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Zephyr Arcs - Printable Version

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Zephyr Arcs - Titan* - 08-05-2018

Video shows current arcs
Info: "Zephyr" is Crayterian Carrier

Zephyr has 8 secondary turrets which is enough for a Light Capital Vessel. However ship design is pretty bad for turret placement, I'd like to suggest a way to fix this issue.

[Image: as.png]

[Image: asas.png]

1,2,3,4,5,6 is new secondary slots that will increase secondary amount of zephyr to 14 of course its not going to fire all of them to one location but it will buff rear defence stats as well as others

1 & 2: : 360 Degree Arcs, its located near primary slot, this slot will be most suitable for Flaks currently Zephyr doesnt have 360 arc for Flaks
3 & 4: 140 Degree Arcs, its located topside of the hull. This will increase overall defence. Can shoot everywhere except bottom side.
5 & 6: 120 Degree Arcs, located on rear, near the backward secondary slot. This will increase rear defence as well as Broadside defence.
So What do you guys think?

RE: Zephyr Arcs - TheShooter36 - 08-05-2018

Okaaaay. That is a cool idea.

RE: Zephyr Arcs - Titan* - 09-25-2018


RE: Zephyr Arcs - Titan* - 12-06-2018

another bump because zephyr still have worst arcs in the game