learning everything about Space-Crafts, and space. Francois took this lycée in hopes to escape Saint German, and start over again. His class was relatively normal, a mix of boys and girls, loud and quiet, tall and small. Francois was by far the quietest, and in terms of hight, he was somewhere in between the tallest and smallest. Nothing special, and not really outstanding as to be expected.

731 A.G.S (815 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

Reading books has become very important to Francois over the past years, and to go with that he started drinking wine every now and then, whenever he felt like it. His favorite activity was sitting in his armchair, and old design which looked like it was going to fall apart soon, a book in the right hand, a glass of wine in the left. Francois wasn't an excessive drinker and tried to avoid getting, drunk by the wine as much as possible. To him, the wine was not alcohol, it was a flavorful substance that goes perfectly with what he did. Drinking wine wasn't something special in Saint Germain, but unlike other people, Francois tried not to drink it when he and his mother ate together. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but he tried to avoid it because his mother did not like to see him drinking the wine. His mother hasn't changed since Francois was born. She has been very noisy, still praising the young man for anything he did, and certainly, Francois was getting a bit annoyed by that. He and his mother were living in a relatively small flat, but it was large enough so that both Francois and his mother had their own rooms. Francois room was relatively empty, besides the armchair, a bed, and a few bookshelves on the walls, there wasn't anything that would indicate who or what Francois was like. If a stranger had entered his room, he might as well have guessed that there was an 80-years old woman that lived in this room.

732 A.G.S (816 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

One year in the lycée, Francois realized that he actually enjoyed what he was doing. For the first time that he can remember, he actually did like staying somewhere else than his armchair, not isolated from other people. The topics that were taught had caught his interest, and possibly the idea of flying out there, getting to know foreign women was something that just kept his interest up. He was getting more relaxed and open generally, talking to people more often. He did not know what to talk about with people,
so it ended up being about the stuff that was taught at the lycée more often than not. That was not a problem for him, however, in fact, it helped him to study the things that he had trouble understanding. It wasn't like the lycée was too hard, but studying more was always a good thing, at least according to his mother. Difficulties while being with other people were still a part of his conversations, the lack of ideas in terms of what to talk about, how to behave or to identify sarcasm were things that hindered his abilities to talk or interact with other people. One might describe that as silly, but there were also people who found his way of being somewhat charming.

734 A.G.S (818 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

The lycée was over, Francois passed. Nothing unexpected, as Francois has had decent grades ever since he started going to any school, despite him not feeling well at all. His urge to meet a person of the opposite sex that was not from Gallia grew stronger, and it was hard for him to keep his kink under control. Francois was still reading books, as it still was one of the main things he would spend his days with, it was quite hard to find some books about things that were actually something new for him, or so he thought because he never went anywhere else than Saint Germain. Books about Sirius, about those damn dogs that are not obeying the Roi of Gallia, that should be treated as nothing but animals. At least that is how he had thought before he started being interested in women that he had despised before, and that certainly confused him. He had no one to talk about regarding this, and so he continued carrying that feeling with him, considering it unnatural and something that he should not be feeling. He still wasn't quite good at talking to people, so it was all the more surprising for him that quite a few people approached him, most from the lycée still, but they were much more open after getting to know Francois and his rather quiet attitude. His mother was still extremely proud of her son, and she praised him every day for every little step he made on his way so far. Being praised for over 19 years was perhaps the only thing that caused him so much trouble, but also was what made him endure his earlier years. Which was quite amusing, seeing as his mother was the cause for both his bad times and for him carrying on through that very time that she was a cause for in the first place.

734 A.G.S (818 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

Since the lycée was so interesting for Francois, he decided to enlist to a Centre d'Instruction et d'Entraînement au Pilotage to learn how to properly control a spacecraft. It was snowy on Planet New Paris around this Season, and so whenever Francois wanted to go out he would be forced to wear warm clothes. That was not something that he particularly enjoyed, because he would always start sweating in those no matter how cold it was outside. Francois was effected by weather easily, as a slight difference in warmth would often result in him feeling sick or tired. So it was no surprise for him that at the time he enlisted at the Centre d'Instruction et d'Entraînement au Pilotage he felt really bad. In fact, it was so bad that he had to leave to room once before finishing the enlistment, as he felt like he had to puke. What a great headstart for his time at the centre. For the first time in his life, his mother also did not agree with the decision that Francois had made. She was against the enlistment, as she feared that she would lose her precious son in space one day. The first few weeks of the new school were skipped by Francois unwillingly, as he was laying sick in bed, due to the weather outside.

736 A.G.S (820 A.S), Planet New Paris, Ile de France

Francois had a rather easy time at the centre, his previous knowledge from the lycée helped him a great deal, and so it was no surprise that he could control the snubcrafts after just 2 years, and the theory was also not too hard to understand. The centre not only taught things about space-craft but due to recent circumstances they were also taught the basics of war. Fascinated by that, Francois decided to join the Royal Navy as soon as he was done with his current courses. It was Francois' favorite Season, Fall. The scenery looked beautiful, and the weather was just fine. It was not too hot for him, and it was not so cold that he would be forced to wear warm clothes. He was still a fan of reading books, and the taste of wine was something that he did not want to miss anymore. On top of that he has also made friends of his age, and was getting pretty used to talking to people. It was still not too comfortable for him, but at least he had someone to talk about his kink, which was surprisingly accepted by his friends. They were no big fans of it, but also did not look down on him for that, and so he was thankful that he was able to talk off the burden that he had been carrying with him for a while.

737 A.G.S (821 A.S), Unknown

He still was highly interested in those foreign women, and ultimately this may have been the reason why Francois decided to enlist into the Intelligence Wing of the Royal Navy. He was only a part of the secondary wing, but that did not stop him from trying to gather as much information about foreign women as possible. He wanted to ensign to the military part of the Royal Navy at first, but as he saw the reaction of his mother when he told her about that, he decided to choose something else to avoid open warfare. His mother was dear to him, after all, she had been there for him for all those years. She took care of him for almost 22 years now, and it was hard for him to show his gratitude for it. He had started spending more time outside, with friends, or just sitting at a park reading a book, and so his mother had complained a few times about not seeing him as often anymore, so he wanted to look after what she thought about his decisions. Wine was also a big part of Francois life, but wine also was not cheap. While flying for the Royal Intelligence Francois liked to look after alternatives for the wine and had tried things like Rheinbeer, or the Kusarian Sake. Both were not even comparable to the wine he has had so far, and he was usually drinking the more cheap stuff to avoid high expenses. Of course, flying around was not safe by any means, and especially not for Francois. He liked to slack off whenever he could, and that was something that had brought him into trouble more often than not.

741 A.G.S (825 A.S), Unknown (Present Day)

After establishing connections to two groups of interest near the Liberty-Borders in the Bering system, Francois decided that it was time for a break. It has been 4 years since he had last seen his mother, and was dying to see her again, as the only conversations he has had with her in that time were very short, and of course not in person. This bugged him to a point where he requested to be allowed to go back to Saint German to visit his mother, and that request was approved pretty quickly. Currently, Francois resides with his mother on Planet New Paris, talking to her about what has happened, what might happen in the future and what could become of Francois Rousse someday.